The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 156: expect


Zach gained a lot. In addition to the 'general' who can provide 'non-responsible' manpower, there are also people who buy and sell 'identities' and people who transport goods, if these are already in the black zone. Then among these people there are also lawyers, security guards, and detectives who are considered investigators, such as Noho Zak, people in the gray area.

As for the white zone, there is a saying that if an apology is useful, what does the police need to do

Of course, these people must have their own informants or people who retain favors, like Zac's James, Coulson who can talk to the 'General' peacefully...

The party lasted until midnight, another boundary in life after the twilight time boundary. The performers on the stage changed one after another, and the special service has entered the negotiation stage. Zach looked at the beautiful women sitting next to these new 'friends' and knew that the next project he was going to do would not be in this 'gentleman's' bar.

Zach smiled and signaled to Nuo to leave. Whether emotionally or physically, Zach didn't realize that these women could give him more than Louise. Moreover, what Zach wants now is not such a low-level activity, and the emotions he has kept in his heart have not been resolved by James and this guild-like circle. What Zach wants is to go back to Grande and talk to Benjamin.

Regarding Benjamin, let’s go back in time and imagine this scene. The scene when the only 'Toledo' met on the battlefield with an 'Alpha' that had lost its clan.

The truck's dust- and stain-covered exterior shed its confusing neon coat, shrouded in night and moonlight, and drove onto Route 7.

The further south you go, the less breathy the city becomes. Away from the North District, there are no longer dense buildings on both sides of the road. The lone streetlight illuminates the blue-gray road and the empty fields on the side of the road. Occasionally, one or two buildings recede in the night outside the car window.

Zach used to feel lighter every time he drove on this road. The disturbing affairs on the road from north to south are like the scenery on both sides. Once they are peeled off, as long as they return to the Grand House, Zach returns to the identity of the vampire hidden in the city.

But now, this feeling has disappeared. No matter how the surrounding scenery recedes, the vampire's connection with the city cannot be severed.

With a trace of expectation, the car controlled by Zach turned into the Grand House, but the people who went out had not returned yet, and Zach was a little disappointed.

Everyone has rested, only the body of the phantom Daniel turned into a faint stream of light, spinning and drifting around the Grand House.

Zach looked at the moon that had begun to become full, shook his head, and walked out of the basement. Returning to death is a great trick to clear your mind, but Zach hasn't used it for this reason for a long time.

When the vampire's heart becomes silent and the blood stops flowing, the body temperature maintained by Zach's heart gradually merges with the ambient temperature. The vampire's consciousness disappeared, and his life seemed to have really stopped, turning into one of Grande's items, lying flat on the hard stone platform, like a lying statue.

The fair skin of the statue was pressed down, and the inelastic muscles were sunken and did not recover for a long time.

Benjamin frowned and slapped the vampire's left chest with his broad palm.

A dull sound resounded in the basement, and a faint beating appeared in the sunken sternum.

Waking up in pain is not pleasant. Zach's cloudy pupils slowly became clear, and the scene in his field of vision slowly came into focus.

"When do you want to sleep?" Benjamin curled his lips impatiently.

With a soft clicking sound, the sternum was reset, and the sunken muscles also regained their elasticity after the blood was rewashed and circulated, and slowly rebounded. Zach looked at Benjamin standing next to him, scratching his own smooth body uncomfortably.

Benjamin turns out to be so fair and tender, this was the first thing that Zach thought of after regaining consciousness.

"What time is it now?" Zach's voice was still a little dry and hoarse, and the blood flow was not yet completely smooth. Benjamin sounded as if he had been 'sleeping' for a long time.

"Monday at noon." Benjamin frowned, raised one leg, unzipped his trousers, and scratched the smooth legs, which were tender and tender... He regretted it. Yesterday, Laura had to do a full-body hair removal. The hirsute alpha was very uncomfortable now. Between his skin and the fabric of his clothes, he felt like something was missing.

Zach's face was stiff and twitching, his expression not quite working yet.

He had only been 'sleeping' for a long time. Was it necessary for Benjamin to wake himself up in such a violent way

The vampire controlled his heartbeat, stimulated the blood flow, reached out to pick up the clothes beside the stone platform, and slowly put them on.

"When did you come back?" Zach looked at Benjamin, who seemed to be looking around, and asked with a stiff face.

"Morning." Benjamin twisted his body and kept pulling on his vest. Zach felt inexplicably happy.

"What did you do? What took you so long."

"Watching a movie." Benjamin frowned and touched himself uncomfortably, "Originally I just wanted to watch a movie, but Laura found out that Alice liked watching movies, so she booked the whole night."

