The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 112: Together tomb


After exiting Amanda's room, there were only a few servants waiting outside, looking nervously at the two people who came out.

Zach thought for a while and decided to believe in Mrs. Quinn's ability.

Under the leadership of the servant, the two came to the balcony in front of the atrium. Mrs. Quinn seemed to like this place very much.

"How is she?" Quinn looked at the two of them.

"She's lucky, she didn't suffer any injuries. She just needs to rest for a few days." Zach smiled and followed Mrs. Quinn's arrangement, distorting the facts.

Mrs. Quinn's eyes relaxed, her head. There was already a check placed on the exquisite table. She did not hand it out directly, but waved her hand for the two of them to sit down.

"Don't you have any concerns?" Quinn waved and a servant brought tea.

The two saluted and sat down. Zach replied seriously, "We trust Mrs. Quinn."

Mrs. Quinn gave a rare smile, "Actually, I have been hesitating whether to find you or not."

Zach smiled bitterly, his light green eyes searching for Quinn's expression, "Mrs. Quinn should not take such risks in the future. We should not place our hopes in life on such ethereal things as the 'Apparition of the Holy Son'." .”

"Yeah." Mrs. Quinn snorted softly. Although there was a trace of ridicule on her face, there was no malice. "Do you prefer Barton's naked method?" Quinn glanced at the two of them, "I I don’t think you would like to be direct on this matter.”

Head Zach, 'You brought my dying body back to health, now my caregiver is facing the same thing, you come and nurse her back to health', if that's what Mrs. Quinn is asking, then so will Zach and Benjamin The purpose of coming here is not to save people, but to use the Charming Eyes to wash away Quinn's memory. 'Health' is a very, very dangerous requirement for humans.

"Mrs. Quinn is right." Zach continued with a serious expression, "However, I still want to remind Mrs. Don't place your hopes on these things in the future."

Mrs. Quinn lowered her eyelids and acquiesced, sighing, "There are not many people in this world that I care about anymore, including Amanda. I admit that this is a risk, but still, I am willing to try. For this, I am very grateful. You." Mrs. Quinn motioned to the two of them.

Zach thought for a while, nodded, and accepted Mrs. Quinn's thanks.

"But now that I think about it, the person I should thank the most is Alice." Mrs. Quinn looked at Zach.

Zach picked up the tea cup on the table and tilted his head slightly to express his acquiescence that Quinn was just like the old fox.

Mrs. Quinn looked at Zach's expression, smiled, and started to change the topic, "I heard that you visited Reiput. Didn't she like it there?"

"Well--" Zach trailed off, "She's not suitable for that kind of environment."

Mrs. Quinn's eyes fell on Benjamin, and she took a sip of tea as if casually, "Listen Barton, Laura likes you very much."

"She just likes to hear stories about the war." Benjamin lowered his head and looked at Zach before answering.

Mrs. Quinn put down her tea cup and continued to ask casually, "How is Hank doing?"

"Same old," Zach replied.

“Where’s the Great Dane?”

"Still so edible."

Mrs. Quinn was silent for a while, and Zack waited quietly. He could tell that Mrs. Queen was testing the composition of Grand House, and the vampire didn't feel any ill will, maybe she was just curious.

Mrs. Quinn thought for a while and then spoke again, "There is one more thing that needs to be entrusted to Grande, you guys."

"Please, ma'am." Zach leaned forward and pretended to listen.

"Thank you for reminding me last month. I've been thinking about He Tomb recently."

Zach was stunned, "Is the construction of the cemetery in the West District about to start already?"

Mrs. Quinn's is of course the real cemetery of her son and wife. The cemetery where Old Hank and Old Grande used anonymous tombstones, located in the north garden of the cemetery, but wrote their real names on the notes.

Mrs. Quinn shook her head, "Not yet. The notice from the city government will be in the autumn. But..."

Zach thought for a while, his head clear. The cemetery actually under the name of Mrs. Quinn's son and his wife is actually just a cenotaph. Most of the people who died on the battlefield could not find their whole bodies. The cenotaph is just a way to express respect. Quinn took advantage of this, but the real person was actually buried in the North Park of the Grand West Cemetery.

Two months ago, Mrs. Quinn made an appointment with Zach for the joint grave of the Quinn family. At that time, Zach didn't quite understand Mrs. Quinn's purpose. He only thought that Mrs. Quinn was using benefits to attract Gran. Virtue.

Last month, after Old Hank dug up old accounts, Zach realized that Mrs. Quinn had already been planning to 'clear her son's name'.

There have been a lot of people moving graves recently, and it seems that Mrs. Quinn wants to take advantage of the crowd to complete the task without attracting attention.

"Does Mrs. Quinn have any ideas?" Zach put aside the mental probing and defense and got into work mode, "However, there have been a lot of people moving graves recently. If Mrs. Quinn wants to do this now, I'm afraid she has to Go to the very back of the line.”

Mrs. Quinn nodded and added, "In addition, what happened in the church today." Mrs. Quinn frowned, obviously hearing about the accidents in other churches, "I heard that there was an accident at the Holy Child Church over there."

"Yeah." Zach nodded, "But it's not serious. It's just that the altar where the candles were placed collapsed. Fortunately, no one usually goes to worship."

"Is there any impact on funeral bookings?" Mrs Quinn asked.

"The funeral originally scheduled for this afternoon has been canceled and postponed." There was a hint of helplessness in Zach's eyes. They were all famous figures in Barton City. He didn't want to offend anyone, but the postponement offended everyone. Alas.

Mrs. Quinn felt Zach's helplessness and shook her head to comfort her, "That's fine, I don't need a church. I just want to share the grave. I don't want to attract anyone's attention."

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Zach told the truth. The ceremony in the church is indeed not necessary, but in everyone's perception, Mrs. Quinn's son and his wife were heroes during the war. It is impossible not to move the cemetery without being criticized. People pay attention, even if it is just a tomb.

"I know." Mrs. Quinn sighed and looked up at the Grande brothers, "So you can regard this as a job left over from the previous generation."

What Mrs. Quinn means is that Old Hank and Old Grande buried the people at that time, and now it's up to you to transfer them.

Zach smiled and said, "Then, the Grand House can cooperate with the time, and Mrs. Quinn will decide it."

"Well, I'll let you know when I make arrangements." Mrs. Quinn put her hand on the check on the table and now pushed it towards Zach.

Zach folded the check and put it away, stood up with Benjamin, saluted again, and said goodbye to Quinn.