The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 149: Barton


Having escaped the worst time for vampires at noon indoors, the afternoon clients came. Zach picked up the legitimate work that had been taken over by Louise and Matthew, drove the hearse, and delivered the coffin to the cemetery. After meeting up with Louise, he left the job to Louise, returned to Grande, drove Benjamin's truck to Barton Prison in the west.

The South District is the largest district in Barton City. Judging from the history of Barton City, the division between the West District and the North and South Districts is actually a joke.

The west side of Barton is very large, compared to the south and north districts.

At that time, the West End did not belong to the city of Barton, but to the city of Newton. It would not be an exaggeration to regard those former founders as delusional idealists, because the history of Barton began when this group of idealists with a lot of wealth wanted to be independent.

But the West District is too big, the city? Don't be kidding, looking at the map of the entire city of Barton, the West District is just a mouse caught in the mouth of an owl. So this group of people set their sights on the desolate east and decided to develop their own city.

The Paisine River, which once left the city of Newton, had to flow through a large forest, which could even be called a forest, before it could join the Charles River. The founders of Barton, who now live in the West End, originally laid the foundation of the city behind a large forest on what is now Bache Street in order to get rid of the control of Newton.

The initial city planning was carried out around Bache Street, and the purpose was already known to everyone - transportation. Taking advantage of the natural advantages of Martha's Bay, when water transportation was smashed by countless Dole, the smoothness of railways and roads became a matter of course. Starting with the scale of the city, centered on Beqi, scattered.

After laying the skeleton of Barton City, the new city took shape, and these people's goals were achieved. Barton City had the West End and Betsey District. The West End was able to exist independently between Barton and Newton as originally intended. Among these people who make development games, we have already met two, Quinn and Barton.

This can be regarded as the first stage in the history of the city of Barton. Later in this stage, Hermann appeared. This entrepreneur, who came here because of opportunities and benefits, opened the second chapter of Barton's history. He selected a piece of land that seemed very far away from the city center at the time, Bech Street, and began to cut down trees, build factories, and develop the automobile industry.

This place is located in the north of what is now Paisley. This is the limit of the city's development in the eyes of the founders of Barton at that time.

Of course, history is not over. After the second chapter, Barton ushered in the third chapter, which was the real prosperity of Barton City.

When the city of Barton began to be fully activated by the industry brought by Herman, the forests began to be opened around his factory. Workers and farmers were never separated, and they existed side by side. It's just that these factories seem to be a dividing line. To the north, that's the urban core of Barton, making fields? Please go south, this is the prototype of the South District.

With the factory laid down by Hermann as the boundary, Barton City abandoned the west side and was expanded into south and north.

Of course, the city of Barton still has a fourth chapter. For example, the South District and the North District were truly established, and the terms country people and urban people were irrefutably accepted by the citizens; with the completion of Fenway Park, the city of Barton changed from a simple transportation The hub and instrumental city mixed with industry and peasants were transformed into real cities.

There is also Chapter 5, the city of Patton during the war, the city that gave hope to the soldiers on the battlefield, and the disappearance of the Becky District. This opened up the fact that the center of everything in Patton City was truly hidden behind the city, and its prosperity was Liszt replaced…

Of course, after the war, there were also the purges of vampires, werewolves and Anthony after their arrival; there were also rumors of ownerless cities circulating among the alien races; there was also the opening of the gates to hell and the arrival of Crowley... these are considered unofficial histories. .

When the city was truly divided into three districts based on orientation, the construction of Barton City became clearer. Facilities such as prisons were naturally moved to the southern district, very far south. Zach drove Benjamin's truck west, then turned left and headed south, really heading southwest toward the far corner of Barton's South Side.

After being confirmed by the guard, Zach crossed the cordon and entered the medium-security prison, which was a cold-colored facility built of cement and wire. Zach remembered that there was an acquaintance here, raised his head, looked at the place called the 'black room', and sighed hypocritically.

Zach didn't like the prison, so he stopped the car and walked to the warden's office under the leadership of the guard.

"I would like to remind you." In front of Zach, the prison guard with a huge butt and a smell of peanut butter said coldly, "The warden was in a bad mood after you called me."

This is an acquaintance. When Zach and Benjamin came to pick up the corpse in the past, he would make arrangements. Occasionally, he would go out for a walk with the Grand brothers through the funerals of people whose names would not be known. This was a person who Depressing work.

Zach didn't care about his tone and smiled and said, "Thank you, I had the opportunity to go to Grande and sit down. Alice learned some new things from Cook."

The prison guard snorted, "If only I had a holiday!" He stood in the corridor with a complaint on his face, and fiddled with the tight belt with his fat fingers twice, "Go in."

Zach bowed his head, entered the hallway, and pushed open the office door with the door number "Warden: Vincent" hanging in gold letters on a black background.

The soft brown carpet forms a strong contrast with the coldness of the outside world. The exquisite display cabinet completely blocks the gray wall. As for the display content, you would think that this is the living room of some extremely narcissistic guy. You can see a person's entire growth process starting from black and white photos.

From infancy to adulthood, to middle age, and finally to the person sitting behind the giant desk. There are also various certificates, trophies, graduation certificates, medals, achievements...

"It's spectacular!" Vincent saw Zach's eyes looking all the way in front of the display cabinet, and stood up with a smile, "Right! Sometimes, I wonder why I can be so good!"

Zach's face almost twitched when he smiled, "Yeah, it's true." It's not that the vampire wants to see it, but the layout of this office is such that you will definitely see it all when you walk in! The vampire has seen this many times, but is defeated by this guy's narcissism every time.

"Come on!" Vincent walked out from behind the office and pulled Zach towards the end of the display cabinet. "I just got this! 'Best Warden in Barton City', awarded by the mayor himself!"

"Wow! You are indeed worth it!" What else could Zach do besides complying.

"You know? I always felt that Mayor Anthony admired me!" Vincent said, "You know that the mayor is also a soldier, right?"

"Really?" Zach showed a surprised expression, "That's true! But you really deserve such recognition!"


Vincent of course.