The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 109: result


The two cars arrived at the Grand House at the same time, and Benjamin was already waiting at the door. He was a little surprised to see James, Zach, and the people from Telecom arriving at the same time.

James didn't get out of the car. After waving goodbye to Fitz, he watched Zach lead people into the Grand House and left.

Fitz and James are familiar with each other because detectives Coulson and Lance had secretly protected him in David's case. For the stranger he just met, although he was also James' friend, he was still nervous and unsociable, almost like Alice.

Seeing that Zach was back, Benjamin stopped taking care of things and let Zach handle it.

The new phone still had to be installed in the office. Zach took Fitz, who was carrying a large bag, into the office. Watching Fitz start taking measurements in the office, the vampire directly pulled out a bottle of red wine from the bookcase and drank it.

"Do you want one?" Zach looked at Fitz, raised the bottle to signal, and asked.

"No, no need." Fitz smiled cautiously, "You can't drink while working."

Zach smiled and said, "How many days will it take to pretend?"

"It can be done tomorrow." Fitz thought for a while, "It's just a little troublesome to get the connection."

"Oh." Zach nodded.

The South District is different from the North District. The buildings in the South District are far apart. It does take some time to pull the phone lines from far away. Especially since Grande is still on the edge of Barton City. Ten minutes' drive south will lead you into the woods at the junction of the two cities, which is where Benjamin's transformation took place.

Zach gave up the office, let Fitz work, and went to the restaurant by himself. After a while, Benjamin, who seemed to have nothing to do, also came.

"Have I seen this guy somewhere?" The werewolf was in good spirits after catching up on his sleep.

"He's Fitz," Zach answered.

"Oh." Benjamin's head suddenly dawned. He had seen Fitz's photo on Coulson's clue wall. He looked at Zack: "Did you find anything this morning?"

"A phantom man appeared." If he was still doubtful in Daniel's apartment, he confirmed it after seeing his neighbor's condition, "but he has disappeared." Zach took another sip and stretched his body comfortably. Looking at Benjamin who looked bored, he felt it and realized that the aura of the cub was no longer in the Grand House, "Where is Matthew?"

Benjamin frowned, "Give him a day off, his father is injured."

"What's wrong?" Zach asked, and honestly, he didn't care.

"He fell down and the injury on his back recovered." Benjamin answered casually.

"Poor guy." Zach raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, "You can tell him that my blood can cure all injuries."


Zach almost spat out the food in his mouth. Benjamin's education method is really special. It does not start from the origin, but uses very practical 'application' techniques, which is so avant-garde.

Benjamin looked at Zach's ridiculous blaming look and smiled: "He refused."

Zach was really surprised this time, "Why?"

Benjamin thought for a while, "His original words: 'If my father recovers from his injury, he will definitely think about continuing to work, and then he may not be so lucky that he is just injured.'" Benjamin glanced at Zach, "So you It’s best to give him a little extra money.”

Zach felt Matthew's words carefully for a while, then blinked, "I will."

This topic was a bit heavy, and Zach thought for a while, "How did his father fall?"

"The porch of the Gospel Hall was rotten. After the service, it collapsed when the crowd left." Benjamin thought about what Matthew's mother said when she arrived.

Zach frowned and was silent for a while, "The altar of the Holy Child Church to our west also collapsed. In the morning, the second floor of Mary Church in the North District also collapsed."

"It's not just that." Benjamin smiled, "When you didn't come back, the client who was supposed to be attending the funeral this afternoon called. It seems that he wants to make a reservation to go back to our church again."

Zach felt a trace of accusation in Benjamin's tone. It was obviously because the vampire didn't tell Benjamin that his afternoon schedule had changed. The werewolf had dragged out the half-decomposed corpse that was frozen in the basement in advance and put it into a coffin... This was not a disturbing thing. A pleasant job, especially for Benjamin, who has a keen sense of smell.

"Haha." Zach laughed dryly, "I decided to go out with James on the spur of the moment."

Benjamin waved his hand, "Forget it, but the same accident happened in the church in the West End. What do you think it was?" Apparently the customer's complaint on the phone before revealed some information.

Zach frowned, "Is every church like this?"

There are eight churches in Barton. There are two churches in the North District, the largest of which is the Virgin Mary Church, and some memorial churches. There are two in the South District, the popular Gospel Hall to the east and the Church of the Atoning Child. To the west of this church is Barton Prison, so although it is an unknown church, it carries a very heavy theme.

