The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 105: box


At the junction of Pais Ying District and Newton City, there are woods to the west, dilapidated Pais Ying to the east, and Pais Ying River coming from Newton City and eventually converging with the Charles River to the north. South is the southern district of the city of Barton. Here's a motel that you suspect will never do business, 'Pine's Rest Stop.'

The vampire's eyes were red and he said something to the old man behind the counter. The old man handed him a key and gave him a room number.

Benjamin sent the two people who were still unconscious to the room. Zach 'borrowed' the phone and called Quest.

"Mr. Quest, the people have been found. They are now at the rest stop in Pine. The address..."

"Are they okay? Are they injured?!"

Vampires sometimes admire people's optimism. Even though he had hinted when accepting the commission that he had no intention of finding the two alive, the client still seemed to firmly believe that his brother and his wife were still alive.

"They are not injured, but they are still in a coma." Zach frowned. He had tried various methods to wake the two people up, but failed. This was strange. Zach didn't want to discuss anything he didn't know, so before the other party could ask more questions, he said, "You can pick them up now." Then he hung up the phone.

The old man behind the counter kept looking at Zach with vigilant eyes. Zach smiled at him, used the Charming Eyes again to program his memory, and left this 'Penn's Rest Stop' with Benjamin.

From the motel, head south toward Grand House.

Zach sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with the metal box that the Hayate couple had prepared for them ten days ago. This is a very old password box. The pattern on the box has long been corroded by rust. There is only a secret lock located in the front. The four-digit password wheel seems to be smooth due to frequent touch, but the numbers have also changed a bit. It's so worn that you can't tell what's engraved without looking carefully.

Zach wiped off the rust on his hands outside the car window, randomly found a piece of tattered clothes discarded by Benjamin, and wrapped the box, "What do you think this is?"

Benjamin's body matched with the music on the radio and he shrugged, "It should be for Ryan."

Zach heads, during the few days that the Gale and his wife lived in Grande, Ryan disappeared into the darkness and became quiet in a rare moment. The two elderly Indians have never asked Ryan to show up. The 'conflict' in this Indian family is more serious than Grande imagined.

Zach threw the box against the front window. It was almost eight now, and as the seasons changed, the sunlight was warm and comfortable. Zach took out the wine bottle in his pocket and took a sip, "Do you think Hayate and the others will come back?"

Benjamin nodded and shook his head.

Perhaps the two decided to leave Barton when Sibella was willing to let vampires into their home.

Sibera was silently protecting Ryan, who had become an Earthbinder. Perhaps she had already predicted the future when Ravenci came to Barton. The wizard wanted to use his power to change Ryan's fate, but obviously failed. Connor's body was found and burned by Ravenci, and vampires and werewolves joined the incident in strange ways.

When the vampires and werewolves came into contact with 'Connor' for the first time, the Hayate couple realized that things had gone irreversibly wrong.

Bella was not surprised when the vampire visited Hayate's house at night. She already knew the direction of the matter and summoned Papa Midnight to make a last-ditch effort. However, Ryan had completely integrated into Grande's alien home. Maybe At this time, the Gale and his wife gave up the idea of continuing to live in this city.

It's just that the appearance of Papa's dead disciple at midnight delayed his life.

"I hope it's her spell book." Zach raised his eyebrows and began to think positively like a human being.

Benjamin smiled, "Maybe it's true."

Grande's 'brother' returned to the Grande House with a smile. Matthew, carrying a cloth backpack and riding his old bicycle, arrived at the same time as the two of them.

Matthew parked the car, walked directly to the office, and handed Zach the week's work report he brought from Madison: "Mr. Madison, the price for ordering urns is more expensive than Allen Funeral Home. Negotiate with the factory. The other side has been refusing to give in."

When Zach was sitting in the office, he had already picked up a glass of wine and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Matthew looked at Zach, and every time he saw the vampire replenishing his food, his heart would get agitated. But this simple wolf cub thought it was because he knew that the thing in the cup was blood. Normal people would probably feel uncomfortable if they knew the truth!

Zach squinted his eyes, watching Matthew staring at his throat, put down the wine glass, and asked again: "Is there anything else?"

"Oh!" Matthew recovered from his trance. As a guy who turned into a wolf when the moon was full, he didn't think he had the right to think that others were 'weird'. Matthew lowered his head in embarrassment, "No, Mr. Madison would like to ask you to take some time to take a look, that's all."

