The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 183: Blood ties


Grandpa Zhang Guoqiang spoke softly, pointed to the chair next to him, and whispered to Zhang Qian: "Don't wake your grandma. She stayed with me all day and night and finally fell asleep. Let her rest for a while."

Zhang Qian nodded, tiptoed, pulled the chair over and sat down.

Looking at her haggard and sickly grandfather, Zhang Qian's tears suddenly flowed down her face.

Zhang Guoqiang chuckled, waved his hand and said softly: "I'm not dead yet, why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry, Grandpa, I was too willful before. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been so angry that I made you sick..."

Zhang Qian's aggrieved tears rolled down her face.

The words she said to Zhang Haofei at that time were just angry words.

During this period, the Zhang family had indeed been a bit strict with her, and they even forced her to marry the eldest young master of the Liang family!

Although this idea came not from my grandfather, but from my uncle.

In addition, the Liang family also intends to marry their family, which has been mentioned many times overtly and covertly.

The eldest son of the Liang family is a real playboy. Not only does he not do his job properly, he also changes girlfriends as fast as water. No woman has stayed with him for more than a month.

Some time ago, some people saw Young Master Liang appearing in the hospital for a physical examination. It was due to that kind of disease.

It's probably because I've been having too much fun recently and contracted some indescribable disease.

Even if all the men in the world were dead, Zhang Qian would never marry a scumbag like the eldest son of the Liang family!

Zhang Guoqiang waved his hand lightly and said softly: "It's not because of you. This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't have to blame yourself."

Zhang Qian wiped her tears, looked at her grandfather in confusion, and asked, "What's that for?"

"I heard from Zhang Kairui that it was because you helped me reject the Liang family's marriage proposal that the Liang family secretly plotted against our Zhang Group."

"The Liang family is too mean to do this. Are they really planning to break up with our Zhang family and fight to the end?"

After hearing what her grandfather said, Zhang Qian actually understood.

Even without asking her grandfather, Zhang Qian could guess how the Zhang family's disaster happened.

It's just that grandpa didn't want him to marry the Liang family, and he was unwilling to sacrifice his own happiness in exchange for the family's honor, so he rejected the Liang family's proposal of marriage.

The Liang family had a grudge, so they planned to suppress the Zhang family and prepare to use this to force the Zhang family.

Even though the Zhang family has many heirs, none of them are worthy of great use.

The two cousins didn't have much acumen for running a company, and they themselves were late bloomers, so Grandpa had no one to rely on and could only rely on himself.

The crisis faced by the Zhang Group during this period must have been borne by Grandpa himself.

But after all, he was old, and dealing with these things was really exhausting, so he fell ill.

But Zhang Guoqiang just smiled faintly, waved his hand, shook his head and said: "Sissi, don't worry, grandpa is fine."

"Let me ask you, Zhang Haofei said that you met a male liar and he deceived you into investing all the entrepreneurial funds that your grandfather gave you. Is it true?"

When Zhang Guoqiang talked about this matter, his face suddenly became serious.

Naturally, he was worried that his precious granddaughter had been defrauded of both money and sex.

But after all, Zhang Qian has grown up, and she can't care too much about some things, so she can only give him some advice.

After all, after going through this illness, he also understood that he could not stay with Zhang Qian for the rest of his life.

Zhang Qian suddenly felt shy, smiled and shook her head: "Grandpa, don't worry, he is not a liar. I am currently cooperating with him. I believe there will be good news in less than three months."

"And I have recently learned a lot of financial knowledge from him. I can read the stock market and other things, and I also know how to invest."

"Although I'm still far from being knowledgeable, I believe it will get better and better. Grandpa, can you trust me?"

Zhang Qian's words did not reassure Zhang Guoqiang, but made his face become more serious.

He spoke solemnly, shook his head and said, "Sissi, although the stock market is highly profitable and makes money quickly, it is also very risky. If you don't do it right, you will lose everything."

"You are wandering around alone now. The person I worry about the most is you."

"You have a simple temper and haven't been in the mall for long, so you can easily be deceived. If all the money is lost by then, your cousin and his gang will definitely take this matter as an excuse."

Although Zhang Guoqiang was always serious with Zhang Qian on the surface, deep down he still felt very sorry for his granddaughter.

Hearing that her grandfather was so worried, Zhang Qian immediately explained: "Grandpa, don't worry, Qian Qian knows what's going on."

"Chen Yu is a top student in the Finance Department of Jiangcheng University. He has brains and wisdom. He made half a million in the stock market with only 100,000 yuan, and he still owns his own company."

"Grandpa, isn't this the kind of young and promising talent you always said? I believe there will be a way out by following him. Grandpa, just trust my judgment this time."

Zhang Qian persuaded patiently, but as soon as she finished speaking, she received a call from Chen Yu.

"Grandpa, I'm going to take a call."

Zhang Qian took the phone and walked out of the ward. After picking up the phone, she heard Chen Yu from the opposite side asking: "How is your grandfather's illness?"

"It's nothing serious." Zhang Qian replied.

"Okay, let me tell you some good news. At the stock market analysis conference we went to before, I told you which stock is the most worth investing in. Do you still remember it?"

"Remember, didn't you tell me that day to buy that stock in the afternoon? I bought it for 200,000 yuan."

Zhang Qian still remembers how Chen Yu vowed to herself that if she bought this stock, she would make a profit without losing any money.

Zhang Qian was also doubtful at that time. After all, the big stock market analyst was not optimistic about this stock at all.

It turned out that the big names were optimistic about it, and the people who bought it lost all their money. She was glad that she didn't buy it at the time.

"The stock we bought has already reached its daily limit. You can check your account. The funds should have reached 950,000 now." Chen Yu said with a smile.

"What, nine hundred and fifty thousand?"

Zhang Qian looked shocked. She was worried about her grandfather just now and didn't pay attention to the text message prompts on her phone.

Now after hearing what Chen Yu said, he immediately took off his phone and rummaged through the text messages. Sure enough, he saw the news that a sum of money had been transferred to the account five minutes ago!

The balance in the account now has indeed reached 950,860!

"Chen Yu! You are too awesome!"