The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 142: gap


His back rubbed against the wall, and the hem of James' coat was opened awkwardly. His dangling feet landed on the ground. The unexpected impact caused pain to James' ankles. The blood flow, which was pulled by the opposite force, finally returned to normal.

But James' mind was in chaos, and it seemed as if countless lights were constantly hitting him. At the moment when he was enveloped in red light, the scenes he had experienced reappeared in his mind like an electric shock. The previous emotions were inexplicably brought out, as if I was living my life again!

The sudden change in emotions caused James's pupils to shrink. The red light kept hitting him, and the scenes kept switching. Events that even James had never remembered were stimulated and reappeared by Crowley's soul exploration. These are the connection marks of the soul on the body, those marks composed of insignificant event memories, which separate the countless souls existing in the world and define the individual.

Birth, growth... Every interaction that James participated in and interacted with the world was traversed by Crowley!

When the last light hit James, it was as if time had been manipulated.

Amidst the electromagnetic buzzing sound, the bright red light lengthened and flickered the shadows of the bricks on the wall of the dark alley ahead. James clenched the saber in his left hand, and put the gun in his right hand on his left wrist. This was a standard attack posture. 'Destroy the opponent's container' was James' emotional thought.

But even though James wanted to speed up, the fear of the unknown made his body instinctively slow down.

James leaned against the wall, his shoulder muscles bulging from tension, and the hand holding the weapon was pressed against his lower body. His vision was slowly deflecting, and the red light flashing on the wall kept getting brighter in the direction he turned.

There were still burn marks on the edges and the ashes were blown away by the air current. The things in James' eyes were filled with the flying and dissipating ashes. Among them, there seemed to be a person surrounded by the ashes!

The picture freezes and turns upside down!

Amidst the electromagnetic buzzing sound, the bright red light lengthened and flickered the shadows of the bricks on the wall of the dark alley ahead!

The constant flashing of bright red was slowed down, and James maintained the conflict between his mind and body instincts and looked forward. The bright red light is like the blurred color blocks on the oil painting, constantly blurring out from the turning dark alley! When the protruding bricks on the wall touched the dizzy light, they began to project on the wall!

James clearly saw the black shadow wrapped in a halo, elongating and extending after the bulge, until it extended to the other side of the dark alley!

The shadows disappeared, the bright red light disappeared, and everything returned to the original darkness of the dark alley.

The explosion of spikes seemed to have stopped at a certain moment, and James was still in the middle of a certain emotion. From the turning dark alley, the bright red color blocks bloomed again! The red light kept pushing against the dim light in the dark alley in front of James, pulling on the raised bricks on the opposite wall to create dark shadows!

The shadow continued to lengthen with the light, until it touched the turning point of the wall on the other side, and was completely blocked by the light!

A trace of emotion suddenly penetrated into the mind of James who was caught between emotions. The road he entered was the only entrance and exit to the dark alley, and he could block the other party.

When the shadow and light that had been stretched to the limit disappeared again, James's stretched shoulders pressed against the wall on one side. While his eyes were slowly adjusting to his breathing, James's eyes were deflected along the source of the light that was constantly flickering on and off.

The canvas that was constantly being smudged seemed to have been sprayed with large pieces of paint by mistake. The white light suddenly replaced the red that had been constantly flickering. Even Crowley's slow-down scene couldn't do it at this time. To find out the real situation, James' eyes have already focused on the location where the incident happened!


Crowley's golden hair appeared in the frozen scene. She turned her head and looked at James. The detective's pupils were filled with white light. Fortunately, the demon soul he saw was dying, so he saved his eyes, only to faint afterwards.

Crowley no longer cared about James, turned around and walked around in the memory that belonged to James, her long hair sliding in the air. Even though there seemed to be a burning sun in front of what James was looking at, everything went against the norm and did not cast any shadows. It was just filled with this dazzling white light from the inside out.

Crowley walked towards the center of the light. Her fingers moved in the air, as if she wanted to touch something from the white light.

It's all in vain, now it's just a flashback of the situation, nothing has substance.

Crowley's fingers slid slowly, the frozen scene moved forward again, and the white light had disappeared!

In front of the vent located at the bottom of the wall, the air flow disrupted the light in a visible way, sweeping away the floating ash and covering the space where Crowley was.

James' arms were slowly raised, and his facial muscles were contracting and stretching, "b--a--d--u--n--"

Crowley was not interested in James twisting his lips. She quietly looked at the man who slowly turned around in the ashes. The opponent's raised hand was obscured by the ashes in his eyes, but Crowley could already guess that it was the 'weapon' that killed the soul.

Crowley didn't move, but the space she was in was flipping. This was because James' body was so soft that his sight determined the space Crowley could detect.

In the ever-compressing space, Crowley's body was pushed around like a duckweed. The gray walls, disappearing ashes, and finally the sky were caught in the building.

Crowley was waiting, just as James thought, this was the only exit from the dark alley.

Crowley frowned as the slowly closing space continued to compress the world she was in. If James didn't see it, then she would retract her evaluation of James' perseverance.

In this world that James saw, composed of sky and building walls, which was constantly being compressed and darkened, a man intruded obliquely.

'Like a priest really. '

Amid James' sudden mood, Crowley remembered the profile of his face looking up at a weird angle.


When the last light flew towards James, Crowley waved her hand. She was involved in this episode and didn't need to watch it again.

James couldn't bear it anymore, his knees weakened, his hands holding weapons rested on the not-so-clean ground, and he vomited.

"Is it painful to re-examine your life?" Crowley stood in front of James with a smile, looking at the man's twitching shoulders, "I should give you more evaluation, yours is Nice guy, I can see why vampires pay attention to you."

James' whole body was convulsing, he couldn't respond to Crowley's words, and sadly, he couldn't find the emotion to face the demon in front of him. She raped his soul!

Crowley smiled and patted James on the shoulder, an unexplorable look flashed in her eyes, "Maybe I should remind you, um, or remind you to remind the vampire."

James's cuffs were stained with a disgusting sticky substance. He frowned and raised his face. He wanted to stand up, but the pain all over his body did not allow him to do so. The only thing he could do was glare at Crowley.

Crowley curled her lips and ignored James' anger, "You have already met hunters, those nondescript guys. Now, you have met a truly traditional hunter."

Crowley raised James' chin, as if she didn't mind the stench in James' mouth, "What would you choose? To remind the vampire? Or to be like the 'Ravenkey' before?"

In James's suddenly confused eyes, Crowley smiled, "Choose carefully, James Lance. If the vampire is not qualified to teach you, I can."

James, who was raped by Crowley, had no secrets from her, so of course so did James' hesitant attitude.