The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 111: Quinn


Grande's two brothers were in the van, driving along Charles and toward the West Side. The two people looked a little helpless. There was a square metal wine bottle placed in front of the car window with 'holy water' inside.

The reason for the current situation is that Mrs. Quinn called and asked for 'the Son to appear again'.

"If possible, I would go to the church in person." These were Mrs. Quinn's exact words, "But Amanda's condition cannot be moved. I need you to bring the 'holy water'."

Therefore, Zach and Benjamin could only make this trip.

Benjamin looked at the depressed Zach, "At least Quinn didn't ask for the Holy Son to 'appear' in the hospital."

"Of course not." Zach was sitting in the passenger seat. The afternoon sunshine really made him unable to cheer up, but the presence of the werewolf's breath always 'reminded' him, which wonderfully raised the vampire's instinctive vigilance and prevented him from falling into the trap. Completely passed out.

"Mrs. Quinn is a smart person. The sudden recovery in the hospital is too conspicuous." It is precisely because there is a werewolf next to her, and the vampire cannot forcefully feed her. This is not because there is a danger to life, it is not a full moon cycle, but out of respect.

If vampires and werewolves were asked to describe each other's smell, the answer would be 'stinky'.

So now Zach had no choice but to smoke one cigarette after another, hoping to get indoors soon, a real indoor place instead of a pavilion with light everywhere. Zach still remembers the atrium of Mrs. Barton's house, which was simply a gorgeous glass bottle.

Benjamin looked at Zach's look, smiled, and took out a wooden can, "Do you want to give it a try?"

Zach took the wooden jar and asked, "Is this the one Sibella gave you?"

"Yeah." Benjamin nodded.

Zach raised his eyebrows: "You are actually willing to share this."

"The making method must be in the box she left behind." Benjamin was very practical, "You can make it again after you use it up."

Zack looked disappointed and handed the can back to Benjamin.

"Don't you really want to give it a try?" Benjamin asked doubtfully. He didn't think Zach was really disappointed with his reality.

"Of course I do, it's just that I'd rather try again on Grande's night."

Benjamin thought for a while, and it should indeed be like this. They still don't know what the real purpose of this spice is.

Quinn Manor. This time, the security guards did not conduct questioning, but seemed to be waiting. As soon as Grande's truck, which was seriously out of place with the surrounding environment, appeared in front of the road, the door of the manor was opened. Benjamin didn't waste time circling around and parked the car directly behind the fountain and in front of the main entrance.

The servants led the two people directly upstairs.

Across the long corridor, Zach could already smell the smell of blood and drugs. The two were introduced to a room. The layout here was similar to the apartment in the North District of Barton City. The difference was that the decoration and furniture were much higher-end. Wealthy elderly people such as Mrs. Quinn usually hire caregivers who work full-time. This is obviously the residence of the female caregiver named Amanda.

Both of them at the Grand House had a good impression of this young female caregiver who had met almost as many times as Mrs. Quinn, so they both frowned when they saw the person lying on the bed.

Mrs. Quinn is obviously not stingy about taking care of the people who work for her. Amanda's bedroom has been turned into an intensive care unit. Various instruments are placed in a space isolated by transparent plastic. Amanda's head is He was immobilized and his body was also tied with a belt. The infusion tube was connected to the back of her hand. The red and blue wires extended from the instrument and were attached to the skin under her clothes. The transparent oxygen mask covering her face was regularly covered with white mist, dissipating, covering, dissipating. .

Although nothing could be seen from the front, the vampire could already feel the real damage from her back.

"The priest's pulpit hit her back and injured her spine." Mrs. Quinn spoke after she dispersed everyone. "The operation can only keep her alive, but it will paralyze her forever."

Zach looked at the people inside through the plastic curtain. Looking up the infusion tube on the back of her hand, sure enough, it was anesthesia.

"She doesn't know anything yet." Zach looked at Mrs. Quinn with a wry smile.

"I don't know. She doesn't need to know." Quinn looked at Zach, "Because everything will be back to normal when she wakes up."

Zach frowned and looked at the layout here, speechless.

"Don't worry." Mrs. Quinn lowered her eyes, "Everything is under my control, no one will get out."

Zach thought for a moment, "We also hope Madam won't go out."

Mrs. Quinn glanced at Zach and said, "Is Barton talking too much?"

Zach pursed his lips and did not answer.

Nothing could be seen on Mrs. Queen's expression, for the wrinkles cut all the expression into countless pieces, like a broken mirror, and neither the vampire nor the werewolf could find a complete face.

"That's good." Mrs. Quinn sat down aside, "This way you can also understand the behavior of our group. The Patton family and the Herman family, you are very satisfied with us."

Zach and Benjamin looked at each other, "Mr. Herman..." What Zach wanted to ask was directly answered by Mrs. Quinn.

"He is not, he is not a person in our circle." At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Mrs. Quinn's mouth, and a bunch of wrinkles were squeezed and a bunch of wrinkles were stretched, "But you are good, you have set your own rules. .Barton has done you a favor."

Zach wanted to take a sip of 'wine', Grande's own rules? Now Zach discovers that this is actually the rule of Barton's most cutting-edge society. It's just that Grande's special nature forced him to implement this rule.

"I heard that you rejected the Quest family's follow-up commission, which is good." Quinn looked at Zach.

Zach really needed a sip of 'wine' now, and so he did. As if casually, he took out his own wine bottle and took a sip. It was only two hours ago that he rejected Mr. Quest, and now Quinn knows it!

"You must abide by the rules you set. No matter what the reason is, as long as you make an exception once, you are no longer worthy of trust." Mrs. Quinn stared into Zach's light green eyes, "We trust you, and you can Trust us."

Zach tightened the wine bottle in his hand and curled his lips, "Then, our Grand House accepts Mrs. Quinn's second commission. Please leave Mrs. Quinn for a while."

Mrs. Quinn nodded and slowly left the room.

After another moment, a slight sound of relief reached Zach's ears through the wall. Our vampire should match Mrs. Quinn's relaxation with a similar sigh of relief.

"Benjamin, when talking to these people, I sometimes forget that I am the guy who has lived for hundreds of years."

Benjamin curled his lips, "You are still more powerful. You gained their trust without saying a word."

Zach narrowed his eyes, the werewolf satisfying his vanity.