The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 42: Investment involves risks


"Lin Feng, Lin Feng?"

"Why don't you say anything? What are you doing standing around?"

Wang Ziyuan saw Lin Feng lost his mind for a moment and hurriedly patted him on the back to call him back to his senses.

Lin Feng suddenly came back to his senses, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then politely started chatting with Chen Yu about computer networks.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know why you chose the field of computer network development?"

Lin Feng looked at Chen Yu in confusion, even though he had already heard Wang Ziyuan mention it before, Chen Yu had such a fantasy idea about the future network.

But listening to others and listening to Chen Yu himself are two completely different concepts.

Chen Yu smiled slightly, looked at Lin Feng seriously, and asked, "I wonder if Mr. Lin has heard of the name Li Jin?"

"Li Jin? No."

Lin Feng shook his head in confusion, wondering why he suddenly mentioned an unfamiliar name.

Li Jin, known as the 'Tsinghua Wonder Boy', is a generational genius who became the youngest doctorate in China at the age of only 23 years old.

As early as 14 years ago, he opened a scientific and technological achievements exhibition in Shanghai.

And the saying that the popularization of computers should start from childhood is also spread from that era. Because of this, many children can be exposed to the Internet, a product that represents the beginning of an era.

In 1998, there was another more important historical change.

In the second half of the year, there will be a 'public computer room', which is similar to the kind of Internet cafe in the 21st century.

If it were now, Chen Yu could invest with Lin Feng and others and start by assembling computers.

When the capital is almost recovered, a public computer room will be opened to popularize the Internet to the people.

Wait until the people are almost ready to accept it, then create an Internet company and formally build a website. Is it still a long way from entering the Internet world

1998 was indeed the first year of rapid development of the Internet.

Now, he, Chen Yu, has a chance to live again in this era!

So the person who founded the country's first 'Internet cafe', opened the country's first Internet company, and even developed the Chinese search system was Chen Yu!

Thinking of this, Chen Yu's blood suddenly boiled.

But Lin Feng looked at Chen Yu in confusion, wondering why he was suddenly so excited.

He was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke with a serious tone: "Mr. Chen, although I don't know who this person you are talking about is."

"But before we start talking about investment cooperation, there is one thing. I still want to give you a vaccination."

"you say."

Chen Yu nodded and looked at Lin Feng seriously, already guessing what he was going to say to him.

In this era, starting a business is easy, because as long as you have an idea, money, connections, and hit it off, you can start anything quickly.

But starting a business is also very risky, because if the company transforms, the requirements for the company are very strict.

Not only does it require a lot of time and money, but it also faces various unknown difficulties.

In addition, Chen Yu's idea is too bold. No one knows whether the Internet will have development potential in the future.

If you really invest, it's okay to make money, at least you can get your money back.

But if the management is poor and on the verge of bankruptcy, they may be the ones who jump off the building all at once.

It is precisely because no one dares to be sure about the future development of the Internet that no one dares to invest.

This kind of investment, to put it bluntly, is just filling a hole. No one knows when it will end.

Lin Feng also joined Feiyue Computer Company as an investor.

But what he is optimistic about is that computers will enter schools in the future and become one of the compulsory courses for children, and they will gradually be accepted by the public.

However, with the development of the Internet, the idea that all food and clothing expenses can be settled online is too crazy.

He didn't dare to make this decision easily, so he had to ask clearly how to divide the responsibilities if he lost money.

Since Chen Yu is so rich that he is willing to spend a million even on a little-known small company like theirs, then he probably won't care too much even if he loses money.

Lin Feng's head was almost turned into paste by these thoughts.

He tried to stabilize his mind, looked at Chen Yu and said, "I know, Mr. Chen, your idea for the future of the Internet is really bold, but it's not impossible to give it a try."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said politely: "But this 45% share is not suitable."

Chen Yu did not expect that Lin Feng would discuss the distribution of shares with him when he came up.

It seems that businessmen are businessmen. No matter what time, the first thing they consider is their own profits. In fact, they don't value future development that much.

After all, no one knows how the future will develop now. Naturally, the more money you can make from the present, the more money you can make.

Lin Feng didn't think Chen Yu had much business acumen.

Although his vision for the future of the Internet is indeed refreshing, it also shows that he has no understanding of this industry at all.

He had regarded Chen Yu as a son of a wealthy noble family, and took the funds invested in him by his family to train himself.

So in front of Chen Yu, Lin Feng showed off his capital as an entrepreneurial veteran.

This million is indeed a timely blessing for them.

Originally, they only planned to hold on to Feiyue Computer Company for half a year and then stop.

After all, when computers are popularized in every primary and secondary school, a group of followers will definitely appear to carve up this quick cake.

But now, with Chen Yu's investment, they can transform and research the development of the network based on the computer company.

This is indeed a good thing for them.

But good things come good things, so he can't make too many demands, right

The lion suddenly opened his mouth and wanted to take away 45% of the shares. How do you look at this? Why do you feel that you are being tricked

"Whether it's suitable or not, Mr. Lin doesn't need to study it now. Why don't you listen to my understanding of the Internet and make a decision?"

Chen Yu's words made Lin Feng and Wang Ziyuan look at each other.

What he said does make sense. Regarding the shares, we can take a step back for the time being.

After the negotiations were settled, Lin Feng began to listen to Chen Yu talk about his ideas for the future.

Originally, Lin Feng listened with an indifferent attitude.

After all, in today's society, it is simply impossible to propose some things about paying for food and clothing on the Internet. Just listen to it for fun.

But as he continued to listen, Lin Feng became less calm.