The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 138: Dog eyes cannot recognize people



A crisp sound exploded in the air instantly.

The man in sunglasses covered his face in shock, slowly raised his head in disbelief, looked at Fang Chengkai, and asked hesitantly: "Brother Da Fang... you... did you hit the wrong person?"

The person who should be beaten should be Wang Zikun, the impostor, but now why is he being beaten instead

Fang Chengkai was shaking with anger, pointed angrily at the man in sunglasses, and yelled: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly!"

"This is my boss, the director-general of the supervision department, Wang Zikun. How dare you curse my boss? Do you not want to kill me?"

Fang Chengkai raised his hand angrily and hit the man in sunglasses with a hammer. His eyes were bruised and his cheeks were red and swollen, making him look like a beaten pig's head.

The man in sunglasses was beaten repeatedly and wailed, begging: "Don't hit me, don't hit Brother Da Fang, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong!"

The man in sunglasses begged painfully, feeling aggrieved and aggrieved, wishing he could leave this place of right and wrong right now.

He never thought that this powerless middle-aged man actually knew the director-general of the supervision department, and even invited him here!

Isn’t it obvious that we are giving them eye drops

As soon as he recalled what he had said just now, the man in sunglasses wanted to give himself a few slaps and a slap in the face.

What he said just now was a bit too much.

No matter what, he never expected that it would become like this.

But now it's too late to regret, everything is completely over!

Seeing this, Wang Zikun glanced coldly at Fang Chengkai in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Fang Chengkai, are you really brave? Do you dare to do such a thing in broad daylight?"

An angry shout made Fang Chengkai tremble all over and almost fell to his knees in fright.

He was frightened and opened his mouth tremblingly, explaining eagerly: "No, no, Governor-General, this is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..."

"What a misunderstanding!"

Wang Zikun angrily raised his foot and kicked Fang Chengkai hard in front of him. The kick staggered him and fell to the ground. He lay on the ground in fear and did not dare to raise his head.

Wang Zikun suppressed his anger and scolded coldly: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have known that the people under my command were so rotten and virtuous!"

"From today on, you are no longer a member of the supervision department, and I don't need trash like you in the future!"

Wang Zikun said, waved his hand, and said to his subordinates: "Catch him and send him to the review office to see if he has done anything else."

"Yes, Governor-General!"

The two bodyguards under Wang Zikun immediately stepped forward and arrested Fang Chengkai.

Fang Chengkai was so frightened that his pupils trembled, his expression was horrified, and even his breathing began to become rapid. He stammered nervously: "Chief Governor, you are wronged, I am wronged!"

"General Governor, please give me another chance, I will never dare to do this again!"

Wang Zikun, however, seemed oblivious and looked back at Fang Chengkai being stuffed into the car. Then he looked back at the middle-aged man and said solemnly: "This gentleman, I'm really sorry."

"It was the negligence of our supervision department that caused this situation. On behalf of the supervision department, I apologize to you."

The middle-aged man was flattered, nodded hurriedly, and said gratefully: "Sir, thank you for your help, otherwise I really don't know what to do. Thank you!"

"No need to say thank you. If you want to thank me, just thank Mr. Chen. If it weren't for Mr. Chen, I wouldn't know these things."

Wang Zikun smiled slightly and sold himself a favor for Chen Yu.

"Mr. Chen, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first and leave this boy to me. Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Wang Zikun looked at Chen Yu firmly. After saying these words, Chen Yu nodded with a smile and said: "Director Wang, I believe in your ability and you will definitely seek justice for us."

Wang Zikun chuckled and waved his hands hurriedly: "What do you call Governor Wang? Just call me Brother Wang. Does the relationship between the two of us still need to be so polite?"

Bai Yan on the side was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time after seeing this scene.

She felt more and more that Chen Yu was a very mysterious man, and she couldn't see through him at all.

He is capable and far-sighted, and now he has such powerful connections that he even knows the Governor General of Jiangcheng Supervision Department. What kind of person is he

After the two exchanged some pleasantries, Wang Zikun left with the others.

The rest of the gangsters also took advantage of their distraction and sneaked away.

Wang Zikun was too lazy to take care of that much. After all, the mastermind had been caught. The remaining gangsters were just following orders and taking money to do things.

Now that they have learned their lesson, and the manpower they brought today was not enough, they ran away.

After watching Wang Zikun leave, Chen Yu smiled slightly, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Since the contract has been signed, I will find someone from the construction team to come over tomorrow to survey and build the factory building."

"Okay, okay, the right to use this land from now on is yours. You can use it how you want."

The middle-aged man was very grateful to Chen Yu and immediately shook hands with Chen Yu and agreed to the matter.

If it weren't for Chen Yu's help, he would have been tricked by this group of people and spent an extra 10,000 yuan.

You know, in this day and age, it takes countless people to work hard for decades to save ten thousand yuan.

After Chen Yu exchanged greetings with the middle-aged man, he immediately left with Bai Yan.

Sitting in the car, Bai Yan looked at Chen Yu with a smile and couldn't help but praise: "Chen Yu, you are really surprising. You even know the governor general of the supervision department?"

"It's funny, there are still many things you don't know about me. Senior sister, you need to have more contact with me to understand me better."

Chen Yu said with a hahahaha.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yan's face looked slightly embarrassed, and she hurriedly waved her hands and said: "I have a meeting to hold in the afternoon, please send me back to the design company first."

Seeing that Bai Yan seemed to be avoiding himself, Chen Yu didn't say anything more, but nodded and agreed.

The car quickly drove to Yuanfang Design Company. After Bai Yan thanked him, he got out of the car and left here as if running away.