The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 140: Find balance


The sound of gurgling water was stopped by Gina's wet fingers. She pulled out a piece of paper from the cardboard box on the wall, wiped the water drops on her hands, and looked at herself in the mirror. She picked up a corner of the crumpled tissue and wiped it carefully on the edge of her eyeliner. She reapplied her makeup, straightened her suit in front of the mirror, and unbuttoned and fastened the third button on her chest with her hands, repeating this process, with a trace of sadness on her face.

The mayor's secretary Gina, who was as beautiful as a vase, thought she had passed this period. Finally, she untied the third button. Single women should strengthen themselves. Gina pursed her lips and left the bathroom.

When I returned to my desk, lunch had been delivered by the staff at the city hall cafeteria. Gina looked at the plate belonging to Mayor Anthony and frowned. She sat at her table, took out her fork and carefully picked out the fried food on Anthony's plate, and then put the broccoli on her own plate.

After doing all this, Gina stood up and hesitated, buttoned the buttons on her chest again, and knocked on Anthony's office with a dinner plate.

After getting permission, Gina put the dinner plate in and tried not to focus on the woman who suddenly arrived. Although the woman was wearing formal clothes, the short skirt that was originally a formal dress for women had turned into the same trousers as the men.

Perhaps it is the impact of visual contradictions, or perhaps it is just gender talent. Like men, women sit opposite the desk and cross their legs, which are so long that they make people jealous.

"Where's my fried chicken steak?!" Anthony glanced at the dinner plate and immediately shouted, but when he just raised his eyes and saw Gina's reproachful eyes, he shut his mouth helplessly, took the dinner plate, and put it aside for the time being. .

Gina signaled and left the office. There were only two people left in the Roman-style mayor's office again, my fault, one person and one devil.

"I think this is people's healthy food now." Crowley looked at the plates Anthony put aside, "I don't understand that in the past, people only saw the difference between food and non-food."

Anthony glanced at Crowley, not wanting to investigate which era in history this fallen angel was familiar with. But Anthony at least knew that the division of forces in hell was always changing. Demons familiar with this era were affected by the last war and may have been suppressed by Crowley's forces.

Anthony's eyes returned to the document in front of him, and the hand holding the pen marked and modified the document from time to time. It was obvious that he was not very satisfied with the press release.

Crowley's fingers slid over the bulging golden hair on her chest. "'Make every effort to rectify the southeastern part of the North District' was changed to 'make every effort to protect the personal and property safety of the citizens of Barton.' They are all vague words. I don't understand." The significance of such modifications.”

Anthony frowned and raised his head, looking at Crowley impatiently, "Don't you have anywhere else to go? I don't need to remind you that you have no legal status in Barton City. If I want, the security guards at the city hall are very I'll be happy to send you to the Barton Police Station!"

Crowley tilted her head and ran her fingers across her chest, lifting up the golden hair that covered the bulge. Although she was wearing a very formal fitted coat, the lifted part only revealed the long narrow collar and the shirt underneath. , but just a few days ago, this body appeared naked in front of Anthony. This is the perfect moment to say, 'I confessed to you'.

The corners of Crowley's mouth raised slightly, "Do you want me to find a container? Then I have an identity. But this is a bit difficult, I have very strict standards." Crowley's eyes fell on the office On the lunch box next to the table, "How's your secretary? I won't replace your chicken steak."

Anthony rolled his eyelids coldly and looked at Crowley, "Like me, you have a place where you should be, not me."

Crowley put away her joke, smiled and tilted her head to look around the office, "Are you missing Grande?"

The demon Crowley, who has not been in the world for who knows how long, is like a vampire and cannot appreciate modern people's aesthetic style. Even the clothes she wore for this trip were based on the most common ones worn in and out of the city hall. As for the choice of gender, Crowley also strictly adheres to the principle of 'common'.

"I still need to wait and see." Crowley didn't hide it. "I'm looking for an angle where I can propose a reciprocal deal. I don't want vampires and werewolves to feel that they are more advanced."

Anthony withdrew his gaze, with disdain in his tone, "So you think you and I can be equal?" Anthony shook his head mockingly, and Crowley sat in the city hall all morning watching the people coming and going. The mayor only 'remembered' this unscheduled visitor during his lunch break.

Crowley should be grateful that today is a Saturday, which is close to Sunday, and the mayor's schedule is not full, so he mercifully allowed her to meet the manager of Barton City.

The issue of status had been discussed enough through the vampire's mouth during the first meeting after Mary's Church. Both parties held their own opinions while knowing the details of the other party, and could not reach a consensus.

Crowley shook her head and was not prepared to continue on this issue. To be honest, judging from her current actions, she was already compromising and she was at a disadvantage.

"Let's not beat around the bush on this issue." Crowley shook her head. "At least we can reach a consensus." Crowley's head stirred the air under her forward body. "You gave the vampire safety." Living space, since it is impossible for me to disappear from Barton, you should also give me my own living space."

"Survival?!" Anthony snorted coldly, "You need to survive? It sounds so nice. If you are willing to tell me how to kill you, I will give you a space where you can 'survive'!"

Crowley's lips opened completely, revealing her neat teeth. She was amused, "You know what I mean." She pointed to the press release in front of Anthony, "How about giving me the southeastern part of the North District. I Recently, I have been studying the history of Barton City very seriously, and we all know that Barton doesn’t want to interfere with the affairs there.”

"For you?" Anthony also smiled, "Do you have money?"

Crowley glanced at Anthony as if accusing her, and modified her words, "Let my men be free there."

Anthony stopped smiling and said, "Aren't they free now?" Anthony crossed out the previous changes in one stroke, and it seemed that he was preparing to use the phrase 'doing our best to rectify the southeastern part of the North District'. He looked at Crowley again and made changes again. 'Try your best' was changed to 'Give your best'.

Crowley frowned, she already understood. She's right, this is a peculiar mayor.

"You should use the previous modifications." Crowley stood up. "I received your message. We are all waiting and watching. We believe that one day, we will find a balance."

Anthony put down his pen, took a rare look at the devil, snorted, and pulled the document aside, ready to eat his broccoli.