The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 48: win-win


"Chen Yu, I know you did make a lot of money from stock trading before."

"I also know that your investment in Feiyue Computer Company was indeed carefully considered."

"But as your professor, I still have one thing I must remind you."

Professor Jiang slowly raised his head, looked at Chen Yu, and said solemnly: "You have millions of funds in your hands now. Maybe you can invest in companies that you think have potential as an investor."

"But at this stage, if you want to open a company by yourself, it is actually very difficult."

"First of all, you don't have a complete system. All aspects of things are complicated and require high operating costs."

"Not counting these, you still need to have at least one million in working capital to pay your employees' salaries, building rent, water and electricity bills, and various taxes. It's all money in vain."

Jiang Guofeng's face was extremely serious. He looked at Chen Yu and said word by word: "I know that you are young, courageous and knowledgeable. I admire your courage to spend one million to invest in a computer company."

"But for some things, don't just do it without considering it."

Professor Jiang's words touched Chen Yu's heart.

To be honest, Chen Yu had actually long ago imagined whether he would do better than them if he opened a company.

That's why I said such words before when discussing cooperation with Lin Feng and Wang Ziyuan.

First, it was to put pressure on Lin Feng and Wang Ziyuan and make them aware of the crisis.

If you don't sign a contract with yourself as soon as possible, you will lose the opportunity and it will be difficult to seize it.

Secondly, this is what Chen Yu thinks in his heart.

After all, if you open your own company, such as that small Gonghua supermarket.

Although it is just a small supermarket, the boss is himself, and all the money earned goes into his pocket.

However, if he cooperates with Lin Feng and Wang Ziyuan, not only will he invest millions of funds, but he will also face the risk of losing money at any time, and a lot of benefits will also be divided up.

But what Professor Jiang said is right.

Although he now holds two million in funds, he can be considered a millionaire according to this era.

But nowadays, if you want to open a formal company, you still need to invest a lot of money.

By then, you will know what it means to have less money when it is used.

Moreover, if he opens his own company, he will first have no connections, which is a pain point for him.

Secondly, there is insufficient funds in hand. It is not yet known how many rounds of operation the company can last.

Therefore, the reason why Professor Jiang said this to himself was that he obviously supported his investment in a partnership, but did not support his own entrepreneurial venture.

Although the small Gonghua supermarket has been opened, a small supermarket cannot be regarded as an entrepreneurial enterprise.

Moreover, as the Internet continues to develop in the future, mobile phones and computers will gradually enter every household, and fewer and fewer people will go out to make phone calls.

Chen Yu had already planned the construction of Gonghua Supermarket, and it was nothing more than making money in the past few years.

When it develops rapidly, I can take advantage of the Internet to transform and open a public computer room, which will be another huge sum of money.

"Thank you Professor for reminding me, I will definitely keep it in mind!"

Chen Yu looked at Professor Jiang gratefully. In his previous life, he was the person who helped him the most.

Now that he had relived his life, Professor Jiang was still the same person. He was both a teacher and a friend, and even treated him as his own son. He was extremely touched by his caring attitude.

Professor Jiang stretched out his hand, patted Chen Yu's hand gently, and said with a smile: "Remember, as long as you work steadily, step by step, and do everything in a down-to-earth manner, you will be able to do everything well."

As Professor Jiang's most proud student, Chen Yu naturally understands Chen Yu's character.

Knowing that he has a stubborn temper, he has decided on one thing and will take it one step at a time.

Jiang Guofeng was not willing to dampen Chen Yu's enthusiasm, but as Chen Yu's professor, he still had to say some things and beat him hard.

"Professor, if nothing happens, I will..."

Chen Yu was about to leave when he saw Professor Jiang wave his hand to him and said softly: "Wait a moment, I have one more thing to tell you."

Chen Yu looked stunned. He pulled up the chair and sat across from Professor Jiang's desk.

Seeing Jiang Guofeng sitting on the chair, he opened the drawer, took out a business card, and handed it to Chen Yu.

"This is… "

Chen Yu took the business card and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the name on it.

The name above is a famous figure in the investment world, Xu Changping and Boss Xu!

Chen Yu clearly remembered that in his previous life, the most famous investment tycoon in the financial world was Mr. Xu named Xu Changping.

At that time, there were countless people who wanted to get involved with Mr. Xu, but there was no way.

It was Professor Jiang who introduced him to this big shot in the investment world, and then he worked under him, and his life slowly got better.

Although he was his boss in his previous life, in this life, Chen Yu's goal is to become a more powerful person than Xu Changping.

He has great ambitions. If Professor Jiang knew that he was not thinking about how to stand side by side with Xu Changping, but about becoming a being that surpassed him, he would probably nag himself for a while.

After taking the business card, Chen Yu carefully put it into his pocket.

After saying goodbye to Professor Jiang, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, just a few steps out, he saw Zhang Yuan, the president of the student union, striding in front of him.

"Chen Yu, the associate professor asked you to go to his office."

Zhang Yuan is Chen Yu's classmate, so she was a little surprised to hear that the associate professor was looking for Chen Yu.

But she didn't say much, and took Chen Yu directly to the vice principal's office, then turned and left.

Chen Yu knocked on the office door, and after receiving permission, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the associate professor sitting at his desk, drinking a cup of freshly brewed tea.

Chen Yu looked at the associate professor with a puzzled expression, thinking back to the fact that during this period of time, he had not caused any trouble in school.

It's nothing more than going out to start a business and rarely showing up at school.

But the second half of his senior year is when students go out to find work internships. Even if he doesn't come to school for a whole semester, there will be no problem.

Although Chen Yu didn't know what the associate professor meant by calling him here.