Suddenly there was something interesting in the vampire's heart, and he waved to the guy and asked him to sit down: "Matthew, has Benjamin told you about the origin of werewolves?"

Matthew didn't expect Zach to ask this suddenly. He shook his head: "Not yet, now it's just about transformation and transformation, Alpha and wolves, and so on."

Zach groped with his fingers on the rim of the wine glass, looking like he was thinking, "Aren't you curious? Why do people turn into wolves when the moon is full?"

"Why do you have a werewolf?" Matthew was stunned for a moment. It seemed that this guy had never thought about this problem. "Is it something important?"

Zach was stopped by the question and touched his chin, "Define what's important."

"Uh." Matthew scratched his head: "For example, it will make me earn more Dole, or it will make my father's back pain better, and it will make my mother's work easier..."

Zach showed a smile and waved his hand, "Well, compared to this, it is indeed an unimportant thing."

"Oh." Matthew looked at his big boss, really not knowing what he wanted to express.

"Matthew, do you want to make extra money?" Zach asked.

"Yes!" Matthew's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah." Zach nodded, "I want to install a new phone. The Grand House has always only had one phone, which is very inconvenient. How about I leave this matter to you?"

"Okay!" Matthew nodded, stood up unconsciously and agreed seriously.

"Don't be so happy." Zach smiled helplessly, "This is a very troublesome thing. You need to change the phone number of our Grand House. The newly installed phone will become our work phone, business card, phone book, The ways in which customers contact us need to be updated.”

"No problem!" Matthew's eyes were shining. The more trouble he had, the more extra money he could make.

"Okay, go out." Zach waved his hand, "Let Ryan come in."

"Oh." Matthew's expression suddenly turned ugly. Ryan was the person he couldn't understand the most in Grand House. The first time he saw this guy, Matthew almost fell into the toilet. !

"I'm here, no need to shout."

Light and shadow condensed in the office. When Matthew heard the sound, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. No matter how many times he appeared, he could not adapt to the appearance of this earth-binding spirit.

If Matthew could actually tell the difference between how normal people react to strange things, and how he reacts to Zach, he'd realize something. Obviously, this guy is a little slow in this regard.

Matthew left nervously, leaving two people behind.

"Benjamin told me, I have a package." Ryan floated in front of the desk and assumed a sitting posture, but his translucent butt was still a finger away from the chair, and the vampire was not prepared to remind him.

Zach took out the box wrapped in Benjamin's unwanted clothes, placed it in front of the table, and corrected Ryan, "It's not for you, it's for us."

Ryan rolled his eyes impatiently. He was the same age as Matthew, but his personality was obviously completely opposite to Matthew's.

"Open it quickly! What is it?"

Zach helplessly unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the rusty iron box inside, and turned to Ryan.

There is nothing weak about the earth-bound spirit itself, because it is the soul and consciousness of a dead person that remains in this world. It is not weak or 'strong' in any way. But some substances can affect them, such as iron. The iron will cause them to lose consciousness for a while and dissipate.

Ryan's face showed a complicated expression. He stretched out his transparent fingers, as if he wanted to touch the iron box, but the moment his fingers touched it, they turned into scattered light and shadow, and the faint green smoke disappeared in Ryan's face. The fingers continue to spread upward.

Ryan retracted his hand, shook his body a few times, and returned his hand to its original state.

"Do you know this thing?" Zach looked at Ryan's expression, "Do you know the password?"

Ryan said, "It's mother's box, which contains diaries, spell books, and potion formulas." Ryan seemed to be in memory mode.

It seemed that it was right to maintain an optimistic attitude. Zach raised his eyebrows and looked at Ryan mockingly, "So you peeked at the contents and killed yourself?"

Ryan's face was sullen, and the edges of his body seemed to be beating unsteadily. The Earthbinder was hit, and was enraged. But unlike real life, the anger of the Earthbinder has no effect other than affecting his own consciousness.

"Okay, okay." Zach stopped irritating Ryan, "Here is your mother's diary. I think you want to see it. Tell me the password."

Ryan's body stabilized, still sullen, and reported a few numbers.

Zach turned the box around and flipped the combination dial. With a not-so-clear click, the box lid bounced up, and the iron filings at the corners fell on the desk under the vibration. Zach looked through the box, and there was a letter at the top that said 'To Ryan'.

Zach rang the bell on the desk, and the banshee Alice walked in. Zach patted Alice on the shoulder and handed the box over. Alice looked at the contents of the box, then at Ryan, who had a complicated expression, took a few deep breaths, nodded, and left holding the box.