The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 33: computer company


If I develop quickly, wouldn't I be expected to become them by then

The more he thought about it, the more excited Chen Yu felt!

He immediately drove his car and rushed towards No. 130 Huayuan Road.

After arriving at Huayuan Road, Chen Yu was shocked by the difficult conditions here.

It turns out that this is an old-fashioned tube building. Even the kitchen and bathroom are shared. There is a mixed flow of people and mud and sand.

Chen Yu followed the address the man gave him and went to the third floor. He saw a crooked plaque hanging on a rusty iron door that read 'Feiyue Computer Company'.

Chen Yu knocked on the door, and a moment later, he heard shuffling footsteps coming from inside the house.


The door was opened, and a man holding an instant noodle bowl and eating instant noodles looked at Chen Yu suspiciously and asked, "Are you here to apply for a job?"

Chen Yu was confused. He didn't expect that he misunderstood that he was here to apply for a job.

But it's okay, I just took this opportunity to take a good look at whether this little broken computer company is worth investing in.

"come in."

The man waved his hand and motioned for Chen Yu to follow.

The room of more than 100 square meters should have been quite spacious, but the room was filled with various boxes and several tables and chairs placed side by side.

It seems that this is their work area, which seems narrow and cramped.

There were many people in the room, immersed in their desks and working. When they heard someone coming in, they didn't even raise their heads, as if they were completely immersed in their work.

The man took Chen Yu to a door, knocked on it and shouted: "Brother Yuan, someone is here for an interview."

"come in."

Inside the room, someone agreed lightly, and then the man opened the door and walked in with Chen Yu.

Chen Yu recognized the man the first time he saw him.

He is one of the first developers of the Internet in China, Wang Ziyuan!

He was the one who started working on the Internet. It was precisely because he had developed the system that the Internet developed so rapidly!

However, I only found out about such a person by accidentally looking up information. Generally, almost no one knows that he is the leader of the Internet industry.

I didn't expect that I would meet him here!

This is a huge opportunity. He must seize the opportunity, cooperate with him, and make investments!

"Please take a seat."

Wang Ziyuan stretched out his hand and gestured for Chen Yu to sit on the sofa. He smiled slightly, looked at Chen Yu, and asked politely: "What job are you applying for?"

Chen Yu shook his head with a smile and said: "I'm not here to apply for a job. A friend asked me to help you deliver the goods. The car is parked downstairs."

Wang Ziyuan looked a little disappointed, nodded lightly and said: "So that's it. It seems to be a misunderstanding."

"Does Mr. Wang work in the Internet?"

Chen Yu started talking, but Wang Ziyuan smiled helplessly. He shook his head and said: "No, I'm just a computer seller. I usually buy some goods, assemble computers and sell them, and earn some price difference."

Wang Ziyuan has just started his business not long ago. Every entrepreneur has climbed up from the most humble role.

Through continuous attempts, you can finally find an industry that suits you.

Although such a small business is hard work, it makes a lot of money, which can at least satisfy the lives of him and the people under his command.

"Then why don't you consider changing your career to the Internet? Now the Internet is a blank area in the market. Almost no one is involved, there are no competitors, and the development potential is huge."

Chen Yu asked tentatively, but heard Wang Ziyuan laugh sarcastically and shake his head: "Why haven't you thought about it? But the ideal has always been full, and the reality is very skinny. Without funds, it is difficult to move forward."

"You can attract investment. In today's society, it is really difficult to make money on your own."

"Some people have good ideas and good technology, but they don't have the funds. Some people have the funds and strength, but they don't know what to invest in, so that money can make money."

Chen Yu's words made Wang Ziyuan helplessly shake his head and sigh.

"When I started this computer company, I already borrowed a lot of money. I finally paid off the debt some time ago. Where can I get investment now?"

When Wang Ziyuan said he wanted to start a business, his parents almost gave him most of their life savings to help him embark on the entrepreneurial journey.

However, the start-up capital was too small and the company could not operate. In desperation, the parents had no choice but to sacrifice their face to help their son borrow money.

The initial loss-making operation forced Wang Ziyuan to live on steamed buns and pickles every day, and he couldn't hold on for a while.

Fortunately, he later made some money and gradually got better, so he was allowed to continue doing this business.

After all, in this era, if you can find a vacancy in the market, you can make a lot of money.

But most of them are just small amounts of money. If you want to make more money, you need more investment funds to start.

Otherwise, everything apart from investment would be wishful thinking and nonsense.

"How much investment is needed to build the Internet?"

Chen Yu asked curiously. Chen Yu actually didn't know much about the Internet. After all, he was a student in the Department of Finance, so he was separated from other fields.

Wang Ziyuan thought for a moment and then said: "From importing computers, building a network, setting up domain names, and writing programs, it will take at least 600,000 start-up funds to sustain product development for half a year."

Six hundred thousand, for them now, is already a huge astronomical figure.

If their dreams weren't out of reach, they would never give up so easily.

Chen Yu secretly considered what he would do if he invested in Wang Ziyuan now.

Within the next few years, it will become a leading company on the Internet. This deal is really a bargain.

It happened that he made a lot of money by reselling PHS some time ago, and he had two million in hand, which was enough for investment.

With this money, he can invest in Wang Ziyuan and start developing Internet business.

So Chen Yu immediately expressed his intention to invest.

"Mr. Wang, if you agree to give me 45% of Feiyue Computer Company's shares, I can invest one million in your start-up capital."

After hearing what Chen Yu said, Wang Qianyuan's face was stunned.

He glanced at Chen Yu in surprise and found that his face was still childish and his clothes were very cheap, the cheapest cultural shirts.

Such a young man doesn't look like a big boss who can spend one million, or a rich second generation, but looks like a lunatic talking nonsense.