The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 190: Resolve with wit


She glanced at Bai Xue and Jiang Yurou who were helping to greet the guests, and her heart was filled with happiness.

She also doesn’t know which of these two beautiful girls will be her future daughter-in-law

After the incident was over, Jiang Yurou volunteered to stay in Gonghua Supermarket to help. She looked like a good wife and loving mother, which won Han Xuemei's liking.

Bai Xue, on the other hand, couldn't stay long because she still had things to do in the office.

Chen Yu offered to drive Bai Xue back to the office, but Bai Xue did not refuse. He followed Chen Yu to the side of the car and sat directly in.

"It seems that your career has been very prosperous recently."

Bai Xue took the initiative to speak and started to chat.

Chen Yu started the car, fastened his seat belt, smiled and shook his head: "There are a lot of troubles. Thanks to your help today, otherwise, I really don't know what to do."

Bai Xue waved her hand and said with a smile: "Since you treat me as a friend, then don't be so polite."

"But I was really shocked when I received your call just now. I thought it was your girlfriend calling me."

Bai Xueruo said this vaguely, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Chen Yu smiled and waved his hand: "She's not my girlfriend, she's my junior high school girl from college. I couldn't get away at the time, so I had to ask her to pick you up for me."


Bai Xue nodded, and the two fell into silence.

Perhaps because he felt that the surroundings were too quiet, Chen Yu felt a little embarrassed, so he quickly asked without saying anything: "By the way, how is your sister lately? I haven't seen her for a long time."

"I don't know what she is busy with. Every time I call her to make an appointment, she is either busy or has no time. It is as if she is deliberately avoiding me."

Bai Xue was stunned and asked in surprise: "How could it be possible? I see that she has been very leisurely recently, and she still has time to ask me to go shopping. Did you have a fight?"

"Not really. I don't know what happened to her suddenly."

Chen Yu was confused and didn't know why Bai Yan suddenly distanced himself from him.

After all, the two of them are now partners. They should come out to have dinner and chat whenever they have nothing to do. Why are they hiding from themselves like the god of plague

Chen Yu was confused and confused.

Zhang Qian, who is also his partner, has become much closer to him recently, as if she wants to stick to him all day long.

But Zhang Qian is not the feeling he likes. He is more just curious about this woman and has no other thoughts.

After all, Zhang Qian seems to be very good at having fun, clubbing, racing, and everything. If his girlfriend were this type, he would probably be very angry.

Soon, Chen Yu drove to the door of Fangyuan Law Firm.

Chen Yu thanked Bai Yan again, watched her walk in, and then immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

Today is an important day for the stock market to close. After Chen Yu finished everything, he just went to the securities exchange market and started staring at the closing information.

As soon as he arrived at the trading market, Chen Yu received a call from his secretary at Yuanda Group.

"Chairman Chen, in ten minutes it's time to sign contracts with various groups. I was worried that you had forgotten, so I called you to remind you."

After the secretary finished speaking, Chen Yu lightly agreed and said, "Yes, I understand. Let them wait in the conference room first."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, the secretary opposite agreed and hung up the phone.

The matter of signing a contract with the heads of these companies is not as important as the closing of the stock market.

After the secretary hung up the phone, he immediately arranged for the person in charge of the other company to come to the conference room and sit down, and brought warm water.

In less than five minutes, the general managers of two more companies arrived. The secretary was also arranged to enter the conference room and waited for a while.

Ten minutes were about to pass, and soon there were no less than ten company leaders sitting in the conference room.

But Chen Yu showed no sign of coming back yet.

Her eyes were filled with confusion, and she didn't know if she should urge Chen Yu.

After all, these people in charge came here to renew their contracts with their company. This was a rare opportunity to develop the company. Why did Chen Yu give her the feeling that he didn't take it seriously at all

In fact, since Chen Yu took over the Yuanda Group, the company's efficiency has been declining.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people resigning in large numbers.

Many old employees have resigned, and only a few newcomers and managers are still holding on to their posts.

They don't have deep feelings for this position or this company.

It's because it's the end of the year now, and if you resign now, it won't be easy to find a job by then.

So they are preparing to hold on until at least the end of the year, when the recruitment season begins, before making plans.

Right now, this group of people who have come to renew their contracts are like a blessing after a long drought for Yuanda Group!

But Chen Yu didn't care about them at all. What on earth was going on

The secretary was worried that if time ran out, they would lose their temper and leave here directly.

So after hesitating for a moment, he still called Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was concentrating on the stock market and controlling his own funds. After receiving a call from his secretary, his face suddenly sank.

He picked up the phone, and then said in a very serious tone: "Secretary Zhou, I will be back in half an hour. Please ask them to wait for a while, and the guests will be arranged in the conference room first."

After Zhou Fangfang heard this, she suddenly began to feel uneasy.

She hesitated for a moment, but still did not say anything. Instead, she nodded and agreed: "Okay, Director Chen, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Fangfang suddenly wondered if Chen Yu had been stimulated in some way.

With so many big customers taking the initiative to talk about cooperation, why was Chen Yu indifferent? He didn't even come over in advance to prepare and wait, but instead acted like he was ignoring them

But before this group of people, when they were not prepared to cooperate, they spoke absolutely absolutely.

Now, he came to ask for cooperation, and even looked down on him, which made Zhou Fangfang realize one thing, that is, they must have been settled by Chen Yu.

It seemed that Chen Yu had grasped the reason why they would definitely agree, so he treated them so casually.

You know, although Zhou Fangfang is a new secretary, no one of her previous bosses would treat their clients so casually.

Before customers come, they will come to the company an hour early to prepare gifts for reception, for fear that something will go wrong and the cooperation will collapse.