The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 130: Three people


"What do you want?" Anthony adjusted his sitting posture. It seemed that talking to a demon was a very meaningless thing. He needed to constantly adjust his body to concentrate. "You didn't look at the federal citizens when you climbed up from hell. Manual?”

Mayor Barton didn't seem to find a comfortable position to continue the boring conversation of 'tolerating'. He waved his hand, blocking Crowley's open mouth, and looked sideways at James, "Let's go."

Anthony glanced at the vampire, Crowley's actions were very clear. Even though she understood one thing - this city, or any place, is dominated by 'people'. But Crowley still didn't want to negotiate with 'people'. In her opinion, 'people' were just tools for producing souls.

Crowley's main focus is still on the Grand House, which has a conflict of interest for her. It was a threat before, but now she must make friends.

Anthony carefully controlled the meaning in his eyes, and light flashed in Zach's pupils, conveying a look of understanding.

James finally got smart and stuck to Anthony's side, covering the mayor's sweaty back, and left the rehearsal room.

Crowley watched the two humans leave, her fingers groping her lips.

Zach pulled up the chair and looked at the woman with a smile, "You want their souls? You have to wait for a long time. If you do it, I don't mind getting on the blacklist of hell."

Crowley withdrew her gaze and moved the gold on her forehead, "Vampire, you have always been on this list."

Benjamin also pulled up a chair. There was strangely no light in the building behind Mary's Church, but that was not surprising at all. What else could we expect from a church controlled by demons

The faint moonlight shines through the window, covering the three people. A section of black satin and a gray bandage covered the sensitive parts of the beautiful woman's body. She crossed her legs and sat diagonally on a chair.

The fair-skinned man leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs, looking at the woman with a smile on his raised face. A strong and rough man, his clothes seemed to be torn by something, and pieces of cloth were hung on his chest. His legs were stretched out casually, and his thick arms were placed on the armrests. He was leaning on the back of the chair, seeming to be in a daze. .

"Right now, there are no humans present." Zach obviously ignored the two dozen people who were still unconscious on the ground. "The coexistence agreement has been reached. Do you want to ask anything?"

This is part of the plan. If the devil is successfully subdued under the management of Barton City, then whether it is to show sincerity or appeasement, the vampires and werewolves will express goodwill as representatives of alien races in Barton City. Although the plan now failed, Anthony also forced Crowley to examine her relationship with the Grand House again.

A mayor really doesn't mean much to the devil, but if he could ban all other funeral businesses in Barton City and only leave Grande alone, he could still do it! Zach also casually revealed who the only remaining cemetery in Barton City was because of.

If Crowley wants to permanently eliminate this hidden danger, as Zach said, he doesn't mind being on the blacklist, oh no, moving up a few places on the blacklist! Go back to hell once, Crowley may not have the strength to climb up from the competition again!

"There are too many questions." Crowley's face was not very happy, "The first one is where are the souls of Barton City."

Anthony's initial question was not to find trouble to anger the other party, but Anthony knew that last month, the wandering souls in Barton City were emptied out. This was supposed to be a prelude to inducing Crowley step by step, but it was interrupted by the crisis in the Grand House. Now only Zach can continue.

"Good question." Zach raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Before you, Papa came just at midnight."

Crowley's face darkened, "This shameless thief!"

"If it makes you feel better." Zach glanced at Benjamin with his lips curved, "We taught him a lesson."

Crowley looked at the two people opposite her, her eyes resting on the vampire. She could see Toledo's decayed soul. Perhaps in a few years, the vampire in front of her would be promoted again, and his lifespan would make Crowley It is speculated that he lived through the colonial era.

Crowley began to have doubts on her face, "Why are you here? Why didn't you go to the new one..." Crowley stopped talking, but her meaning was already expressed clearly.

Heaven, hell, vampires, these things did not come from the Federation. They came across the ocean and met the local indigenous Indians, which eventually gave birth to countless new things and formed the current Federation.

Benjamin was not interested in this topic. Zach shook his head. He did not want the topic to be dragged away. "What does it matter? They are all methods of creating shelter. There is no difference between Barton or outside the Federation."

The vampire smiled and looked at Crowley, "But you, Hell, seem to be left behind again? Crowley, um, sister, don't you have any thoughts?"

Do you think that when missionaries preach doctrines, should they start by going to heaven and entering bliss, or by going to hell and suffering torture

The alien race that is most constrained by humans is not vampires, werewolves, or shapeshifters, but Crowley's faction!

