The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 125: Low level


The main entrance of Mary's Church has been sealed, and the church has also posted a notice outside the door. Mary's Church will not be open to the public for the next two months. This is really not good news for the Holy Bishops in the city of Barton, because all devout believers know that it was the Virgin Mary who gave birth to the Son, and the Son walked the world and brought the glory of the Father to every corner of the world. Only then can the holy bishop exist.

Respecting the origin is one of the ways believers express their piety. Now they can only go to the Gospel Hall or Memorial Hall.

Benjamin's van was parked on the corner, and the four men walked directly around the main entrance and entered from the back of Mary's Church. No one stopped me because there was no one. Zach pulled open the iron grating on the back wall with a little force, and the four of them had no resistance and entered directly into the clergy work area at the back of the church.

The sinking sun lengthened the shadow of the church and covered the entire rear, which made vampire Zach feel more relaxed.

"People..." James' question was interrupted by Zach.

"Shh-" the vampire raised a finger, "Listen."

The vampire and werewolf walked in front, heading directly towards a building.

James looked at the sign in front of the hospital, which was the choir's rehearsal space. As he walked through the winding corridor, the singing became clearer and clearer. Shouldn’t the church be renovating the church? Why practice at this time

'Mary, you know what? One day your children will walk on rivers.

Mary, did you know? One day your children will save our sons and daughters.

do you know? Your son will make you new.

This baby you gave birth to will one day give you a new life. '

The white robe has a blue collar, and golden silk threads outline the halo of light. Everyone was swaying slightly, opening and closing their lips to express their reverence for the Blessed Mother.

Anthony glanced at Zach, who nodded. Mayor Barton had a serious face and pursed lips, but he did not disturb the choir that was singing hymns. The fat mayor pulled up a chair and sat down, as if waiting for them to finish singing.

'Mary, you know what? One day your son will give light to the blind.

Mary, did you know? One day your son will calm the storm with his hands.

do you know? He was walking on the path that angels must travel.

When you kiss His tender cheek, you are kissing God. '

Standing in front of the choir, the priest was wearing a fitted black shirt and crisp trousers. He seemed to notice someone coming in and turned to look at the four 'intruders'. The cross on the corner of his round collar was tugging at his turning neck. Bottom, slightly wrinkled.

The priest, who was dressed similarly to Constantine, smiled at the four of them, as if thanking them for not blocking them.

Zach smiled back and motioned for him to continue.

The corners of the priest's eyes, which were filled with black, were slightly curved, and his lips moved lightly, "It will be ready soon." '

'…Mary, you know what? Mary, did you know...'

Finally, when the last scale ended, the priest clapped his hands as if intoxicated. But the people in the choir didn't seem to have any joy. When the last note ended, the reverence and piety on their faces were momentarily taken over by fear!

In the empty singing room, the only one applauding was the priest, "Perfect! It's been a week, and you finally sang every note accurately!" The priest put his hand on his chest after applauding, and clear breathing came from his What comes out of his mouth touches the heart of everyone in the choir who are covered in fine clothes, "I feel your piety!"

"Everyone!" The priest pointed to the two dozen people of all ages in front of him, ignoring the fear on their faces, "I feel it! Your love for the Virgin! Pure love without any impurities! I..."

Zach curled his lips, pressed Anthony's shoulder, and took a step forward, "That's almost it."

The priest's raised hands stopped in mid-air, and he turned around slowly.

"We've been waiting for you to listen and sing for a whole time, do you still want to express your feelings now?" The vampire looked at the demon in front of him with a smile, and traced his sharp fingers under his lips. Even if the other party occupies the body of a priest, it has no special meaning to the vampire.

Blinking his dark eyes, he unbuttoned a button on his collar, and the crosses that were originally merged were forced to separate. "This is the result of their week of practice. Can't I praise it a little?"

The vampire waved his hand impatiently and continued to move forward, forcing the 'priest' to move aside and back away from the choir.

"Why are you wasting so much time?" Zach walked up to the first row of the choir and looked at this group of trembling humans. Their lips were chapped and their breathing was heavy. Everyone's eyes were covered with thick black blue. The vampire could imagine that what the 'priest' said about 'practicing for a week' was not rhetorical, but literal.

Zach stepped in front of these frightened people, grinning, and flashed his sharp teeth in front of them. Terrorizing humans, vampires and demons do have some similarities.

Zach spread his hands in front of them, "Let me help him summarize it." Zach looked at the 'priest' who had stepped aside, "Even if you are so pious, you will still go to hell."

"You ruined the surprise." 'Father' scowled.

