The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 314: No mercy


This woman really didn't know what was going on in her head.

He pestered himself several times and used various 'strategies' to deal with him.

After this period of getting along, Chen Yu had already learned that whenever he saw Zhang Qian's name, he immediately felt a splitting headache, almost ready to explode, and wanted to escape from here quickly.

Chen Yu looked helpless and simply threw his phone aside and chose to ignore it.

She thought Zhang Qian would give up when she saw she didn't answer the phone, but she still called in relentlessly.

Seeing the phone call was like a death curse, I kept thinking about it. Chen Yu finally couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed the phone directly. After picking up the phone, he asked helplessly: "What's wrong, my aunt?"

The moment the call was connected, Zhang Qian's heart tightened when she heard Chen Yu's voice on the other side of the phone.

Then, she pretended to be calm, grabbed her phone and said, "I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, tell me."

Chen Yu tried his best to pretend to be calm and asked.

After Zhang Qian pondered for a moment, she then said seriously: "Grandpa is going to hand over the management of Zhang Group to me. I want to learn some business experience from you."

When Chen Yu heard such words, he couldn't help but feel happy.

This is great news for Chen Yu!

Zhang Qian now has her own things to do, so she doesn't have to come over to harass him every day, and he is happy and free.

So Chen Yu nodded with a smile and said: "Haha, that's really good. Congratulations."

Zhang Qian's lips moved, but in the end she didn't say the second half of the sentence.

After she was silent for a moment, she added: "If you have time, help me pay attention to any suitable stocks worth investing in recently. I need to withdraw funds quickly."

"Only when you have food in hand can you not panic. During these days, I plan to transform the Zhang Group."

After the two made an agreement, Zhang Qian hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she was seriously hurt by Chen Yu's cold attitude.

This time, the reason why he was able to impress his grandfather so quickly and hand over the Zhang Group to him was actually because Zhang Qian had to put in a lot of effort.

She didn't know what her grandfather was thinking in his heart. He always felt that he had no say in competition with his brothers.

So Zhang Qian promised her grandfather that within a year, she would find a suitable man, get married and have children.

After hearing Zhang Qian's determination, Zhang Guoqiang quickly announced that he would hand over 51% of Zhang Group's shares to Zhang Qian for management.

As for the rest, it was divided equally between the two brothers.

After learning the news, Zhang Kairui and Zhang Kailin were about to explode with anger!

They did not expect that each of their families would get 25 shares!

What Zhang Guoqiang did was obviously partiality!

Chi Guoguo's partiality doesn't care what they think in their hearts.

The two brothers hit it off immediately and immediately decided to go to Zhang Guoqiang to ask why his grandfather did what he did.

Zhang Guoqiang had already guessed that they would definitely come here to ask for an explanation from him.

So Zhang Guoqiang said slowly and calmly: "Haha, Kerry, Kerry, my distribution is the fairest."

This short sentence made the two brothers even more angry.

When they were angry, they heard Zhang Guoqiang speak slowly and in a very calm tone: "Kerry, Kailin, I have told you before."

"Our Zhang family is able to live a good life today because of the hard work of Zhang Qian's father."

"The shares in Zhang Qian's hands originally belonged to her father, so it is normal to leave them to him. After all, his father is the founder."

"Moreover, the land of more than 10,000 square meters of the Zhang Group's factory is also named after Zhang Qian's father, so she should inherit it."

Zhang Guoqiang spoke very seriously, word for word.

Although Zhang Guoqiang loves his granddaughter the most, he does not know that Zhang Qian does not get any advantage at all by distributing the family property in this way.

Normally, the family property should be divided into three equal parts, one for each family, after excluding the inheritance from the parents.

But Zhang Qian only got her parents' assets. As for the Zhang Group, it originally belonged to Zhang Qian, and it had to be him.

The reason why Zhang Guoqiang said before that he wanted to play a game to consider whether they were qualified to inherit the Zhang Group was actually just to make Zhang Qian realize the sense of crisis as soon as possible.

He is over seventy years old, and he still doesn't know how many days he can live. If he hadn't gotten sick at the beginning and realized that sooner or later, he would leave Zhang Qian.

Zhang Guoqiang would not be so anxious. He wanted to divide the family property immediately and let each of his children shoulder their own responsibilities as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Kailin and Zhang Kairui, as well as their parents, jumped out one by one and expressed dissatisfaction with this distribution.

Zhang Kairui's father, Zhang Yunping, looked serious and said coldly: "Dad, we took care of Sissy too."

"Furthermore, it is precisely because of the joint efforts of all Zhang family members that the Zhang Group has reached the scale it is today."

"I think Zhang Qian should not have the largest share of the Zhang Group's shares, but should be shared equally by everyone."

"Yes, Dad!"

Zhang Yunping's wife Bai Feng couldn't help but murmured dissatisfiedly: "If we hadn't worked together, would she, a little liar, still be able to enjoy the position of chairman of the Zhang Group now?"

"Everyone has contributed, how can you only care about Sissi? Besides, Sissi is a girl, can she keep the family business?"

"When the time comes, why don't we let the Zhang Group fall into the hands of others as a dowry?"

The whole family disagreed with this, but Zhang Guoqiang's face was extremely firm, and his eyes were full of determination. He said word by word: "I have made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me!"

"But Dad!"

Zhang Kailin's father, Zhang Yunzhi, also had a puzzled look in his eyes and asked eagerly: "Dad, if you really want to distribute it fairly, you might as well just sell off all your assets!"

In Zhang Yunzhi's heart, he was thinking about the entire family's assets.

He simply doesn't want Zhang Qian to take over the Zhang Group. In other words, even if she takes over, if she gets married, she will have to return the company to the Zhang family!

Otherwise, would Zhang Qian still be allowed to use this money to support the pretty boys outside