The corners of Crowley's eyes twitched. She had lived a monotonous life for too long, making her a little uncomfortable talking to vampires. From the moment they met, she was verbally oppressed.

"I don't have any thoughts." Crowley turned her eyes away, "Let's focus on the current situation. Tori...Zach." Crowley glanced at the vampire. Zack didn't stop the other person from using the abbreviation. She continued, " Do you really regard Barton as that mayor’s territory?”

"You are wrong." Zach waved his hand, "You didn't pay attention to what I said. The mayor is elected by the citizens. Territory? You can, Barton is the territory of all legal citizens in Barton."

There was a trace of impatience on Crowley's face. Such a debate had appeared when the Federation was established, but the people who constructed this theory were humans and had nothing to do with aliens. Judging from the information Crowley knew in hell , the alien races are still the same as they were on the other side of the ocean, especially the two major allies of vampires.

Crowley suddenly smiled, "As the last Toledo of the Secret Alliance, you can indeed do whatever you want, no one will care about you."

Zack's quick deflection was turning back. Crowley added a prefix to 'The Last Toledo' without letting the other party notice his emotional changes. Zack continued the 'guidance' he wanted to complete. "You are wrong again. I am a legal citizen recognized by the city of Barton, so I am qualified to elect the mayor. This is important."

Crowley frowned. The alien society had different classes according to their own rules. Among them, the most divided alien races were heaven and hell. But even the alien races on the ground have different social levels according to their ethnic groups. Barton City summoned those who were at the bottom of the alien society because of rumors.

Look at them, Jin who is gluttonous and has no sense of purpose, Daniel, the fantasy man who lives in the real civilian area of Barton City, and me who is worthless... These may still be positive examples, but imagine that you want to become the master of an alien race in the city, but... 'David', whose fighting power is extremely poor, well, we, no, they, are all weirdos among the alien races.

Now Zach and Benjamin are showing Crowley another alien identity label, a legal human citizen.

"You're not kidding." Crowley looked into the vampire's eyes, then looked at Benjamin, the Alpha who was slumped in the chair and seemed about to fall asleep, "What is so special about this mayor?"

Zach's eyes scanned the demon, and he was reminding him not to think about things he shouldn't.

"Okay, our ideas are too far apart." Crowley shook her head, "Let's do something really important." Crowley looked at the vampire again, "I want the cemetery and the authorization to contact the cremator. , what conditions."

Zach raised his eyebrows and patted the confused Benjamin. The topic turned to Grande. He needed reference from his 'brother'. "The cemetery is Grande's private property. If you want to buy it, I won't sell it." Zach smiled, "As for cremation, you can apply to Madison in our mill. Whether he hires you or not is up to you."

Crowley frowned, "Do you value your legal status? Do you know how ridiculous your words are now?"

"No, Crowley." Zach waved his hand, "You are the ridiculous person. You have ruined our good impression of you, and you want to ruin the impression of the entire Barton City on you. Haven't you noticed?"

Crowley's eyes looked to one side, and she was thinking. She agreed with the first sentence, so she directly asked the other party to make conditions, but she couldn't understand the second sentence. To her, Barton City was just a breeding ground for producing souls. That’s all.

Zach acted as a clearer in a timely manner, attracting Crowley's attention with his open hand, "Look, no matter what you did in Barton this week, you have already attracted the attention of the police detective and the mayor. attention. Next, the mayor can cut off your attempts to infiltrate the upper floors, and the police detectives will chase your every move in the middle and lower floors like mosquitoes."

Crowley raised her legs slightly and moved her soft body on the chair.

"We can completely reject your request because of what happened before. You will be completely isolated and targeted in Barton City. In fact, the only reason why we will continue to talk to you here is just out of sympathy for the same inhumanity. .”

"What will you do? Like hundreds of years ago, cause riots in human cities and increase the chance of souls entering hell after death? As the mayor asked before, what are your results this week? ?" Zach shook his head, "Unfortunately, if you don't improve, let Barton City accept you. In the future, the effect will become worse and worse."

Something interesting happened to a vampire, asking human cities to accept demons? Well, think about it, it’s not surprising. Anthony is the mayor of Barton City. What he cares about is whether the people of Barton City live happily, wear warm clothes, and eat well.

As for where to go after death

Does anyone know? Once upon a time, eating shelled creatures would lead to hell...