The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 12: poison


"Dang, Dang, Dang..."

Ten bells reached Zach's ears at the desk. Zach raised his head and stretched his sore neck.

I once asked Mr. Vampire, do vampires really feel sore? Zach replied: "Of course it will! It will happen when the blood circulation is not smooth! Just like you humans, it will be sore and numb!"

Zach picked up the wine glass at hand and drank it in one gulp. This was his solution to the problem of poor blood flow—increasing the flow.

A hunchbacked old man pushed open the office door, and a bell-like voice said: "Zha! Someone is coming!"

This old man's name is Hank, a coffin maker at Grande Funeral Home and a close friend of the deceased Grande. Therefore, in a certain respect, he can also be regarded as Zach's father.

Zach was a little surprised that someone would come here in the South District. He stood up and tidied his clothes: "I got it, Dad Hank."

"They are not good people!" Old Hank stared, his voice loud enough that people in the living room could hear, "They don't like my coffin!"

Zach smiled and patted Hank on the back. Hank is an eccentric person who is direct regardless of the situation. But Zach liked him very much. Because of his existence, the funeral home in the South District lost a lot of business, which made the three inhumans here relatively free.

"Dad Hank, how about you go to the second floor and help Louise tidy up the room?" Zach helped the old man walk into the office, opened the back door, and watched the old man go up step by step.

"Hmph!" Hank looked bored: "Woman! Beautiful woman! What can I, an old man, do to help!"

Zach smiled, shut up Hank's complaints behind the door, and turned to face the long-lost guest.

After the property is privately owned, Zach must find a way to run this half-dead funeral home, maybe without having Hank wander around the first floor.

The two rows of sofas in the living room were already filled with people, most of them old people, with grief on their faces. Behind the sofa stood a row of strong men in black suits, who should be bodyguards. The direction that everyone was pointing at was an old woman parked next to the sofa. Her body was curled up in a wheelchair. Behind her, a young woman in nursing attire was holding the wheelchair.

Zach observed it for a while, knowing that it was time to invite real guests into the office. He turned to the old woman in the wheelchair and made a gesture of invitation: "Don't worry about what Old Hank said, he treats his works like children."

The old woman had no expression, her head turned, and the nurse behind her pushed a wheelchair towards the office. At the same time, a young man stood up on the sofa. His expression was a little gloomy. He straightened his clothes and walked beside the wheelchair.

The old people on the sand exchanged glances, and the vampire saw a hint of disgust in their eyes.

Because there had been no business for a long time, no food or drinks were prepared in the living room. Zach bowed slightly to the people on the sofa and said, "Someone will bring food in a moment. Please wait a moment."

The old people didn't have much on their heads. Judging from their clothes, these were influential people in Barton City. Zach didn't understand why they came to the remote South District.

Zach closed the door to his office, pressed the bell that notified Alice to prepare food, and sat behind his desk again.

"Hmph! It's still morning, are you already drinking?" The young man next to the wheelchair fell on the wine glass on Zach's desk, which still had a trace of red liquid: "Grandma, I don't understand why we You have to come here!”

Zach wouldn't explain that it wasn't wine, but his food. Zach's eyes were on the old woman in the wheelchair. When his grandson spoke, the woman's fingers were clenched, and the wrinkled skin was stretched out by the joints. The expression on her face showed hatred for a moment, but it was immediately replaced by Covered face with wrinkles.

"We can go to the Ford Funeral Home, which is closer to the city and more convenient! Why do we have to go here so bumpyly early in the morning? The smell of rot and cow dung is everywhere! It has ruined my mood for lunch... "

While the young man was chattering, the young caregiver behind the wheelchair had lowered her head and bit her lip. She put one hand gently on the old woman's shoulder, as if to comfort her. The old woman's fists had begun to tremble, the joints were white, and black blood vessels spread all over the back of her hands. It's just that her fist was covered by the blanket and the young man couldn't see it.

"Sir!" Zach suddenly spoke, loudly cutting off the young man's words. He pointed to a nameplate in front of the desk: "As you can see, I am Zachary Grande, the owner of this place. Welcome Before you arrive, could you please introduce yourselves?"

The young man was startled and closed his mouth.

Yes, Zach was reminding him that the owner of the Grand House wanted to talk to the owner of this business, that is, the real guests who were coming here, not him, the lack of etiquette accompanying him.

The old woman raised her half-lidded eyelids and looked at Zach, still expressionless, but the nurse behind her showed a grateful smile.

"This is Mrs. Blair Queen." The nurse pointed her hand at the old woman in the wheelchair and then pointed at the young man next to her: "This is Mrs. Queen's grandson, Pochi Quinn."

