The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 102: event


Back in Grande, Laura was 'playing' with Matthew's bike with Alice's help.

It was indeed a joke, "This is too difficult! It's even harder than driving!" Laura was almost moving forward at an angle of 60 degrees to the ground, and poor Alice spent a lot of effort to push Laura. Don't let her fall.

"You're back!" Laura saw three men walking into Grande's backyard. Of course, he only had Benjamin in his eyes. In a moment of excitement, he stepped on the pedal and separated from Alice, rushing forward, "Ah~ah!"

"Are you okay?" Matthew stopped Laura and hugged her when she was about to fall, but he was staring at his bicycle lying on the ground, obviously more concerned about his property.

"I'm fine! Let me go!" Laura yelled, standing firm and breaking free from Matthew's arms.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Matthew raised his hand and stepped away to help his car.

Laura realized her overreaction and looked at the smiling Benjamin, a little embarrassed, "Hey, are you Matthew? I'm Laura, I'm sorry for riding your car."

"No, it's okay." Matthew confirmed that the car was not broken and smiled sheepishly.

This is a very honest young man. He has light golden hair, but it is too light. It looks like white in the sun. If you look at it from a distance, you will think that he has no eyebrows. Farming and work have made him very strong, and there is a short stubble on his broad, neglected chin. But again, because the color is too light and paired with his white skin, it can't be seen without looking carefully, but it softens his deep and hard contours. He's an easy guy to like.

Matthew was blushing a little at this time, helped the car park to the warehouse, and secretly looked at Laura, who was already laughing with Benjamin.

"Matthew, go help Hank." Benjamin gave the order as he passed by, and took Banshee and Laura into the warehouse.

Matthew's gray eyes looked at the backs of the three of them. Zach put his hand on Matthew's shoulder with a vague smile: "Lola Barton, beautiful girl, right?"

The hairs all over Matthew's body stood up. The owner of the Grand House always gave him a strange feeling. The honest Matthew only thought that this was the pressure from his new job, new 'identity' and new boss, and did not think in any strange direction. However, even the stupidest person could understand the importance of this sentence. 'Barton, beautiful'.

"I..." Matthew was thinking, Zach had already walked towards Grande and ignored the young wolf.

I don't know if it's because the stairwell of the Grand House is connected to the vampire's basement, but it always feels cold here. Zach held onto the escalator leading to the second floor, looked up, and frowned. Something was wrong with Louise these days, but he didn't know why.

After thinking for a while and having no clue, Zach shook his head, turned around, pushed open the office door, and entered the office.

As he did every time he returned after leaving, Zach poured himself a glass of wine and pressed the answering machine.

Mixed in with the calls to coordinate the tomb relocation, a strange message appeared.

"Grand Funeral Home? Uh, this is Quest, uh, Herman recommended you guys. Is this your work number? Uh, anyway, call back when you get it. Number."

Zach raised his eyebrows, wrote down the phone number, and walked out of the office. He spread out the newspapers from the past few days and rummaged through them. It didn't take long to find such a piece of news in the social section.

Neil Quest, the brother of the president of Quest Group, and his newlywed wife Delphine Quest disappeared last night. The two only got married on Monday and have ruled out the possibility of traveling. The police are expanding their search scope. According to informed sources, the two were last seen at the former Paisin Bus Terminal. Following the emergence of the 'cult' organization, this is the second case that has occurred here. There is currently no evidence that the two events are related. Neil Quest, twenty-five years old, one of the shareholders of Quest Group... '

Zach frowned and thought about getting "Urban Legend-Barton Weekly". I don’t know what strange story will appear this time. But looking at the date on the cover, I realized that it hadn't even been a week yet, and this was a weekly magazine, and the new magazine hadn't come out yet.

The vampire put the magazine back with some disappointment, walked back to the office, thought about the words, and picked up the phone.

"This is the Grande House, Zachary Grande. Mr. Quest, you called." Zach swung the liquid in the cup calmly.

"So you are the Zack that Herman highly recommended?" A voice that fit a thirty-year-old man came from the receiver, it was Mr. Quest.

Zach said with a smile: "I am, thank you very much for Mr. Herman's recommendation. Do you need any help?"

The other party was silent for a while, with a trace of uncertainty, "Herman, you only accept the request, and you don't explain the process or the problem."

"Yes." Zach was very satisfied with Old Herman's conscientiousness. "I have seen the news. First of all, I would like to apologize for what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Quest. I believe Mr. Herman has also told his experience, so, What do you want to ask for?"

When Herman found Zach, Zach proposed two solutions, but Herman, who still had hope, chose to find Connor first and then seek revenge. So Zach asked just to test what information the other party knew.

The other party's mind seemed to be disturbed and he lowered his voice: "What are you implying?!"

"I didn't imply anything." Zach's mouth curved, "Has Mr. Quest received a blackmail call or letter?"

"No." Zach could hear the muffled breathing coming from the receiver.

"Were there any signs beforehand?" Zach continued to ask.


Zach waited for the other person's breathing to calm down, "Then I'm just taking precautions in advance." The vampire took a sip of wine and said flatly, "You can make your request."

"Find my brother!" The other party seemed to have suppressed countless emotions. After breathing heavily, the receiver added: "No matter what, find him first!"

Zach nodded in the air, responded, and hung up the phone.

Zach didn't have much clue about this incident, so he couldn't give a time guarantee. But disappearing without warning and without purpose, and the place is an abandoned bus stop, seems to be in line with Zach's strengths.

Zach sat behind his desk and drank the rest of the wine, and pulled out a folded piece of paper from the drawer with some names on it, which James gave to Benjamin. In the past few days after the full moon, the Grand House had work, so it ignored these suspicious names.

Zach looked at the names, thought for a while, shook his head, and put the note back. After starting to process the previous message, when Grande finished all her work, Laura had been picked up by Barton's car, and Alice was waiting in front of the TV to wait for the start of 'Cook's Kitchen'.

Matthew knocked on the office door, "I'm going home."

"Yeah." Zach glanced at Matthew and said, "When you come tomorrow, go to the mill first and bring Madison's work report."

"Oh." Matthew put on his old peaked cap and got off work.