The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 141: die


The simple wooden fork had not yet been inserted into the green thing that replaced the fried chicken requested by Anthony. Crowley stood up, her turning movement stopped, and the golden color, with slightly curved waves, appeared as she turned her face. The long hair that was fluttering in the air was brought back by the stopped body, and the tips of the slender fingers, nails reflecting the light shine, were dug into the back of the cushioned Roman chair.

There seemed to be huge wings spreading out in the closed office, and the paper on Anthony's desk was lifted up in an instant! Overlapping clattering sounds filled Mayor Barton’s ears in an instant! The ink shadow seemed to have a solid object, violently breaking the light in the office. Before the chaotic light and shadow in Anthony's eyes had time to calm down, the light seemed to shine on Crowley, who had her back turned to him!

Anthony closed his eyes tightly, and the sudden 'storm' had already overturned Gina's 'tampered' lunch. Anthony ignored the food scattered on his clothes. His hand did not stupidly hold the gun at his side, but immediately grabbed the dinner plate in front of him and blocked it in front of his face!

Certain things that do not exist in this world cannot be seen with the eyes. Anthony does not have the self-healing ability of a vampire.

Perhaps some fanatics of the faith will see this as proof of strength. In fact, it is just like a vampire that burns when it crosses into an Indian's home. It is a manifestation of certain boundaries that cannot be crossed. This is the boundary between body and soul. As for whether the person who can set this boundary is strong, well, if Papa Midnight is used as a reference, it seems that he is indeed strong.

The golden hair was fluttering in the dazzling light. Crowley's face was completely submerged in the light, and dark black things were swimming in the light.

This process is not long.

With his eyelids slightly opened, Anthony looked to the side blocked by the dinner plate. The light and shadow had returned to normal. The mayor of Barton City slammed the dinner plate back on his desk and stared at Crowley, who was still standing with her back to him in a walking posture.

Clothes that seemed to have been penetrated by burning covered Crowley's body, but the burning marks were not expanding, but shrinking. The gray ashes floating in the air slowly gathered on her body, and her smooth back Gradually it is obscured by shirts and jackets that are constantly being restored.

"You better have a good explanation!" Anthony shouted, and the rough palms left over from his military days were heavily slapped on his desk, and the innocent broccoli turned into green paste.

Crowley's head shook, and her dark eyes narrowed when she turned back, looking at the angry Anthony.

"One of my people." Crowley seemed to be thinking about the words, "Dead." There was no emotion in her tone. Among the blue pupils, the dark black pupils slowly contracted and expanded like breathing. , contraction, expansion.

Anthony snorted, very good, James did a good thing, at least he sent one demon back to hell.

Crowley looked at Anthony's indifferent expression, shook her head, and turned to him again, "You didn't understand, 'dead', his soul disappeared."

Anthony's mood fluctuated slightly. Did Zach take action

Crowley turned her head and looked at Anthony's expression. She confirmed that the mayor did not know the situation.

"Now, I really have somewhere to go." Crowley said goodbye again, tapping her fingers lightly on the desk. Because of her sudden appearance, the messy desk seemed to be pulled by some force, and all kinds of debris floated up in the air and returned to their original places. Even the food stained on Anthony's body returned to the plate.

Anthony frowned and looked at Crowley's back as she opened the door and disappeared. He looked at the plate again as if nothing was raw, curled his lips, and threw the entire plate into the trash can.

Crowley's body, which looked slender and had a neutral beauty under men's formal attire, attracted countless pairs of 'curious' eyes in the city hall, and she turned into the stairwell.

When the man who took the initiative wanted to catch up and talk, the stairwell was already empty. Of course, these men who are good at talking don't think it's weird. They just think that those long legs can really walk very fast.

A pain like pinpricks arose in James' brain. James's consciousness began to return. He had already felt his hand being pushed away by something, and he clenched his fingers subconsciously. The first time James' brain started functioning, he remembered that he had a gun on one hand and a gun on the other. It's a saber.

James, who had no idea what had happened, was not ready to let go of the two only things that could give him safety.

When James opened his eyes, the scenery was spinning rapidly. It was still the dark alley between the buildings, and it was still the same turning point. He even felt that the breeze from the vent on one side had flowed into his collar. .

