The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 122: contradiction


Outside the Barton Police Station, police officers in police uniforms hurried past a large man, not paying much attention to this civilian who looked normal and was unharmed.

Benjamin pushed open the door of the police station and looked inside. James was not at home. Even though Zach said, "Since I'm not here, let's go to church first," Benjamin still took the steering wheel and drove the car here.

"Hey!" A not very tall policewoman saw Benjamin. She stood behind the front cabinet, waved and smiled at Benjamin who was looking around, "You're here again!"

Benjamin looked at the policewoman, remembered, smiled and waved, and walked towards her, "Hello, we meet again. Is Lance here?"

"He's here, wait a minute, I'll call him." The policewoman smiled and turned around and went inside.

The police station was much more lively and crowded than the last time Benjamin arrived. The detectives and police officers were all busy, and the handcuffed street gangsters were noisy in the corridors. There were no smiles on everyone's faces. Maybe this is what a police station should be like, in a general sense.

Before long, James came over behind the policewoman. His shirt was wrinkled, and his left eye was obviously bruised after being beaten. Seeing it was Benjamin, he frowned.

"Thank you." Benjamin thanked the policewoman first, and then gestured to James to go out.

"You're welcome." The policewoman said with a smile on her face, which didn't match the seriousness of the police station.

Benjamin turned around and was about to leave, "Wait, I'm Emma, what's your name? SS?"

"Officer Emma." Benjamin smiled and leaned forward, "My name is Benjamin."

"No, no, Emma is my name." The policewoman smiled and waved her hand, "Emma Farrell, you can just call me Emma."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, "Thanks again, Emma. I want..." Benjamin pointed at something and signaled to James who was walking to the door.

"Oh! Go ahead and see you again when you have the chance!" The police officer named Emma waved awkwardly.

Benjamin headed and left the police station with James.

"Why did you tell her your name!" James seemed to be in a bad mood.

Benjamin shrugged, as if he didn't care, "What's wrong with your eyes? Have you been beaten?"

"It's none of your business!" James said coldly, "Why are you looking for me?"

Benjamin raised his eyebrows, "Zach has something to say to you." He pointed to the parked truck in front of him. Zach leaned against the car and waved to this side in the sunshine.

James' face became even more gloomy. He knew how vampires slumped under the sun. It was now four in the afternoon, the summer solstice would be in a few days, and the sun was also fierce. The vampire seemed to move freely. What the reason was, James didn't want to think about it.

"Let's walk around casually." Zach smiled and joined the two of them, and the three of them walked around the Barton Police Station without any purpose.

Zach looked in the direction of the police station. Every police officer was in a hurry, "You seem to be very busy at work."

James glared at Zach. The bruise on his left eye was more obvious in the sun, and his eyelids were weakly closed. It was obvious that the person who beat him was not gentle, "What are you doing here? I have to go back to work after you finish it quickly!" "

"Can't we care about our friends?" Zach raised his eyebrows and smiled.

James twitched the corner of his mouth and turned around to go back to the police station.

"Wait, James." Zach shook his head helplessly, "We may be able to tell you why Barton's crime rate has increased."

James turned back gloomily, "How do you know." Social incidents in Barton City have doubled in the past week, but most of them are fights, thefts and other cases. The most eye-catching one is the church accident investigation a week ago. The police department The media's attention was diverted, and the public did not know about it.

"We just found out." Zach made a gesture and continued walking forward. James adjusted his breathing and continued to follow the two of them.

"Before that, James, you can put down the investigation of Quest. I was wrong, he is innocent." Zach curled his lips at Benjamin.

"What?!" James' voice suddenly rose! Pedestrians around were attracted by the sound and looked this way.

"What are you!" James lowered his voice and looked very unhappy.

"It's not a phantom." Zach looked at James and left as quickly as possible. This was the vampire's idea, "We know the real 'murderer'."

James half-opened his mouth, various lights flashed in his eyes, and his steps stopped.

Zach and Benjamin both frowned, looked at each other, and turned to look at James who was no longer moving forward.

"Humph." After a brief silence, a soft sound came from James' throat.

"Is this interesting?" James lowered his head. The vampire and the werewolf could not see his expression, but they could only feel that James's excited emotions just now calmed down quickly.

"Do you think this is interesting?!" James suddenly raised his head and stared into Zach's eyes!

Zach frowned and pulled James' shoulders to continue walking forward. They had attracted some people's attention, which was not the effect the vampire wanted.

"No, it's not interesting." Zach didn't pull James, his brows furrowed even more, "I'm telling you the truth. Do you want to know the truth, or quarrel with me here?"

