The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 185: Smart mind


"Okay, I just happened to have finished my work. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Chen Yu smiled slightly, hung up the phone, walked out of the building, and drove straight to Pengda Building.

Arriving at the cafe downstairs of Xu Changping's company, as soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw Xu Changping waving to him.

The two went straight to the private room on the second floor, ordered two cups of coffee, and sat down.

"Chen Yu, I have always admired your talent. This time, it really shocked me."

Xu Changping pushed the white sugar in front of him towards Chen Yu's position and said with a smile: "Since your talent can make you successful in the stock market, you will definitely be able to start a big career in the future."

Chen Yu smiled slightly, took the sugar, threw two into the coffee cup, and stirred.

"Chairman Xu specially called me here today, not just to say complimentary words to me and for me to listen, right?"

"Haha, of course not."

As Xu Changping said this, he took out a bank card directly from his pocket and handed it to Chen Yu.

"There are 10 million funds in it. I will buy your fund and you can use the money as you wish."

Xu Changping's willingness to spend this money can be regarded as the most trustworthy expression of Chen Yu.

Looking at the bank card in front of him, Chen Yu smiled slightly, nodded, took the card politely, and said with a smile: "Then first thank you, Chairman Xu, for your support."

Chen Yu knew that he already knew the news about the stock market victory, and he also saw his ability in the stock market, so he chose to completely believe in himself.

This move turned an enemy into a friend, which made Chen Yu feel particularly happy.

But since Xu Changping sincerely wants to cooperate with him, just saying so will not do.

After all, I have given him a taste of the sweetness, so I must let him help me solve some problems.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu smiled and said: "But Chairman Xu, the company's business has not been going very smoothly recently. Several partners have terminated their contracts with us."

"If the company's capital chain is broken, I don't know if the fund bought by Chairman Xu can last until the time when our Yuanda Group can survive."

Although Chen Yu's words were reserved, as a veteran in the shopping mall, would he not know what Chen Yu's words meant

He replied with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already asked people to solve this matter. Tomorrow, all your previous partners will go to Yuanda Group to renew their contracts with you."

Chen Yu did not expect that Xu Changping would be so well prepared when he came to see him this time.

He nodded with a smile and said: "Thank you very much, Director Xu, for your help. I believe that with the help of Director Xu, Yuanda Group will be able to continue operating."

Soon, Chen Yu signed the contract with Xu Changping, and the two shook hands. Chen Yu smiled and said: "Since Chairman Xu trusts me so much, let's wait and hear the good news in three months."

According to Chen Yu's understanding of the stock market, although it is a bit difficult to operate this time, he will definitely make a steady profit after three months.

After the two finished drinking coffee, the chat officially ended.

Xu Changping looked at Chen Yu and said politely: "Chen Yu, where are you going? I'll drive you there?"

"No, I drove here myself, so I won't bother Chairman Xu. See you later."

Chen Yu waved his hand, and then drove straight to Gonghua Supermarket.

He also needs to make some preparations to deal with those people who come to the supermarket tomorrow and ask for compensation.

That night, Su Penghai and Han Xuemei were helping Chen Yu prepare at Gonghua Supermarket. Because they were too busy, Chen Yu even called Jiang Yurou and Cao Xu to come over and help him.

He didn't know if it was because Jiang Yurou was his wife in the last life, but when he called her, his tone was not polite at all, as if Jiang Yurou was still his pillow.

After hanging up the phone, Han Xuemei on the side kept blinking at Chen Yu.

"Son, is this Miss Jiang your girlfriend?"

"If you are a girlfriend, you must treat her well and never let her down, do you understand?"

Han Xuemei said earnestly, but Chen Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He waved his hands quickly and said: "Mom, that will be three years later. Are you too impatient now?"

In my last life, I got married to Jiang Yurou three years later.

But I didn't expect that just now in a hurry, I said this matter in one word!

It's better not to say it. The speaker has no intention but the listener has the intention. Han Xuemei immediately thought that Chen Yu had already planned to propose to Jiang Yurou three years later!

So when Jiang Yurou came over, she was very enthusiastic towards her as if she were his own daughter, which made Chen Yu look helpless.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Gonghua Supermarket opened its doors. As soon as the rolling shutter door opened, Chen Yu was immediately shocked by the scene outside!

I saw a sea of people at the door, people everywhere, everyone was talking loudly, and I didn't know what they were talking about.

This group of people came here at around seven o'clock in the morning. They were worried that Chen Yu would break his promise, so they simply did not open the door today. What he said was deliberately deceiving them.

Now that I saw that Chen Yu not only opened the door, but also looked calm and composed, I felt a little relieved.

Han Xuemei and Chen Penghai were startled when they saw the group of people at the door.

They nervously walked to Chen Yu and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Yu, should we start the compensation now?"

The more people gather, the more people gather, so it’s not a problem to leave it hanging all the time.

Chen Yu waved his hand lightly and said in a serious tone: "No, parents, since I promised them one o'clock in the afternoon, then I can't miss one minute."

"Integrity is what matters in business. If we don't talk about integrity and only consider their mood, then they will have something to say."

Seeing Chen Yu's insistence, Han Xuemei and Chen Penghai didn't say anything more, so they quietly waited for the arrival of one o'clock in the afternoon.

Soon, more and more people gathered at the entrance of Gonghua Supermarket, including many watching the excitement, and many carrying small stools and sitting at the entrance to queue up, waiting to ask for compensation.

Suddenly, Longfeng Street became the busiest street in Jiangcheng, and almost half of the city's people gathered here.

At 12:30 noon, Chen Yu saw Zhao Baogang walking towards this side with slow and leisurely steps.

Behind him were two social youths carrying cloth bags.