Then everything started sinking! No, it's James' eyes that are moving upward!

As if gravity was split between the wall and the sky, James' back pressed against the wall and began to slide upward! Looking up the straight trousers, James saw a slender finger twitching in his field of vision. Further up, the buttoned formal jacket was held up by something when it reached the middle. The buttons of the shirt inside were somewhat difficult to restrain the things inside. The long golden length was draped over the bulge. James already had it. Bad feeling.

The delicate chin, lips, nose, blue eyes with two black pupils, until James' body is completely suspended against the wall. Crowley frowned and moved her fingers to both sides. James' arm seemed to be equipped with a mechanism that was beyond his control!

James is posted on the wall in large letters.

Crowley turned to the left, and James' hand, which was pressed against the wall by an invisible force, was at Crowley's eye level. "Are they silver bullets?" Crowley observed, "Silver represents blocking. All aliens have the power to do harm, so it’s a good choice." She seemed to be saying to herself.

Crowley hooked her finger at James' wrist, and James watched in surprise as he turned the muzzle of his gun and faced Crowley. Crowley tilted her head and looked for a while, but found no trace of fresh use. She straightened her fingers expressionlessly. James' wrist was pressed back against the wall again, and the joints on his arm were so painful from the impact!

Crowley walked to the right, and James looked down at the other party's collar passing in front of his eyes.

Crowley frowned as she looked at the saber held tightly in James' left hand. This saber was made of typical steel and was of no use at all, at least against demons. The devil's container does not require that the joints are intact. Their actions and regeneration do not rely on the power of the body, but on the soul. As long as the damage to the container is within the repair range, it has no impact on their actions.

If you see someone with their back to you but their face facing you, don’t think of that person as an alien who has failed in their image creation. Don't think that it's a walking corpse. It's hard for him to make his 'men' do things that Papa Midnight himself can't do. That's just a demon who doesn't take good care of his own container.

Crowley was facing James, looking at James' confused expression, "So you didn't kill my people. What did you see?"

James stared at the demon in front of him. After a short silence, "Put me down!" James said his first words to the demon!

When he first met Crowley, he had been guided by Zach and Anthony, and the real person in the conversation was not Crowley. Only now did he realize how lucky he was at that time. If he could, he I hope it will never be difficult to talk to this woman!

Crowley raised her eyebrows. She was not that interested in James in comparison to the two humans. In her opinion, this is ordinary human beings, their beliefs are not obvious, and their world view is still being shaped. He was just a guy who was confused and involved in the real world. The only thing that could be seen was his relatively strong will, and he did not show fear or collapse because of the strange situation he was in.

"Why?" Crowley smiled, "I don't need to lower my attitude towards you. You are just an educated human being."

James's chest was heaving, and the feeling of gravity dislocation was not good. James' senses were struggling to adapt to the gravity that enveloped him from three directions. "Put me down!!" He raised his voice and shouted again. stand up!

"Do you want to attract other people?" Crowley looked at James and curled her lips.

James' open mouth closed.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." Crowley began to look at this human being seriously. "It can be seen that both the vampire and the mayor attach great importance to you. I don't want to anger them."

"What do you want to do!" James lowered his voice and put his chin on his chest. It was obviously the simplest way to lower his head, but in just a few seconds, James already felt the pain in his neck.

"I've already asked." Crowley sighed and waved her hand. James felt the power from the sky disappear and felt much more comfortable. No, how can it be comfortable hanging on the wall!

"What did you see?" This was Crowley's biggest concession.

"No! I didn't see anything!" James whispered. This was the truth. He was not sure what he saw. Did he see a man like a priest stepping over his head

"You know, I can see the memory in your soul, right?" Crowley held the gold in front of her forehead, "Do you want me to pull out your soul and take a look?"

James's face was blue, which was different from Anthony's! Anthony reminded him of things he needed to pay attention to when he left that time, but he didn't mention that the devil could tear out his soul!

"Huh." Crowley passed her finger across her lips, "Interesting. How are vampires going to educate you if you just obey other people's words like this?"

James's face turned even bluer! Crowley was lying to him!

But James had no chance to catch fire, Crowley's body disappeared, and the inky black rushed towards James!