"Are you fucking playing with me?!" James pushed Zach's hand away and stared at the vampire, "The truth?! Fuck the truth! I shouldn't have listened to you. Any shit that comes out of your mouth!!”

James turned around, stopped looking at the two of them, and walked towards the police station, leaving the two people standing there with frowns.

"Uh--" Zach looked at James' back, "This is going extremely smoothly." This was sarcasm.

Benjamin patted Zach on the shoulder, "Maybe there is something wrong with Quest." This was comfort.

Zach shook his head, thinking for only a moment. He gave up Benjamin's comfort and walked directly towards the retreating figure.

James felt a hand touch his lower back, and cold spikes pressed against his spine.

"I forgive your insulting words." Zach leaned against James' side, and the vampire's whisper reached his ears when James' pupils suddenly shrank, "Now, you have to go to a place with us. "

Benjamin shook his head and started walking in the direction of the truck.

"What do you want to do!" James lowered his voice, squinting his eyes at the vampire. The trace of bright red in the other person's pupils made people shudder.

"Yes, I want to tell you the truth." Zach pressed James' hand on the lower back and forced him to deflect his direction. "Now that I have changed my mind, I might as well show it to you directly. You have to go on your own. Or should I break the agreement and use the Charming Eyes on you?"

James Lance 'voluntarily' sat in the back seat of the van, staring gloomily at the two people in front of him.

"James." Zach pulled on the seat belt and said in a cold tone, "I almost understand the contradiction between us."

James did not answer, and watched the scenery outside the car window gloomily as the truck drove away from the police station.

"Anthony's cooperation with us began with a complete understanding of both parties." Zach glanced sideways at the back seat, listening to James' suppressed breathing, "We have enough knowledge of each other's world, and together we , we know this complete world. This is the basis for us to be able to trust each other."

Benjamin didn't fiddle with his radio this time, and the only sound in the car was the hum of Zach's words and motives.

"But for you, you are too far behind. You know too little about the alien world. I am trying to help you understand and let you see the real world." Zach tilted his head, looked ahead, and emphasized his tone. , "I tried, and now, I can, 'I failed,' a huge failure."

"Failure?!" James seemed unable to remain silent, "Yes! You failed! I will never be guided by you again! For your benefit..."

"Our interests?" Zach shook his head, "Then tell me James, what good will destroying Quest do to Grande?"

James was speechless for a moment.

"I don't care what clues you find about Quest. Maybe he really has some evil intentions. This is your job. You can judge for yourself. But I still come here to tell you the truth, James, tell me, Why am I asking for trouble like this? Are you kidding me?" Zach snorted and shook his head.

"Is this important?! It was you who induced me to investigate in the direction of 'people'! It was you who made me think it was 'people's' fault! I don't care about your truth! No matter what it is, in the end you will too Use your words to make me think that this is all the fault of the people!" James grabbed the back of the front seat excitedly and roared loudly.

The two people in the front seat looked at each other and shook their heads. James's prejudices were deeply rooted. Even though he had seen so many 'strange things', the world in his eyes was still divided into two parts.

"James, you are wrong." Zach sighed, "I am not inducing you to investigate in the direction of humans, but I am telling you: As a weak human being, what can you do."

James's body was shaking. Why is the prejudice so deep? This is the reason. Human beings are too weak.

"But you are wrong! They are not phantoms. They have no delusions to make Neil and Daphne disappear! But because of you! I'm going..." James was stuck in the middle of his words. This is really ironic. He was still very angry this morning. The definite 'Quest motive' now looks like slander!

Because of Zach's influence, James unearthed other people's darkest secrets!

Zach failed to wait for James' next words. The atmosphere in the car was a little gloomy. Zach thought for a moment, "I have admitted my error in judgment. What do you want? Are you sorry? Then, I'm sorry, James, I misled you. Is that enough?"

"You..." James' teeth were clashing with each other!

"If I could judge everything correctly, we wouldn't need you, Detective Lance." Zach said calmly, "But my words are still correct. Grande can handle some things, but For Barton City, this is not enough, Anthony and you, you still have to do your job well."

"My job?" James was so angry that he laughed, "What job? Convict innocent people?!"

"We're here to prevent such a tragedy from happening, aren't we?" Zach looked at James, "If we were as evil as you think, we wouldn't be here." There was disappointment in Zach's eyes, "As a A police detective, you actually said something that doesn’t care about the truth.”

The look in James's eyes was constantly changing, this was a complicated state of mind.

"Okay, James, let's start over." Zach turned his head, "Let's not talk about cooperation first, let's start by letting you know our world. Oh, no, my bad, we live in the same world. The world. Let’s start by fully understanding the world and making sure we’re thinking from the same starting point.”