The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 232: Was fired


"Fengxia, you should take a good rest at home these days. When you are ready, come to the company to go through the resignation procedures."

"The Human Resources Department will give you six months' salary compensation at that time, which is considered as compensation for you. Your bonus will also be paid as usual. You don't have to worry about this."

After hearing what the manager said, Li Fengxia bit her lips tightly, her eyes were slightly red, and she tried not to let her tears fall.

In fact, Li Fengxia had already made plans to be fired.

But now, when she actually heard the news, Li Fengxia still couldn't bear the grievance in her heart, and tears were about to fall down.

When no one answered the phone for a long time, the manager couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh.

He spoke in a deep voice and comforted: "You offended Qian Mingyu today. If he sees you in the company again, he will definitely make things difficult for you."

"We made this decision actually for your safety. We are worried that he will cause trouble for you."

After Li Fengxia heard this, she almost couldn't hold back her tears.

She bit her lip, pondered for a moment, then said 'hmm' and hung up the phone.

Chen Yu couldn't help but frowned and looked at Li Fengxia and asked, "Not only does your company not care about you, but it also wants to take action on you and fire you directly?"

Chen Yu had heard some news about the agency where Li Fengxia worked before. It was said that the backend was quite powerful, so he shouldn't be so timid.

If one of your employees offends someone, all you need is the leader to come forward, say a few words, and mediate. In fact, it is not a problem at all.

Besides, this matter was originally Qian Mingyu's fault, wasn't it

Now they are not even willing to do this and directly choose to fire Li Fengxia.

The employees under them were bullied. Instead of refusing to take care of the matter, they poured dirty water on their employees' heads. Is that the end of the matter

This kind of leader who doesn't consider his employees will go out of business sooner or later, just because he speaks harshly.

After Li Fengxia heard this, she couldn't help but shook her head helplessly and sighed: "Actually, I can understand it."

"After all, if the company wants to stand up for its employees, what matters is whether the employees are worth it."

"If I were a department manager, maybe the senior management would consider it and come forward to solve this matter for me, but now I am just a small salesperson."

"If a salesperson is fired, he will be fired. After a while, new applicants will come in. I am not the only one missing."

Chen Yu fell silent and did not answer.

Li Fengxia has a much clearer view of this matter.

This is also human nature. After all, a small sales cannot bring much value to the company. One less is a lot, and one more is not much.

Therefore, it is normal for company executives and others to be unwilling to speak for her.

Just resign directly so as not to offend Qian Mingyu, a big customer.

"But, I'm always worried that this matter won't be solved so easily."

Li Fengxia couldn't sit still, looked at Chen Yu, and said eagerly: "Since Qian Mingyu is a rogue who lends usury, if he messes with such a gangster, he will be doomed."

"They don't care so much. As long as they make themselves happy, they may torture others to death."

Li Fengxia looked at Chen Yu anxiously and said, "I'm worried that he will find trouble with you when the time comes. After all, this guy has a background. It's actually very simple to investigate you."

Chen Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, if I were afraid of these gangsters, I wouldn't have to do business."

Soon, Chen Yu drove Li Fengxia to the downstairs of the apartment where she lived.

After watching Li Fengxia walk into the unit door, Chen Yu drove away.

He still had a lot of things to be busy with during this time, and soon, Qian Mingyu's matters were forgotten by him.

The next day, Chen Yu was woken up by a phone call early in the morning.

He touched it in a daze and found that the person who called him turned out to be Zhang Qian.

She has become more proficient in the affairs of the branch, and she can relax a lot. Come to think of it, she really hasn't contacted her much during this period of time.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu quickly picked up the phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Chen Yu, my grandpa said he wants to meet you and treat you to a meal. I wonder if you have time. Would you like to come?"

Zhang Qian actually has her own little thoughts.

At the original family meeting, Grandpa had not yet decided who would ultimately hand over the position of heir to the Zhang Group.

He just said that he should let them go back and prepare for a period of time, and when the time comes, he would use his own business plan to tell them how he would develop the future of Zhang Shi Enterprises.

Zhang Qian wanted to eat Xiao Zao, so she asked Chen Yu to come over and talk to her. Maybe grandpa would sway to his side.

Chen Yu also understood what Zhang Qian was thinking, so he agreed directly without refusing.

"Then let's wait for the weekend. I have some things to be busy with recently, so I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

"Okay, then I'll tell grandpa and I'll be waiting for you to come."

Zhang Qian was surprised and happy. She didn't expect that Chen Yu would be so happy to agree.

Chen Yu naturally hopes that Zhang Qian can inherit the Zhang Group as soon as possible.

By then, Zhang Qian will have a way to control everything in the company, and then the Zhang family's piece of land in the city center will be saved.

There are many sites like Zhang Group's. If they are left, in the next few years, when the order for real estate construction comes out, developers will definitely increase their efforts to acquire the land.

It only takes a while in the future, and you can sit back and wait for appreciation.

But if Mrs. Zhang is too old and unwilling to take charge, and is unwilling to allocate energy to take care of these lands, he will suffer huge losses if he sells them at this time.

Chen Yu hung up the phone, packed up and was getting ready to have breakfast.

After that, he drove to Gonghua Supermarket. After all, the matter with the drunkards had just been resolved, and he wanted to see if he had stabilized recently.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving at Gonghua Supermarket, I received bad news.

Performance during this period dropped a lot because many rumors about Gonghua Supermarket were spread.

And there are a lot of people who steal things. They seem to do this all the time and can't be caught at all.

Misfortune comes from the mouth and rumors spread, which has a great impact on supermarkets.

After all, the people will not carefully distinguish which sentence is true and which sentence is false.

As long as they hear bad news, they subconsciously choose to believe it. If they come and go, they will become a tiger.