The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 108: coincide


After leaving the apartment building where Daniel lived, James was about to ask Zach where he was going next, but he found someone leaning on his back. Looking back, he saw the vampire was coming, holding up his bottle of wine, with expectant eyes. Looking at the drop of bright red on the mouth of the bottle, hanging in the air, it just can't drip.

Without further words, James put Zach into the back seat and drove to the South Side.

"Will you continue to investigate those lists?" Zach asked listlessly from the back seat.

"I will." James looked at the empty rearview mirror, thought for a while and replied.

"Leave Grande's phone number." Zach leaned back in his chair. He didn't want to talk much now. If this wasn't James' car, he would light a cigarette to make the drowsiness lessen.

James pursed his lips, neither refusing nor agreeing. Zach stopped talking and looked out the window. It was almost noon. The sun filtered through the car window and shone on the vampire's pale skin. Zach felt the blocked blood flow under the skin and adjusted his breathing.

In the section of road that had not completely left the North District, a large group of people crowded on the roadside, ambulances and police cars were parked aside, and James' attention was completely diverted.

"Stop over there." Zach pointed helplessly at a shadowed street corner. He knew that James wanted to mind his own business.

James turned around and parked the car in the alley of the building with some conscience. He opened the car door and walked toward the crowd.

James looked around. This place is southwest of Barton North District and east of Paisying. The most conspicuous building should be the Church of Our Lady of Barton behind the crowd. In the Holy Scriptures, Mary is the mother of the Son. Among the churches with various themes in the Federation, the one represented by Our Lady is the most 'loving' one.

These people are probably worshipers.

James saw Mrs. Coulson on the periphery of the crowd. The middle-aged woman hugged her daughter and anxiously wanted to look inside.

"Mrs. Coulson!" James ran over, "What happened?!"

"Lance!" Mrs. Coulson said with surprise on her face, "You're here too!"

James checked the bodies of the two people and found no injuries. The crowd seemed to be calm and there was no commotion. He felt relieved, "Where is Coulson? Where is he?"

"He's still inside." Mrs. Coulson grabbed James' arm. Seeing James's expression suddenly became tense, she realized that she had misexpressed herself. "He is not injured. He is searching and rescuing inside."

James breathed a sigh of relief: "What happened?"

"The second floor of Mary's Church collapsed." Mrs. Coulson trembled. "Many people were injured. He, he is organizing search, rescue and evacuation."

"You stay here." James pressed Mrs. Coulson's arm, "I'll go help."

Mrs. Coulson asked, James had already taken out his police badge and was clearing the way, lost in the crowd.

James was not a true believer. Apart from being baptized symbolically and occasionally accompanying his mother in worship before he came to Barton, James had not fulfilled any of his obligations as a believer. Like most people in the Commonwealth, he only Consider this a tradition.

Mary's Church is very large and is the largest church in Barton City. At this time, the main entrance has been sealed by the police, and smoke and dust seeped out from the door. James showed his police badge and walked in. There were a large number of firefighters and ambulance personnel in the church, searching for injured people.

James looked up and saw that almost one-third of the second floor was covering the first floor. Cement debris continued to fall from the zigzag fracture above the head, bent steel bars stretched out abruptly, and cement blocks attached to the steel bars were suspended in the air.

"Hey!" James' arm was pulled and he stepped back. Coulson glared at his young and reckless partner: "You stand here and want to die!"

"Uh, sorry." James retracted his somewhat surprised expression, "What's going on?"

Coulson glanced at James with disgust: "Can't you see? That's what happened! Fortunately, I found out early and started evacuating the crowd in advance, otherwise!" Coulson waved his hands and pointed at the collapse of the second floor. The suppressed part: "Otherwise, hundreds of people will see God right now!"

It must be reminded that Detective Coulson is not a devout believer. When everyone is bowing their heads in prayer, he is looking up at the ceiling...

James had already felt Coulson's pride and asked helplessly: "I am, what's going on? Why did it collapse?"

"How do I know!" Coulson raised his eyebrows, "Get the people out first, and nothing will happen to us in the future."

Coulson is very practical. They are the homicide team and they can't deal with accidents. Yes, in Coulson's eyes, this was an accident.

James took another look at the collapsed fracture on the second floor. For some reason, he looked at the statue of the Virgin placed at the end of the church. The woman with a serene face was holding a baby in her arms.

As Coulson said, fortunately he arrived early and started evacuating the crowd before the accident happened. The accident did not result in deaths, but there were many injured, and some people were trampled in the chaos that followed.

After all the injured were recorded and the scene was cleared and sealed for investigation, noon passed. James casually found an excuse to say goodbye to the Coulsons and returned to his car parked in the alley.

Zach had 'fallen asleep'.

Find a wooden stick and insert it into the vampire's heart, clean the back seat, and then quit Patton's job and return to the general's father to avoid Grande's pursuit. Such thoughts really did not cross James' mind. He started the car and continued driving to the South District.

On Route 7, James' car seemed to have a companion. The words Patton Telecommunications were printed on the old van.

beep! beep!

The van honked for no reason, and as it walked parallel to James, a face stuck out of the window: "Detective Lance! Detective Lance!"

When James heard the sound, he turned his head and looked to one side in confusion. The skinny body that obviously lacks exercise, the slightly pale face, and the messy head, "Detective Lance! It's me! Fitz!"

"Fitz!" James showed a smile and raised his hand to greet the other party, "Work?"

"Yeah!" Fitz shouted, obviously happy to meet someone he knew. "Detective Lance! Do you work too?"

"That's right!" James shouted back, and both of them slowed down. It seemed interesting to shout across the car, and James' bad mood seemed to be getting better.

"Where's Detective Coulson? Aren't you guys together?" Fitz was also very enthusiastic, asking him to understand the otaku with social barriers. For him, getting to know the detective was a magical thing, although the process was not very pleasant.

"No! I'm the only one!" James replied, as if he wanted to chat more, "Where are you going?"

"Ah! There's a place called the Grand House that's getting new phones!" Fitz said.

James' face froze, and a head popped out from the back seat. Zach's voice was still a little weak, "Hi! We are traveling on the same road! What a coincidence!"