The Reborn Investment Tycoon

Chapter 86: Seek truth from facts


Chen Yu shook his head gently, and then replied in a serious tone: "Miss Bai Xue, you are right, it is so correct."

When Chen Yu got excited, he stood up from his seat, looked at Bai Xue and said, "Since it is a luxury product, many people cannot access it..."

"So if we open up the market and popularize luxury goods, will we still worry about future development?"

Bai Xue looked at Chen Yu in surprise, couldn't help but chuckled and shook his head: "Chen Yu, your thinking is a little too simple."

"Mobile phones are now expensive, with the cheapest one costing more than 3,000 yuan. The average salary of an ordinary employee is less than 1,000 yuan, so they simply can't afford it."

"Moreover, computers are more expensive than mobile phones, and generally only large groups will be equipped with one."

“Now even wealthy companies have not popularized it, so how can the general public afford it?”

Bai Xue soon began to attack Chen Yu.

In fact, it is not a blow, but just seeking truth from facts.

After all, since she is her sister's junior student, she still needs to give her a kind reminder.

Lest this young man who had just graduated from school get carried away with his enthusiasm, and his head would be bruised and bleeding, and he would have nowhere to cry.

"Moreover, even if you sell assembled computers, the people will not be able to afford them. Even though they are one-fifth cheaper than the overall price, the people still cannot afford them."

Bai Xue spoke very sincerely, and Chen Yu did not refute, but looked at her with a smile.

"Assembling computers is just a business, specialized in connecting with some wealthy companies."

“If we want to truly achieve this and allow the people to use computers, we also need a shared computer room.”

Chen Yu's words made Bai Xue look stunned.

She looked at Chen Yu in surprise and couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Shared computer room? What does this mean? How do you share computers?"

Bai Xue was not from their time, so she naturally did not understand that in the 21st century, sharing had become the mainstream of world development.

Whether it is shared bicycles or shared power banks, they have become things that facilitate people's travel, and they have indeed alleviated many emergency measures.

But now, Chen Yu can't go too far. After all, he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and whether the public will accept it still needs to be considered gradually.

"Actually, it's very simple. I rent a store, buy a lot of computers and put them in. If someone comes to use the computers, I charge them by the hour."

"If they want a monthly subscription, the price will be cheaper. If they want a half-year card, they will get a 15% discount."

"In this case, wouldn't it allow those who can't afford computers to use computers, and they can also afford them?"

Chen Yu told Bai Xue exactly what he wanted for the future.

"There are also Gonghua supermarkets. The principle is the same. Anyone who can't afford it is not worthy and is not qualified to enjoy it. We still have to see these development opportunities that will become mainstream in the future!"

"Moreover, in the future, shared bicycles, shared charging... ahem, that, we can develop many similar things in the future, and it will definitely be very profitable."

Chen Yu was shocked by his outspoken words. After all, in this era, many people can't even afford a mobile phone and don't even know what a power bank is.

If Bai Xue asked him then, how would he explain it

Bai Xue was completely stunned by Chen Yu's words.

She stared at Chen Yu blankly, feeling that the thoughts in this young boy's head were so wild and unconstrained.

She really couldn't understand what he said and what he imagined about the future. She always felt that these were all fantasy.

But the idea of public supermarkets and public computer rooms is really good.

It is not only convenient for the public, but also allows many people who cannot afford computers and mobile phones to use these 'luxury goods' of this era.

But after thinking about it, Bai Xue was still imprisoned by a question.

She couldn't help but look at Chen Yu in surprise and asked: "But computers are so expensive. If you want to open a public computer room, you should have at least thirty or forty computers, right?"

"How much do you need to invest in so many computers and your public supermarket? Where did you get so much money?"

Chen Yu's idea is indeed very good, but the initial investment is too large.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the famous business bosses in Jiangcheng may not have so much money to invest in these things.

Moreover, no benefits can be seen in the short term. This kind of business is just long-term fishing.

Bai Xue thought of this, so she expressed her worries.

Chen Yu smiled and spread his hands and said: "I have no money, but don't I have this Yuanfang Group? The group makes the majority of the money, and the rest depends on financing."

"If anyone can partner with me, as the boss, I will naturally not treat them badly."

Chen Yu's words sounded a bit childish in Bai Xue's ears.

She couldn't help but shook her head, and added helplessly: "Chen Yu, but have you ever thought that this project of yours has indeed served the people."

"But what about your own interests? Have you ever considered that even if you raise funds, will your shareholders agree to it if they can't make money for half a year or even several years?"

"To put it bluntly, businessmen are only interested in profit. If they can't see the money back, they will not invest easily. Only a stupid boy like you will invest in a computer company without hesitation."

Bai Xue also looked helpless and couldn't help but complain.

"Actually, this is just my appetizer."

Chen Yu suddenly smiled mysteriously again, and then said another idea that shocked Bai Xue.

"Actually, I do this to facilitate my preparation for subsequent network development."

Because only when the people accept computers and mobile phones as new things, will they be able to gradually open up the Internet market.

If the people think that mobile phones and computers are things that can be put on the shelf and cannot be touched, it will be useless to develop their own network.

If Chen Yu wants to do something, he must consider all aspects, and only then can he strike accurately and complete this matter beautifully.

Chen Yu's words once again subverted Bai Xue's understanding of this junior student.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to start a business to have such courage, nor do they have such a unique vision.

No wonder her sister Bai Yan has been praising Chen Yu. He is indeed a person with potential.