The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 136: Grande fault


After asking what he wanted to know, Zach stood up as he had nothing to talk to the girl about. After thinking about it, she decided to leave Alice alone. Instead of going to the kitchen, she raised her hand to block the sunlight and walked towards the warehouse behind to find Benjamin.

The werewolf was in the warehouse. He had already taken off his clothes and quickly used abnormal means to assemble the shelves under the cover of debris. He hid in the back and lay down, twiddling his fingers and waiting for the time to pass.

"Aren't you going to chat with Laura?" Zach kicked the soles of Benjamin's boots, "She's very bored now."

Benjamin glanced at Zach and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He turned over and started putting groceries on the shelves. The marble block half as tall as a man was picked up by the werewolf, as if it were a hollow piece of foam, and was thrown onto the shelf. A huge crash sounded in the warehouse, which was their pride as stones.

Benjamin's mood towards Laura has changed subtly, which may be related to the reason why he believes that the Grand House is not safe. Zach can only guess. In fact, this incident is indeed a wake-up call. So far this year, the Grand House has been attacked three times.

Grande was lucky that there were no outside witnesses on all three occasions and no real damage was caused. But if you think about it for a moment, you can find that it all started with the Grand House and the contact with the outside world. James attracted the hunters, Sibella attracted Papa Midnight, and Daniel attracted the hellhounds.

If Grande had quietly lived in seclusion in Barton's South District as before, and simply killed those who violated his rules when he saw them, instead of moving up and down like he does now, none of this would have happened. Perhaps just like the Hayate couple, Grande was too ostentatious.

Zach rolled up his shirt sleeves and began to help the werewolf sort out the debris. Because it is a real warehouse, there are no extra windows. Only the hanging windows in the sky let in sunlight, and the interior is not very bright. The colored light bypassed the gap in the container and gathered behind the two people.

Daniel had a sad look on his face. He saw the two of them sorting out the items. They pursed their lips and stretched out their hands. On a piece of stone, the radiating halo of light held up a piece of marble and slowly moved it to an empty space on the shelf.

Zach looked back at Daniel, "Daniel, what's wrong?"

The fantasy man who gave up his ability to completely condense the entity could not hide his emotions very well. Blue light emerged from his body and flowed slowly. This was the color of melancholy.

"Willie." This was the name of the boy in the wheelchair. There was hesitation on Daniel's face. "He didn't live a very good life."

Zach recalled the apartment building. The neighborhood where Daniel originally lived was not a good place. You can tell by looking at the living conditions of his neighbors. The vampire carefully chose the direction of the conversation. He did not want to be asked to give his blood to a stranger.

"Do you want to visit him?" Zach continued, smiling and continuing to sort out the debris. "Crowley won't do anything to you anymore. You can visit him at any time. Just be careful not to be fooled by Ques It’s special.”

Daniel understood what Zach meant and entered the Grande. His possessions were already owned by vampires and werewolves. The aliens didn't like guys whose positions drifted, so they just 'visited'. But he still shook his head, "His home was broken into."

Zach put down what he was holding, looked at Daniel, and asked, "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No." Daniel smiled bitterly, "He was very smart and didn't resist."

Zach raised his eyebrows, "Did you lose something?"

"No, I got a lot of money instead." Daniel's body began to glow with red light, which was the color of anger.

"So it's not really a home invasion?" Zach already had a guess.

"Yeah. Those people are very interested in me." The halo revealed a strange color under the mixture.

Zach narrowed his eyes. Quest really used it on everyone. God knows what kind of person he found this time. He could use such low-level techniques. Well, in the eyes of vampires, all human tricks are inferior.

Zach thought for a while, smiled and patted Daniel on the shoulder, but Daniel did not condense the entity. The vampire's hand penetrated directly, disturbing the blurred colors, "Don't worry, maybe those people will come today, and then you can You can do whatever you want with it.”

Vampires do not look down upon those guys who act as private detectives among humans. Now that they have discovered the friendship between Daniel and Willy, it would be a disgrace to their profession if they did not do anything on Willy's phone.

Daniel seemed to have just thought of this now, and after a brief moment of daze, there was a trace of apology on his face. He realized he was causing trouble for the Grande House again.

Zach waved his hand and didn't care, but that guy Quest was probably going to harass Grande again. The joke restraining order obviously no longer had the ability to solve the problem. It seemed that he still had to meet Quest.

Benjamin placed the stones heavily on the shelf, making a clanging sound. He frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zach patted Benjamin on the shoulder and they discussed the issue. Starting from Mrs. Quinn, they knew that they were heading towards a path that no foreign race had ever stepped on before, and everything was being explored.

Benjamin looked at Zach, and the vampire saw a complicated look in the werewolf's eyes. Zach frowned, realizing that Benjamin's Alpha Heart was beginning to revive. In addition to leading his pack, an Alpha's responsibilities include protection. Benjamin has already failed once. After the failure, Alpha closed himself, stayed with the vampire, and moved towards a new life.

In the past, Grande was a combination of several alien races who lived together. If there were problems, it didn't matter. Everyone was alone and just moved forward together.

But now, among the Grande, there is Alpha's tribesman, Matthew. There was a disconnect in Benjamin's heart between the tribe and the Grande family. Obviously, as an Alpha with a tribe, Benjamin began to wonder whether the impact of Grande's lifestyle on the wolf tribe was good or bad.

The last thing the vampire wanted to see happened happened, but he was not worried that Benjamin would want to leave Grande, because Grande had Alice. Putting aside friendship and all good things, Alpha would not make the decision to leave a banshee based solely on profit.

Of course, Zach didn't want things to come to that.

Daniel watched the two people exchange glances, and the reason that initially made him hesitate to join the Grand House came to mind again.

Vampires and werewolves, how did they get together? ! Is this really okay? Will he need to choose a side in who-knows-how-long the future? !