The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 49: Was approved


But Chen Yu now has money in his pocket and a lot of confidence.

Even when facing the vice-principal, Chen Yu still looked calm, looked at Zhang Yonghai with a relaxed expression, and asked politely: "Vice-principal, you are looking for me."

"Sit down and have a cup of tea, my freshly brewed Pu'er."

Zhang Yonghai handed over a cup of tea and looked at Chen Yu with a smile.

Although Chen Yu didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhang Yonghai's gourd, he still took the tea and took a sip.

The taste of tea is fragrant and sweet, and the aftertaste lingers in the mouth. It is indeed a rare and good tea.

Zhang Yonghai smiled slightly, looked at Chen Yu, and asked: "Chen Yu, I heard that you drove here today, right?"

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he meant by the deputy dean calling him here today.

It must be because the car he drove today was watched by everyone in the school.

He had already kept a low profile and did not drive into the school. Instead, he parked in the parking lot opposite the school.

But unexpectedly, his amazingly cool car actually attracted the attention of their group.

"Vice Principal, there shouldn't be any rules in the school that say students are not allowed to drive to school, right?"

Chen Yu smiled slightly, spoke in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and answered.

"Haha, Jiangcheng University does not have such a rule."

The vice-principal smiled slightly and then asked: "I don't object to you driving to school, but students of your age have not yet started to make money on their own."

"Now that you are driving such a luxury car with the money your parents spent on you, it is inevitable that you will be suspected of showing off."

The vice-principal spoke earnestly and slowly, speaking word by word: "I hope you can focus on your studies now."

"As for other things, don't spend too much thought on it. I'm doing this for your own good."

The vice-principal’s starting point is indeed good intentions.

But now, Chen Yu didn't focus on showing off his luxury car, and he didn't spend a penny of his family's money.

Now, whether it's the money to buy a car or the capital to start a business, he earns it himself.

He was at ease and without any pressure.

Hearing the vice-principal say such words to him like he was preaching, Chen Yu's face looked slightly unhappy.

He spoke slowly and smiled calmly: "Vice principal, you misunderstood. In fact, I earned the money for buying the car myself."


Zhang Yonghai's face was startled, and he looked at Chen Yu in surprise. He didn't expect that he would kill him with just one sentence.

But he is young and has just entered the internship stage!

How did you earn so much money, and even spend a lot of money to afford an Audi A6 worth 400,000 yuan without blinking an eye

The vice-dean subconsciously believed that Chen Yu's family must have paid for the down payment of the car he said he bought with his own money, and he had to pay off the rest of the mortgage by himself every month.

That's why I said that I bought this car myself.

So Zhang Yonghai smiled softly, shook his head and said: "Chen Yu, young people like cars. It's right that you want to buy one, but you also have to consider whether you can afford it."

"What if one day your salary is not enough to pay your loan?"

Chen Yu smiled and shook his head and said: "Vice Dean, you misunderstood. I made a million from stock trading. I bought this car in full."

Zhang Yonghai was shocked and looked at Chen Yu in shock. He really didn't expect that at such a young age, he would have such a powerful ability!

What is the concept of making a million from stock trading

You know, Zhang Yonghai himself has speculated in stocks several times, and he was able to make a small profit at the beginning.

But since the economic crisis, when the RMB 100,000 he invested came to naught, he never dared to touch the stock market again.

The funds he had worked so hard to save for most of his life disappeared in such an instant. Every time he thought about it, it made him extremely painful.

Unfortunately, this is still private money that I have saved. Even if I lose money, I have nowhere to complain.

Now, this elementary school student who is several rounds younger than himself can actually play stocks so well.

He even made millions, which he never dreamed of!

But as a vice principal, he still has his own airs. He can't lower his head and ask a student to lead him to make money in stocks, right

Thinking of this, the associate professor coughed lightly and said earnestly: "Chen Yu, you are lucky. It is a good thing to make money, but you cannot become a child who likes comparison and is materialistic."

"You are rich and can afford luxury cars now, but have you ever thought about whether you will be so lucky to make money in the stock market in the future?"

"Also, the money in your hand is not enough to support your future car maintenance expenses?"

Listening to the associate professor's sincere words of comfort, Chen Yu nodded and smiled.

"Vice Principal, I have considered everything you said. In fact, my original intention of buying this car was not to show off."

"Firstly, I think it will be more convenient to have a car when running business in the future. Secondly, when my partners and investors see my car, they will know that I am confident in doing business."

"In other words, the car is my business card and a symbol of my status."

What Chen Yu said made Zhang Yonghai extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, a small student who has not graduated yet started to study cooperation and investment!

Moreover, Chen Yu's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant. He talks eloquently and has an extremely calm attitude. He really has the capital to be a boss.

It even made Zhang Yonghai a little suspicious. Is Chen Yu standing in front of him really a senior student

Judging from the temperament and aura exuding from him, he looks more like a veteran who has been tempered by society for a long time.

Neither arrogant nor impetuous, with a calm and unhurried attitude.

"From what you said, you have already invested in starting a business, right?"

Zhang Yonghai inquired curiously, wondering what students of this age would choose as a booster for their future development.

"Vice Principal, you are overestimating me. I have just started to select projects and negotiate specific cooperation matters. I have not invested money yet."

"In fact, I bought this car to give my partners the confidence to let them understand that since I can afford such a good car, I can also do a good job in this investment project."

Chen Yu's words sounded calm and gentle.

Even when he mentioned the luxury car he bought, his tone did not mean to show off at all. Instead, he looked very mature.

Zhang Yonghai looked at Chen Yu in shock, even wondering if he was lying to deceive him.