The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 103: You have to speak responsibly


Chen Yu frowned, looked at these people coldly, and said with displeasure in his tone: "If I am not there, how would I know if you are deliberately looking for trouble."

"Boy, you must speak responsibly!"

The security guard's face darkened, then he raised the electric baton in his hand, pointed at Chen Yu and said: "We at Changzheng Logistics Company are professionals, will we embarrass a poor guy like you?"

"You don't understand what I'm saying. I told you to go back and wait for news. Just get out of here. What's the point of talking here?"

Immediately, a security guard strode up to Chen Yu and stretched out his hand to push him out.

Chen Yu turned sideways and easily dodged, then grabbed his wrist and jerked it off.

There was only a 'click' sound, and there was a crisp sound of bones breaking in the security guard's arm.

The man's face changed drastically in pain, he held his wrist tightly and screamed in pain.

This scene caused the expressions of several security guards around to change suddenly!

They immediately raised the electric batons in their hands and quickly surrounded Chen Yu in a circle.

"Boy, if you dare to attack us, are you seeking death?"

"Brothers, come on and destroy this kid!"

Several bodyguards roared angrily, and then quickly picked up the electric batons and sprinted towards Chen Yu's position fiercely!

Chen Yu stood on the spot and did not dodge. He watched several other bodyguards rush over and quickly kicked one of them away.

Then he turned over and escaped from their encirclement.

Chen Yu's speed was so fast that they couldn't react in time, and they felt the sound of breaking through the air blasting in their ears. Chen Yu swept his legs and quickly knocked several people to the ground.

The screams continued one after another. Chen Yu only used one move to easily kill them all.

After seeing this scene, the security guard who was still standing at the door and shouting was suddenly frightened and his expression changed!

His whole body was shaking violently, and even his breathing was rapid and tense.

"You...what are you going to do? Don't come over here. I'll call the police if you come over again!"

"I'm worried that you won't retaliate."

Chen Yu looked at the security guard with a cold expression, and shouted coldly: "Just in time, call the people from the inspection office to come and take a look. What are the substandard parts of my batch of goods?"

The security guard was so frightened that he immediately took out his cell phone and called someone from the Inspectorate Office.

There were no guards at the gate, so Chen Yu strode in quickly and went straight to the place where the goods were stored.

"That's the warehouse over there. You can't go there. Stop right there..."

The security guard shouted weakly. Seeing that Chen Yu had no intention of stopping, he immediately did not dare to continue shouting.

I can only stand there obediently and secretly call the chairman to report the situation here.

When Chen Yu walked to the door of the warehouse, he found that his goods had been put on another truck by several workers.

On the truck, the four big characters 'Zhang's Group' were very dazzling.

Chen Yu was furious when he saw this scene.

This Zhang Fugui really comes to trouble him again and again!

First, he blocked his computer, and now he even blocked his phone!

Originally, for the sake of safety, Chen Yu did not let the goods go by water to prevent the goods from being intercepted in advance like Wang Ziyuan.

But I didn't expect that this guy from Land Transport also had connections, so he directly called someone from the logistics company to seize his goods!

Looking at the tattered goods stored in the warehouse, there are some old and broken public telephones, and some of the wires are exposed.

I don’t know where this group of people found these things. Are they still planning to exchange the civet cat for the prince

Chen Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, immediately took out his mobile phone and took a few photos in the distance as evidence.

After all, the motorcycle phone in his hand is the latest new model with a camera function.

Even if the mobile phone screen is relatively small, it is enough to record this scene.

When Chen Yu was about to walk over, he heard a slightly dissatisfied roar from behind him.

"Stop, who are you, and why are you in the forbidden area of our warehouse?"

Chen Yu looked around and saw a man wearing a white shirt and meticulously combed hair walking over with long strides.

He looked extremely slender and short, but his eyes were bright and he looked extremely shrewd.

Chen Yu heard that several workers unloading the goods called him chairman.

Only then did he realize that the chairman of Long March Logistics Company was the short man in front of him.

He glanced at the man coldly and asked displeasedly: "Why didn't I know that your Changzheng Logistics Company is qualified to detain customers' goods?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am the owner of the Gonghua Supermarket store on Longfeng Street. My name is Chen Yu."

Chen Yu raised his head and introduced himself.

The man opposite pushed up the glasses on his face, squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Yu, then nodded and said: "My name is Chen Haomin, and I am the chairman of Changzheng Logistics Company."

"Chairman Chen, I am here this time because I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

"Why are my goods being detained at your place because they do not meet the requirements, and also being moved to another company's truck?"

Chen Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Chen Haomin in front of him indifferently, and asked.

"Haha, young man, it looks like you haven't graduated from college yet, right?"

"It is indeed admirable that someone at such a young age has the courage to start his own business, but I have to remind you, if you don't understand, don't look confident."

Chen Haomin smiled slightly, and at first glance he looked like a smooth old man.

He walked to the side of the truck, patted the truck gently, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence."

"Chairman Zhang of the Zhang Group also ordered a batch of phones, which were transported by our logistics company."

"Since we are a logistics company, we must first ensure that the goods we transport are safe."

"Since your goods have safety hazards, we will naturally hold them in the company and conduct a comprehensive inspection to eliminate the safety hazards before shipping them."

Chen Haomin pointed at the goods piled up in the warehouse with tattered cartons, and said helplessly: "It's not that I deducted your goods on purpose, it's because the safety risks of your goods are too great."

"Look at it, it's already in such tatters. How can we deliver it to you while ensuring safety?"