Zach shrugged, no longer looking at the 'Father', and smiled at a group of pale humans, "Fortunately, your mayor is here to save you."

"Huh?! You're driving..."

Benjamin's whole body was covered with brown and black fur, and he stood quietly behind Anthony who was sitting. Alpha's body didn't even seem to want to move, only a pair of brown eyes slowly turned to look at the man who just opened his mouth and then closed it. 'Father'.

"James, be serious." Zach turned around dissatisfied and shouted to James who was stunned, "Now is the time for you to take out your gun filled with silver bullets and take aim."

The vampire seemed to be creating a feeling of absolute oppression, well, he did it.

The 'Father''s gaze shifted from the gun that had just been pointed at him, to Alpha, and finally to the smiling vampire.

"Hmph." He sneered, "So is this Grande's style? Many versus one?"

"Oh?" Zach smiled, "You know Grande? That's right." Zach seemed to have thought of something, "Grande's Earthbinder seems to be living a very comfortable life during this period. Shouldn't we be grateful? ?”

'Father''s eyebrows twitched, "You know best, I..."


In the dusk light, the vampire's figure turned into an afterimage. One of his fingers was pressed on the 'Priest's' lips, and one finger was inserted into the other person's throat. The bright red streak from the back of his neck was like a sharp thorn. The fingertips flowed down, stained the skin, and went down under the influence of gravity, sinking into the collar.

"What did you do?!" James' arm holding the gun was shaking!

"Don't scream!" Anthony shouted, "He has died a long time ago. He died when he was possessed by a low-level demon."

A demon who couldn't even control his eyes, Zach really had no interest in hearing anything more from him. Dramatic? This guy is so far away from real drama! Papa Midnight's Midnight Walking Dead Show is nothing short of dramatic in the eyes of a vampire! This guy is so low-level!

The black color suddenly rolled in the eyes of the dead and helpless 'priest'! Zach's finger on the other person's mouth didn't move. The 'Father's' cheeks swelled as if someone had poured water on him, and the body that should have been hanging powerlessly on Zach's finger suddenly twitched!

'Father''s two hands suddenly raised and grabbed Zach. Zach ignored it and stood there like a statue, supporting the other person's chin with one hand and pressing the other person's mouth with the other hand to prevent the things inside from having a chance to escape.


The imprisoned howl came out of the 'Father's' throat. Zach pursed his lips. Just because he didn't want to make the scene too ugly in front of James, he chose to attack from the throat. He didn't expect that this guy could still come out. sound.

Zach tilted his head and glanced at James. Sure enough, the detective's shoulders were shaking.

Zach shook his head, turned back and looked at the 'priest' who was desperately tearing at his sleeves. In the eyes of the priest, there began to be traces of red threads, mixed with the ink-like black.

When the body has suffered irreversible damage, in order to complete the 'healing', the vampire's blood will begin the ultimate cure and turn the other person into a vampire.

This is just a very simple fish eat fish story. The demon devours the human soul and takes possession of the human body. Vampires give women greater power and devour demons. As for the end, of course Zach will not be interested in this guy who has become his descendant for no reason.

When the blackness in the 'Priest's' eyes was completely swallowed up by red, Zach pulled out the fingertips that penetrated the opponent's throat. James didn't even see the movement clearly. Zach had already pushed the new vampire in front of him with his backhand!

Zach held the 'Priest''s head with one hand, held down James' gun hand with the other, and leaned against the priest's left chest, "Detective Lance, if you miss the target like this, I will be very disappointed."

James's mind went blank. All he could hear in his ears was the echo of gunshots in the empty room. The skin of the 'priest' in front of him quickly turned gray, and countless cracks that looked like dry cracks appeared on his skin...

Zach let go of his hand, and the severed head was already scattered into gray ashes before it hit the ground!

Zach clapped his hands, dusted them away, turned around again, and looked at the choir, "Our patience is almost exhausted. Isn't it time for you to show up, um, your name?"

Zach drew out his voice, waiting for an answer.


In the choir, a middle-aged, fat man turned to Zach and said, "My name is Crowley."

Zach greeted back, "Hello, Crowley. Zachary Grande."

Zach straightened out the clothes that had been messed up by the 'priest'. After taking another look at the other person, his eyes drifted back to himself. He seemed to be not very interested in the middle-aged and fat image, "You want to keep this appearance? Or is it true? As you can see, we are educating the next generation of Barton."

James trembled, and the dust on the gun shook off. It wasn't that he realized that Zach was with him, but that he realized that he had just killed a vampire!