The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 147: Alpha in Gospel Hall


The eleventh day's sunshine shines on the gospel church in the south district of Barton City. The metal cross is attached to the door beam of the church's front yard. The black paint makes the cross stand out from the gray church body behind it, making it very eye-catching.

Among the gradually dispersing crowds and old trucks, a black limo suddenly moved in the opposite direction. The car was driving very slowly, the road here was not wide, and the driver was not rude enough to blow the horn at will. People in Barton South watched with curiosity as the car pulled into the Gospel Hall.

Benjamin opened the car door, and after carefully identifying the person he knew, he shouted, "Oh, Grande! Why did you shave your beard!"

Benjamin helplessly touched his chin, which had grown stubble. In a few days, his appearance would be restored. Just since this morning, Benjamin discovered something that made him helpless, and that was itchiness!

As soon as someone reminded me, the itch came out uncontrollably. Benjamin tilted his chin and scratched, and if it weren't for the sake of maintaining time continuity, he would have used Alpha's skin to quickly avoid this torturous recovery process.

"Where's Joseph?" Benjamin asked.

"Inside." The enthusiastic person pointed to the church, "You're here to find Matthew, right?"

Benjamin nodded and walked inside. The porch has obviously been replaced with a new one, and the door has been repainted, but the tables and chairs inside have not changed much.

The Gospel Hall in the South District is much larger than the Church of the Holy Child, but it is not necessary to have two floors like the Mary Church. The population of the South Side is not large, most of them are farmers, and there are also a small number of people who live in the northwest of the South Side because they do not want to pay the price of apartments near Ogier in the North Side.

For example, today's service obviously has special meaning, but the last two rows are still empty.

Entering the gospel hall, Benjamin saw the three people at the front who were finishing their prayers.

Alpha's eyes first fell on his own wolf, his shoulders tensed slightly, and he breathed as calmly as possible. Then came Joseph, who seemed to be still in a state of excitement, and finally the priest.

Benjamin frowned and looked at the priest whose collar seemed a bit high. He had already smelled a faint trace of blood in the air, mixed with the demonic aura that ordinary people could not detect, wafting out from the priest's body.

The priest had already seen Alpha entering, and just like any other cleric who saw a stranger entering the church, he gave a friendly smile, and then asked ridiculously, "Hello, do you need anything?"

Benjamin was not Zach. He didn't like to make meaningless 'acts'. He just raised his chin in response, revealing his pink neck that was scratched by him.

"Ben..." Matthew immediately noticed his father's stern eyes, "Mr. Grande." For Joseph, people who are willing to hire the fired Matthew should be respected. What's more, Grand House is really good to Matthew. During the days when he was injured and rested, Matthew would often bring back Alice's love for him.

Benjamin didn't care about the title. He smiled at Joseph and explained, "Our schedule has been advanced. Come and pick up Matthew."

"Oh!" Joseph patted Matthew on the back, "Then go ahead."

Matthew is a very well-behaved guy. Apart from the fact that he has become a werewolf inexplicably and that the Grande House is full of non-human beings, he will not hide anything from his family. So his father also knew about the arrangements for him to hang out with Grande's friends in the afternoon. Grande’s friend refers to Lola Patton. No matter who Laura is, she is 'Barton'.

Benjamin smiled, looked at Matthew's expression, and turned his head, "Laura and Alice are waiting outside. We'll take you back first." Benjamin looked at the priest who had walked away again, and his words were still addressed to Matthew. "You guys go out first, I just have some questions to ask the priest."

Matthew nodded, feeling relieved that he had been tense ever since. His Alpha is here, and all worries are gone.

The priest who had retreated stopped, said goodbye to the departing believer Joseph again, and looked at Benjamin with a smile, "Sir, do you have any questions?"

Benjamin pursed his lips. At this time, if Zach was here, he would be able to smoothly pull out something and drag it until the church was completely empty, "Behind."

Benjamin walked back, and the priest shook his head helplessly.

"You make Matthew nervous, why." Benjamin spoke simply as they turned around the side door of the church.

"Crowley wants to expand the church." The priest had almost figured out Grande's temper and was very direct. "I told Joseph about the church recruitment in advance."

Benjamin thought for a moment, "It's too fast. If we don't want to arouse Grande's resentment, we shouldn't be in such a hurry to touch the people around us."

The priest smiled helplessly, "We haven't. We haven't disturbed you in the past few days. We haven't even touched Constantine. You should realize our sincerity." The priest looked at Alpha's frown and added. One sentence, "It's Joseph who wants to have a job. Whether I don't do it now, he will know it next week." "What will happen next week."

"The application form for the church will be released next week." The priest smiled, "He will definitely submit the application, maybe you don't know, in my memory." The priest pointed to his head, "Joseph has not missed a single service. "

Benjamin looked at the priest and thought, there was no need for the other party to lie about this, "How long will the review take?"

The priest pursed his lips in embarrassment. He knew that Alpha wanted to use the length of time to think of ways to prevent Joseph from entering the church, such as coming up with some strange treatment method, a course of treatment to heal old wounds, or something like that. With good health, church work may no longer be so attractive.

"This is a matter of the church." The priest looked at Alpha with eyes seeking understanding, "No matter from any standpoint, I cannot disclose it at will."

Benjamin didn't mind the answer. He just glanced at the priest and said, "You can figure it out."

The priest shook his head helplessly. It seemed that it was better to give feedback to Crowley. If he had known better, he would not have said anything.

"You're injured." Benjamin already had the intention of leaving, but Laura and the others were still waiting, "What's going on?"

The priest subconsciously pressed his hand on his collar, and sure enough, Alpha noticed him. But the priest shook his head. This time he had no expression. He seemed to have received the instructions a long time ago and knew what to do. "Yes, but I am not responsible for the content. Crowley has made arrangements."

"Arrangements?" Benjamin's already turned away body stopped and turned to look at the priest. It was just a casual question, but he actually gave such an answer.

The priest said nothing, bowed, and left.

Benjamin frowned, hey, Zach is good at this kind of thing.