Zach's face showed surprise, but it dimmed immediately. His light green eyes looked at Mrs. Quinn: "I'm really sorry. Is it because of Mr. Quinn that I came here this time?"

The Quinns are well-known philanthropists in Barton City. During the war ten years ago, they funded families broken up by the war and established orphanages to provide homes for children who had lost their parents. After the war, they continued their good deeds and supported homeless former soldiers and orphans. Now three orphanages in Patton City are named after them.

On New Year's Day, news spread that the healthy Quinn couple suddenly fell ill. The entire upper, middle and lower classes of Barton City were praying for this kind couple. Now that Mr. Quinn was missing from the crowd, Zach made a conjecture that made everyone sad.

Mrs. Quinn's eyelids drooped again, the nurse behind her pursed her lips, and the smile on the corner of Porchi's lips disappeared.

Perhaps, no one can detect this action, but Zach is not human.

"Seven years ago, we reserved a burial plot in the West End Cemetery at Grand House, but a few days ago, we received news that the West End Cemetery was about to be taken back by the city, so..."

Zach interrupted the nurse. There was a glimmer of hope in the vampire's eyes. He stood up excitedly: "So Mr. Quinn is fine now, right?!"

The hope in Zach's eyes is not false, greatness does not distinguish between races.

Zach's actions once again caused different reactions from the three people on the opposite side. The young nurse opened her mouth and her gaze drifted downwards. A faint mist of water had filled her clear eyes. Mrs. Quinn raised her eyelids again, her cloudy eyes staring at Zach's light green eyes. And Pochi, the disgust on Pochi’s face no longer wants to be hidden!

Zach shook his head and slowly sat back in his seat.

The young female caregiver adjusted her emotions and continued: "Mrs. Quinn follows her husband's last wish and hopes to have a traditional funeral. But the only one that still has a cemetery is the Grande Funeral Home in the South District, so we are here. .According to Mrs. Quinn's wishes, she still hopes that there will be space for two people to be buried together."

Zach sighed, turned his head, opened the information in the West District cemetery, and began to search for Mrs. Quinn's previous reservation. After a while, Zach found the reservation deposit slip, the marble tombstone and Gabriel statue, the nanmu coffin...

Old Hank is very particular about the production of coffins. Even the West End used his works in the past, so Zach doesn't have to worry about the latter. But with tombstones and statues, Zach had some problems.

Grand Home South has two major industrial customers: hospitals and prisons. Therefore, most of the people buried here are criminals and unclaimed anonymous people, and there are almost no requirements for coffins and tombstones, so Zach is not prepared here.

As for the funerals of nearby citizens, random rocks were used and Benjamin carved them into shapes. In recent years, cremation has emerged, and more people are going to Allen Funeral Home, also in the South Side, for cremation. After all, the cost of cremation and urns is much cheaper than a handmade coffin.

Zach held the previous order and frowned. He handed the order to the female caregiver, "We have the cemetery and the coffin. I believe that Old Hank's craftsmanship will not disappoint Mrs. Quinn, but the statue..."

"We can wait." A dry and hoarse voice came from Mrs. Quinn's throat. This was the first time she opened her mouth. "I promised him that I would give him a traditional funeral. We can wait!"

"Grandma!" Pochi turned to the woman in the wheelchair excitedly: "It will cost a lot of money to preserve the body! How long do we have to wait!"

Zach's eyebrows furrowed and he looked at the old lady whose body was shaking for a moment: "Can I ask when Mr. Quinn died?"

"This morning, eighty-twenty." The female nurse answered Zach's question with the wife's permission.

Vampire head, his eyes followed the blood vessels under Mrs. Quinn's skin, and he took a deep breath, feeling a vague and strange smell. Why do you do this? Because vampires are very sensitive to life force, he can feel Mrs. Quinn's life passing by.

As you all know, I am always curious about the behavior of vampires, so I once carefully asked Mr. Zach: "Dear vampire, why can you feel a person's vitality? Do you have the ability to foresee death like Alice?" ability?"

The vampire replied: "I don't have that unlucky ability. All I have is a keen sense of smell for blood. Do you know the correct way to kill a vampire?"

I opened my notes and began to retell: "Beheading, burning, wooden stakes and silver tools piercing the heart, werewolf bites..."

The vampire took my notebook and looked through it with interest: "You actually recorded such a thing."

I try to keep my smile looking cute and harmless.

The vampire didn't care that I recorded his weakness, picked up the pen and added an entry to my notes.

I leaned over to see, 'Blood of the Dead'.

Oh, just like people will be poisoned after eating spoiled things, spoiled blood is the poison and medicine of vampires.

But now, the vampire smelled a hint of poison and medicine, coming from Mrs. Quinn.