The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 203: No future


Zhang Kailin actually doesn't care much about whether he is qualified to compete for the position of heir to the Zhang Group.

He received an investment start-up capital of one million from his grandfather and started some catering business on his own. Although the initial investment was relatively high, the rate of making money was not as fast as others.

But the win lies in long-term and stability, and recently many franchisees have submitted their intention to join. Just by earning the franchise fee, you can make a lot of money.

Besides, Zhang Guoqiang was originally not optimistic about Zhang Kailin's succession as the successor. In fact, Zhang Kailin himself knew this.

Now that he can use this million of funds to add so many assets to himself, he is already satisfied. He doesn't ask for too much and just takes things as they come.

Moreover, he also understood that he could not compete with Zhang Kairui at all, so he might as well develop his own career and live a comfortable life in the future.

In addition, now, most of the Zhang Group has been hollowed out.

Even if you really take over, you will only be faced with some empty shells.

He really didn't have any interest in running such a company, so he forgot about it.

Zhang Kailin's words suddenly made Zhang Kairui's expression suddenly change with anger!

He didn't expect that his younger brother would be so angry at such a critical time. It was really too much.

But because of grandpa's face, he couldn't say much.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing."

Zhang Guoqiang waved his hand lightly, and then said in a serious tone: "Some time ago, I had some health problems, and you all know it."

"Although the doctor said that if you take good care of your body, there will be no serious problems, but I still want to properly explain my funeral while I am still awake."

After Zhang Guoqiang finished speaking, he spoke calmly and said word by word: "Besides, I can't be too tired now, or I won't have enough energy to take care of the group's affairs."

"So I am going to announce today the position of the future heir to the Zhang Group."

After hearing these words, Zhang Kairui's face suddenly became a little more excited.

Looking forward to grandpa announcing that the final winner is himself.

He said eagerly: "Grandpa, this is my recent achievement, please take a look at it!"

After all, what Zhang Qian said just now was a bit too exaggerated.

Who knows if she is fake? Besides, these things cannot be investigated in a day and a half.

Unexpectedly, just when Zhang Kairui swore to hand over his information, Zhang Guoqiang waved his hand lightly and said softly: "Actually, what I said at the beginning was just to train your abilities in the shopping mall."

"Now, whether you lose or make a profit, you have to bear the loss yourself, or you can put your hard-earned money away and start the next investment task."

"Why don't we change the method of choosing the heir today?"

Zhang Guoqiang smiled slightly, glanced at the descendants in front of him, and asked: "If you really take over the Zhang Group, how will you run the Zhang Group well?"

In this case, when the question was asked, it suddenly seemed like an interview, which made Zhang Kairui's face froze.

Unexpectedly, grandpa suddenly changed his plan!

He was furious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Even if grandpa really prefers Zhang Qian, the head of the family is still grandpa Zhang Guoqiang. He said the truth and he didn't even have a chance to question it!

When Zhang Guoqiang asked this question, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became depressed.

Many people looked at me and me with nervous expressions in their eyes.

When Zhang Guoqiang asks this, does it mean that he wants everyone to speak freely, and then select the person who has the best ability to manage the company and support him as the successor

When they thought of this, many people immediately started talking privately, eager to show themselves in front of Zhang Guoqiang.

However, Zhang Kairui did not give everyone a chance, but stood up first with an extremely firm tone.

"Grandpa, I think the Zhang Group's economy is suffering an unprecedented impact."

"Various projects of Zhang Group are on shaky ground, and follow-up payments have been delayed in arriving. The partners used various reasons to shirk their responsibilities and refused to pay the final payment."

"The capital chain of the Zhang Group has been broken, and it has now reached a very serious stage. If we can marry Zhang Qian to the eldest son of the Liang family, the pressure on the group will be relieved by then."

The Liang family did not propose a marriage with the Zhang family just once or twice.

If they had not come to propose marriage and were met with anger by Zhang Qian, and even grandpa himself was unwilling to agree, the Zhang family would not have been affected, and the group would not have been affected.

Is the Zhang family's century-old legacy going to be sacrificed just because of Zhang Qian's personal happiness

After thinking about it, no one is willing to let this happen!

In this world where the weak eat the strong, the alliance between the strong and the strong is the real truth!

If it is just a matter of emotions, how can the big families develop and build each other

When he thought of this, Zhang Kairui immediately said anxiously: "Grandpa, now is not the time to be emotional!"

"If Zhang Qian's happiness can be sacrificed in exchange for the future of the entire Zhang family, how cost-effective is this deal?"

Zhang Guoqiang's face became angry, he slammed the table and said, "You actually regard your sister's happiness as a business?"

Zhang Qian's face fell instantly. She suppressed the anger in her heart and spoke coldly, scolding: "Zhang Kairui, are you really good at planning things as you wish?"

Zhang Qian hugged her shoulders and shouted coldly: "I, Zhang Qian, are not the only descendants of the Zhang family. Why don't you ask your sister to get married?"

"The Liang family has one hand in Jiangcheng and does all kinds of evil. The head of the family is a black and white man, and his methods are ruthless and vicious!"

"Do you really think that if the Zhang family and the Liang family marry, they will help us develop and build in the future? The Liang family are all demons who eat people without spitting out their bones!"

Zhang Qian's eyes were full of anger, she pinched her waist, looked at Zhang Kairui angrily and said: "Go to you, I will never marry even if I die!"

Zhang Kairui's face darkened, and his target suddenly turned to the side. Chen Yu, who didn't say a word, scolded and asked, "You are such a stubborn person, why can't you adapt?"