The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 153: mood


James frowned when he saw Zach was too lazy to argue. He could already feel that the vampire was not in a very high mood today. He always lost his patience after just two sentences. It was completely different from the previous full body, expressions and movements.

"What's wrong with you?" James kept frowning, "I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just questioning. You should explain it to me now instead of waving your hands."

Zach looked at James again and was amused by him. Has this guy been stimulated into a habit? It was rare that I didn't want to stimulate him today, but he couldn't adapt to it.

"What do you need me to explain?" Zach sipped his wine and regained his mood.

Don't forget, our vampire is occasionally sentimental. At this time, the person who can bring the vampire back to the ground is Benjamin. But now Benjamin is in the North District, staring at the ceiling with pink skin all over his body.

"Information about the witchers, what kind of people they are. Do they ignore the law like the hunters, or do they just dress the same as them and are just clergy of the church. And what do they rely on for hunting monsters? Is it like Witchcraft like Sibella's, or summoning Papa Midnight, will bring even greater trouble. And... "

"Okay, James." Zach tapped his fingers on the table as he listened to a series of questions, "You have already met Crowley. It would be more appropriate for you to ask her."

"I don't want to ask her anything." James' face darkened for a moment.

In the brief encounter with Crowley, the most unacceptable thing was not the powerlessness of being a human being. When he first met Grande, James also felt powerless, but Grande did not tease him when he had no power to resist. But Crowley was too bad. For example, she would tear out his soul when she deceived him, and she even said she wanted to teach him.

Zach grinned and shook his head. God knows what Crowley did to James. "Why are you interested in him?" Zach asked.

James was silent for a while, "Crowley asked me to remind you, although I don't know why at all, I can only think that he is also interested in vampires like ordinary hunters."

Zach smiled, "Are you here because of Crowley?" Zach's eyes drifted to nowhere, "You still hesitated for a day before showing up."

James glanced at Zach. Apart from laughing at himself, he really couldn't understand the meaning of these words. "I'm a policeman. I'm not running errands for you. I also have my own things to do."

James didn't lie. After Crowley disappeared yesterday, he wanted to face Coulson. While treating the real investigation work negatively: the suspects have turned into ashes, what else is there to investigate! While still thinking about what Crowley's words meant. At the same time, he also carefully investigated his own "private affairs" - whether any clergymen have been in and out of Barton recently.

After a night, he made up his mind. In order not to create the same impression as Rui Wenqi last time, he came in person. Of course, in the morning, in order to better understand Crowley's role, he went to another church outside Mary's Church in the North District to worship. The content was the 'Ten Commandments'. James could not feel Crowley's purpose. Be even more wary of this demon.

Zach accepted this method because he was depressed, "I have nothing to tell you. You can answer these things by yourself, and you don't need me to remind you." Zach thought for a while, "Why don't you do it yourself?" the opinion of."

The reason why Zach made such a suggestion was that he already had a candidate in mind, and he did not want to affect James' judgment by preconceptions. Daniel's example had not passed long yet. If James Lance and Grande House's relationship breaks down again, Zach doesn't have a good way to patch it up.

James looked at Zach, wondering what he was feeling now.

"Crowley has taken control of the church." James looked away from Zach's face and began to have his own opinion, "So it is unlikely that he is a priest. It is very likely that he came to Barton City from other places. I I've checked and there's no such person. That's the only thing I know."

Zach had no expression, "Didn't you see his face?"

James was a little embarrassed for a moment. He saw the other person from an angle that he rarely had the opportunity to see. If there was a photo that focused on the chin, he could try to identify it, "I didn't see it clearly."

Zach looked at James's expression, which meant that Crowley couldn't see anything even after searching his soul. "When did this happen?" Zach continued to ask.

James announced a time, which was lunch time. Zach calculated in his mind that from the end of Mrs. Quinn's funeral to the southeastern part of the North District, although it was tight, it was not impossible to complete.

Zach stood up, told James to wait a moment, and went to find Louise. He wanted to know if Father Constantine stayed in the church often these days, and what should Louise, who had a good relationship with the nun, know.

"Father?" Louise was fiddling with the potted plant beside her desk in boredom, "I've never been out."

Louise seemed to have been waiting for Zach to ask, and she answered very smoothly. Zach smiled and asked two priests, and it was also very smooth. As for the nuns, Zach had skipped it, but with Louise’s ability, it was probably more detailed.

Zach wanted to thank him, but was pushed back by Louise's fluttering eyelashes.

Back in the office, Zach felt a lot more relaxed, partly because he could get rid of his suspicions about Father Constantine and the Church of the Holy Child, and partly because he saw Louise's efforts. This woman, who has reserved the possibility of becoming a vampire, is doing things for Grande in her own way.

Zach smiled and looked at James, "You missed one place, the Holy Child Church on the west side of Grande. Crowley did not control it."

James frowned and looked at Zach, "Isn't the Church of the Holy Child watched by you, Grande?"

"What do you think we are, voyeurs who monitor other people's lives every day?" Zach curled his lips, "The reason I remind you is that you already have the suspicion that the other party is from out of town. I am just telling you that if a priest needs A safe place, Holy Son Church is the only place."

James raised his eyebrows. The reason was, of course, that Crowley wouldn't touch this place. And now that the church is closed, it would be perfect if someone is hiding inside.

"We only have to wait one day." Zach swung his wine glass. Tomorrow is the day when someone from the church will come to repair the church. The vampire didn't think Crowley would give up this opportunity to test Grande.

Similarly, Zach was not prepared to give up this opportunity. He wanted to convey the news that Grande had obtained the funeral in Barton Prison.