The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 13: The thirteenth picture is satisfying


Boqi began to describe the benefits of the funeral home in Barton North District again. It seemed that in his mind, there was no so-called concept of the deceased being the most important. In this era where traditions and trends compete with each other, as the last decision of the deceased's life, the living should follow it.

Of course, in the midst of this, Porchi often had words to insult the Grand House.

Zach ignored Porky's words. He was trying to decide whether Mrs. Quinn and others' dislike of Porky came from this incident or something else. He began to think about Porky Queen's exploits.

The Quinns' son is a doctor who stayed on the battlefield with his wife during the war ten years ago. Pochi, who was only thirteen years old at the time, was raised in the home of his grandparents. Perhaps this is the original intention of the two old people to carry out charity work.

But when Porky was growing up, he appeared so rarely that Zach couldn't even recall his photo appearing in any media. It's very strange, pictures of upper class kids always appear in the gossip pages of the Barton Daily News, and occasionally in the society pages (crime).

"Porky! I have made a decision! If you still want Quinn's inheritance, shut your mouth!"

The hoarse voice echoed in Zach's office, and the room became quiet. Only the pendulum of the clock leaning against the wall could be heard.

Pochi's expression was very ugly, his face twisted with anger and hatred.

Zach pressed the bell that called Benjamin, stood up, and looked at the old lady calmly: "We at Grand House will do our best to fulfill Mr. Quinn's last wish."

The old lady nodded, and the body she had just raised due to excitement retracted into the wheelchair.

Zach exited the desk, fiddled with the buttons of his coat with his white fingers, arranged his clothes, and came to Mrs. Quinn: "Time is a bit tight. If Mrs. Quinn doesn't mind, please go to the church to the west with me. See, you can start earlier where you need to decorate.”

The female nurse shook her head: "Mr. Quinn's church has been booked..."

"Cancel." Mrs. Quinn glanced at Zach and put her dry hand on the back of the female caregiver: "You let my friends go back first so that they don't feel too sad. Pochi, you can go too."

The female nurse hesitated for a moment, then nodded and retreated to the living room.

At this time, Zach was a little confused. He wanted to be alone with Mrs. Quinn because there was something he wanted to confirm. Seeing that Pochi didn't want to stay here for a moment, Zach felt that if Madam was left behind, this annoying young man would retreat on his own. Unexpectedly, the old lady seemed to want to stay.

However, Pochi stood motionless beside him, with no intention of leaving. His eyes seemed to be monitoring him!

Benjamin opened the door and entered the office.

Once the deal is confirmed, everyone gets busy. Benjamin has been working part-time as a tombstone carver, and now Zach needs him to go to Grande's competitors to acquire statues and tombstones, as well as get Porky away!

"What orders do you have? Brother." This is what the werewolf always calls Zach in front of outsiders.

Zach handed the reservation order on the table to Benjamin, "You have to go to Allen and Ford to buy stones or finished products."

Benjamin took a look, put it away, and glanced at the situation in the room. Zach's movements were caught by the werewolf. He turned around and saluted Bochi, who still had an ugly face: "Sir, I'm sorry for the departure of your family. Can you please come with me now, for your loved ones?" Choose a suitable tombstone.”

Pochi seemed to have just discovered Benjamin's existence, and looked at the werewolf with disgust: "You? Why should I be with you! I have other plans today! I don't have time to spend the whole day on the tombstone. 'superior!"

Mrs. Quinn's eyes slanted upward, and her slightly trembling body was held down by Zach.

The werewolf was still wearing the clothes he had changed into in the morning, and the mud on his beard had been cleaned off before breakfast, but he looked no different from a miner.

Benjamin looked at Pochi with his brown eyes and said plainly, "What a pity, your plan has to be postponed."

** does not exist in the Grand House, because the owners here, one ghost and one wolf, have human senses. Although their eyesight cannot penetrate the walls, it is easy for the werewolf to hear the sound of Zach's office. .

The werewolf wasn't interested in why Zack wanted to be alone with Mrs. Queen. He was no longer the leader, he just had to take orders.

Benjamin's tall body approached Pochi, and his thick arms were already wrapped around Pochi's shoulders. Before Pochi could react, he walked towards the front of the office.

"Let me go!" Pochi twisted his shoulders and turned sideways to make way for the nurse who came in again, which made Pochi even more angry! "Let me go! You rude guy! What are you going to do!"

Benjamin stopped because Pochi ruthlessly held the door eaves of Zach's office. Benjamin looked confused: "Didn't I tell you, we are going to see the tombstone."

"Let me go! You stinky guy!" Pochi's twisting body felt a light touch on his body, and Benjamin let him go.

Pochi was still cursing while arranging his wrinkled clothes. A large light gray handprint came from Benjamin on his shoulder.

Well, this guy's curse does have some truth to it, Benjamin really doesn't care much about his personal cleanliness...

"Look what you did!" Pochi tilted his shoulders and looked at the gray handprint: "Do you know how much this suit is worth! You reckless man! Stay away from me!"

Benjamin took a few steps back and shrugged.

"What the hell is this place!" Pochi exited the office angrily. In a straight line, you can see the open door of the reception room. A group of old people slowly left under the protection of their bodyguards. They looked back gloomily and shook their heads with disgust on their faces.

"I don't want to stay in this place anymore!" Pochi turned around and strode towards the door of the living room.

Unfortunately, the old people in front of him seemed unwilling to give this boy a smooth ride. Their slow steps became even slower. The delicate canes only moved one centimeter at a time, and it took the old people half a centimeter to move this centimeter. minute!

Pochi, who had his back to Zach and the others, seemed to be trembling. A blood vessel bulged out from the side of his neck. His fists were clenched at his sides. It seemed that the next moment, he would rush into the old man and squeeze out a way. Come!

Two men with a similar build to Benjamin moved in front of Pochi and coldly uttered two words: "Back off!"

Pochi's body trembled suddenly, he took two steps back, fell down on the armrest of the sofa, and his whole body fell toward the sand in a panic. He turned over and looked at Zach with a pair of hateful eyes, locking eyes on Mrs. Quinn who was curled up in the wheelchair!


Benjamin shut out the twisted gaze!

The curled-up old lady's tight body relaxed. The female nurse squatted beside her and caressed the old lady's chest with her white hands. She raised her head and cast a grateful look at Benjamin and Zach.

Benjamin's task was completed. He turned to Zach and nodded slightly. Now he was going to buy the items on the order from his competitors, the statue of Gabriel. The werewolf didn't think his claws could dig out such a detailed image...

There were only three people left in the office. Zach squatted down next to the old lady. He deliberately accelerated the beating of his heart and pushed the blood to his hands to make his hands less cold.

Zach pressed the old lady's hand and said softly, "Madam, the church is a ten-minute drive from here. This is the southern suburbs, and the road will be bumpy."

The wrinkled hand raised, touched Zach's face, and his dry fingers wrapped around the back of Zach's head. Zach felt the old lady pulling him closer!

Zach leaned forward again, and the old lady didn't stop until she pressed her face against Zach, and a low voice sounded in Zach's ear.

"I don't care! As long as I can make that unfilial guy sad! I'm willing to do anything! I don't have much time left! But even in this last time! I will never give that guy a sense of satisfaction!"