The West District has the largest area, but due to the peculiar composition of social classes, the West District has the most churches, with four, but they are all gospel churches in the ordinary sense. They are just located in different locations and are very different.

Of course, in addition to these truly independent churches, there are prayer rooms in hospitals and on some special occasions, which are scaled down according to the size of the church and are not considered real churches.

"You should be able to see it in the newspaper tomorrow." Benjamin didn't want to discuss any absolute issues, so he continued, "What do you think it is?"

"What is it?" Zach curled his lips, "Who would touch the church?" The vampire shook his head, he had no idea.

Fitz knocked on the door of the restaurant and said to the two people chatting, "Mr. Grande, there's a phone call."

Zach nodded and walked to the office, while Fitz stayed outside and waited. He was a very considerate guy, and Great Dane and Coulson knew him best.

Benjamin waved to Fitz, "Come here."

Fitz leaned over timidly. To be honest, he had never seen such a strong man. If he put on the tights in the comics, he would look like those muscular superheroes.

"Mr. Grande, is something wrong?" Fitz asked nervously.

"Nothing, let's chat." Benjamin smiled, but in his mind he was thinking about the scene when he bit out the throat of his 'friend', "I hear James, you like to play 'Dungeons and Dragons', you like to pretend What role?”

Fitz breathed a sigh of relief. He already knew that James was friends with the brothers from the Grand House. Benjamin asked about something he was interested in again, and he relaxed a little...

In Zach's office, some tools and parts are placed on the ground floor. Half of the carpet has been lifted. Next to the original telephone wire, new wires have been placed and extended to the wall.

Zach answered the phone that kept ringing, "Grand House, how can I help you?"

"Quest." A voice of a man in his thirties came from the receiver, "My brother has never woken up! Where did you find him?! Is he injured in any way?!"

Zach pursed his lips and took another sip of wine: "Did Mr. Quest forget that we don't answer questions? You wanted to find Neil and Daphne, and we found them."

"No!" The person on the other side of the receiver suddenly became irritable, "This is so irresponsible! What is this?! I don't even know what happened to them!"

Zach didn't want to admit that he didn't know either, so he calmly said, "So, does Mr. Quest want to give a new commission?"

The person behind the receiver seemed to take a deep breath, as if something incredible had happened. It is indeed incredible that Zach is like an unscrupulous businessman at this time. You think the packaging of the biscuits looks good, you want to buy it, and you pay, but he only gives you the box, 'Isn't it because of this box that you want to buy it? Come, give you the box. '

Zach did not wait for the other party to respond and began to ask: "Did Mr. Quest perform a physical examination on your brother and his wife?"

"I did it." The other party calmed down.

"What's the result?" Zach guided.

"Everything is in normal condition and there are no injuries on the body. But they are still unconscious!" The other party became excited again.

"I can tell you something." Zach thought for a while, "The process of finding them was very accidental. When we found them, they looked like this. I am also surprised that they have not woken up yet, but I am not a doctor. If Mr. Quest wants them to wake up, he should follow the doctor's instructions instead of venting on us."

There was silence on the other side of the receiver for a while, "I also want to know what they went through!"

Zach raised his eyebrows, "I want to know out of curiosity, but I really have nothing to tell you."

"Then where did you find him?!"

"I appeared out of thin air, do you believe it?" Zach smiled.

"Shit!" the other party swore, and after gasping for breath: "Okay! You win! I entrust you! Continue the investigation! I want to know everything!"

This is a 'beautiful' misunderstanding. Quest obviously thinks that Zach wants to grab the clues he has already mastered and accept the second commission to prevent Quest from finding other competitors with the clues!

Zach frowned, Grande is not a detective agency, Grande is a special 'organization' that only provides results. The other party wants to know 'everything', which is inconsistent with Grande's mission.

"Sorry, Mr. Quest, I don't accept this commission." Zach said calmly, "I'm not hiding clues, I'm telling the truth. Regarding whether my words are credible, you can consult James from the Barton Police Department. Detective Lance Lance, a responsible detective, was present when they were found last night."


"James Lance." Zach repeated, "If Mr. Quest wants to have other commissions that only require results after knowing the truth, we welcome it. But for investigation, which requires a process, we Not accepted."

"What? What do you mean..."

Zach hung up the phone.