The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 167: Listen to what you have to say


Nowadays, the stock of Midland Homes is rising all the way and continues to be popular. Many people are eager to give it a try by investing.

But now, Chen Yu's words have made many people feel uneasy.

The people sitting around Chen Yu all heard what he said and couldn't help asking nervously: "This young gentleman, are you telling the truth? Is this stock really going to fall below the trading limit? "

"I don't think it's possible. It's so possible. Mei Di Home's reputation in our Jiangcheng is so good, so there's no way it's possible."

"Yeah, I think the guy in the suit is right. I'll buy this stock soon."

"Meidi Homes is a local company in Jiangcheng. It has been rising continuously during this period. I have also bought several shares of Midi Homes, and it is fine at all!"

Many people began to discuss in low voices. Everyone thought that what Chen Yu said was not worthy of belief at all.

Chen Yu, however, didn't care. Instead, he chuckled and said, "You don't have to believe it. You'll know the result in five minutes."

They are sitting here now and they can't buy stocks. After all, this is not the 21st century. Everything can be traded on a mobile phone.

Even if they don't believe in themselves, except for those who have already bought shares of Midland Homes, others have no chance to buy them now.

After all, they still have to wait for Sun Pengwei to start his speech and analyze the stock market conditions, which is much more credible than Meng Fan's casual words.

Zhang Qian glanced at Chen Yu suspiciously, not knowing why he was so sure.

For a moment, Zhang Qian didn't know who to believe. Should she believe what Chen Yu said or what her senior said

As time passed by, Zhang Qian, Meng Fan, and several people around them who were following the trend were all staring intently at the picture on the LED screen.

The stock of Midland Homes has been rising slightly without any change.

Seeing that the five minutes were almost up, Meng Fan couldn't wait to show a sarcastic look, looked at Chen Yu with a smile, and said sarcastically: "Mr. Chen, your judgment was wrong this time."

"Not only did the stock market not fall to the limit, but it was booming all the way and still rising. Although it was a small increase, it was enough to make a lot of profits."

"According to what I said, this must be the best choice for novices to invest in. Mr. Chen is young, has not been deeply involved in this industry, and has little experience and qualifications. He still needs to learn more."

Meng Fan inexplicably felt a little more superior in front of Chen Yu.

Although he is older than Chen Yu, he and Zhang Qian are not much different in age.

He is of the right age, and he has senior qualifications and experience. He is also the eldest son of the Meng family. He has been in the Meng Group for three years now. No matter what, Chen Yu can't compare to him.

Now, he has made a small splash of limelight in front of Zhang Qian, which will definitely make Zhang Qian look at him with admiration.

But when she looked at Chen Yu, she found that there was no trace of panic on his face, but instead he was extremely calm.

He smiled slightly, chuckled and said, "Don't worry, isn't there still thirty seconds left?"

Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, and then a faint sneer appeared on his face.

He looked at Chen Yu sarcastically, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait until you are thirty seconds away!"

"If it's not what you said in thirty seconds, you'd better leave here as soon as possible to avoid further embarrassment and conspicuousness."

But everyone who comes here knows more or less how the stock market develops.

But now, this kid has made it clear that he doesn't understand anything, and he deliberately said these ridiculous things here to attract Zhang Qian's attention.

How could such a man be worthy of Zhang Qian

Chen Yu did not answer what Meng Fan said, but held up his phone and looked at the time on it.

Thirty seconds later, there was a sudden commotion in the venue.

Many people looked at the picture displayed on the LED screen in astonishment and burst into exclamations.

"How could this happen? Why did it hit the limit without any warning..."

"Yes, I just bought this stock some time ago, and I was planning to take this opportunity to make a small amount of money. But now it's bad, I didn't make any money, and I lost all my money!"

Many people sighed and were in extreme pain, and their expressions became particularly painful.

When Meng Fan and Zhang Qian saw the picture displayed on the screen, they were so shocked that they couldn't recover for a long time and couldn't say anything!

"How could it be, how could it be that the stock price of Midland Homes really dropped to its limit?"

Meng Fan's pupils were shocked, and he couldn't accept this fact for a long time.

He couldn't help but look at Chen Yu hesitantly, and asked suspiciously: " do you know that Mei Di Homeland will fall to the limit?"

Zhang Qian also looked at Chen Yu with a face full of shock, and asked blankly: "Yes, Chen Yu, how did you know?"

"I have told you a long time ago about the advantages and disadvantages of this stock, but you don't believe it."

Chen Yu smiled and spread his hands and said: "And there is one thing that you may not know. In fact, the reason why Mei Di Home has such a good reputation is because they spent a lot of money and deliberately publicized it."

"There is a lot of black material that has been suppressed. It's just that you don't know it. This time it fell below the limit because there was an accident at the Midi Home construction site and it couldn't be covered up."

"There has been an accident?"

Zhang Qian's eyes widened in astonishment, she looked at Chen Yu blankly, and asked hesitantly: "But how do you know this? Do you have the ability to predict the future?"

Of course there is.

Chen Yu only thought about these words in his mind and did not say them out loud.

After all, if he really said it and people found out, they would probably knock him out one day and send him directly to the laboratory to dissect and study his structure.

Now faced with Zhang Qian's rhetorical question, Chen Yu could only explain perfunctorily: "Because I have friends who work at Mei Di Home, so I know more information."

"Originally, in order to save construction costs, many of the building materials used by Meiji Homes were substandard and inferior, and something would happen sooner or later. I just happened to guess it."

Although Zhang Qian was dubious about Chen Yu's words, she probably couldn't think of anything else besides this explanation.

Meng Fan on the side couldn't help but look at Chen Yu hesitantly, pointed to another stock, and asked: "Mr. Chen, can I ask you what you think of Chengda Construction's stock?"