Zach raised his eyebrows ridiculously halfway, and continued to squeeze the stiff skin on his forehead with difficulty, "What movie?"

Benjamin waved his hand and replied impatiently, "Les Misérables."

Zach Head, "Great movie."

"No. They re-filmed it, and a bunch of people kept singing, endlessly."

Zach thought about it with his brain that was not fully functioning yet. This theme was far from the type of music Benjamin liked. It was normal for Benjamin to dislike it. If it was an opera style, I would probably like it. I shook my head helplessly and tried to make up for it when I had time.

"What's going on now?" Zach felt that Benjamin's rare visit to the basement to call him wasn't just about watching a movie one night.

"Let's cook. I'm hungry." Benjamin frowned.

"Huh?" Zach's already stiff movements stopped in the air.

"Louise has gone to church, Alice is still sleeping, and no one has prepared lunch." Benjamin urged impatiently.

Zach restarted the blood flow that had stagnated for a moment, "Where's Kim? Where's Daniel? Where's Matthew?" It was impossible to count on old Hank.

"No Jin, what the hell did Daniel do!" Benjamin frowned, obviously disdainful of Daniel's healthy eating method, "Matthew is also catching up on his sleep."

Zach sighed and followed Benjamin out of the basement. When he entered the kitchen, he saw Daniel, who had rarely built a solid body, handling a piece of chicken steak. When he saw Benjamin coming, he said with a grimace, "I added enough butter and seasonings, will you try again?"

Benjamin pushed the plate aside, and Jin took a look. What he cared about was the taste. Now just looking at it with the naked eye, it didn't meet his requirements, so he decided to wait.

Daniel's enough is obviously not enough. The actions of the phantom entity cannot escape the restrictions of others. Obviously, Daniel's body still retains the previous influence. If he wants to break through, he can only keep consuming and absorbing new energy.

As for old Hank, he had already eaten what Daniel had made for the first time and was basking in the sun in the courtyard. This is probably Old Hank's only advantage.

Zach moved his body and took Daniel's place. When Daniel was relieved and wanted to disperse the entity, he was stopped by Benjamin, "Clean up those messy bodies!" the werewolf said.

Daniel reluctantly remained corporeal. Excluding the vague third category in the alien classification, the first category of aliens has innate superiority over the second category.

The Grande kitchen started to get busy. Although Zach was not as good as Alice, he was much better than Daniel. On a whim, the vampire made the steak he learned from watching "Cook's Kitchen" yesterday, and then tried it. It was really good, as far as human food is concerned.

After settling Benjamin, Zach took out his food and looked at the really hungry werewolf, "Do you want to know what I did yesterday?"

Benjamin dealt with his food, "Wait a minute, when I went to pick up Matthew from the gospel church yesterday, the priest said something."

Zach raised his eyebrows after listening and thought for a while, "You have told Matthew that my blood can cure everything. If he really doesn't want his father to come into contact with the devil, he will bring it up."

Benjamin frowned, "He treats you as his boss and won't mention it."

Zach, Matthew does have such a character, but Joseph wants to go to the church, which is related to faith. No matter what they do, what will happen will still happen. Crowley wouldn't do anything outrageous to Joseph. As long as she was sure of this, there was nothing to worry about.

"Then you will be happy with what I want." Zach smiled, sipping the liquid in the cup, and began to talk about the trip to the prison.

Although prisoners in prison will definitely go to hell, this is a very prejudiced law, just like James' prejudice against foreign races. But on the other hand, will they go to heaven? No, in order to maintain faith, the angels in heaven will not allow this kind of thing to happen. After all, such rules are set by people in faith, with good things going up and bad things going down.

The superiority of the first type of alien race over the second type of alien race is not without reason, because no matter how powerful they are, they are always bound by the thoughts of weak humans.

So not surprisingly, the only destination for these people is hell. Of course, this premise is that in the Federation, the main faith is under the Holy Bishop.

What Zach did yesterday was to control the souls that would inevitably go to Crowley under the guidance of Anthony and into Grande's hands.

Let us face the cruel reality. First, the prisoner's belief will not be strengthened by the fixed weekly worship service in prison, so when it comes to judging the ownership of souls, the process will not be short. Second, how long do you think the prisoner's funeral will take? Obviously, after taking a few hours, or even less, to arrange, the person will be sent directly to the funeral home for processing.

And Zach has already decided that the end of this process will be cremation. If Crowley doesn't want her already bleak 'business' to lose the business it deserves, she'd better come and make a new agreement with Zach quickly!

Zach looks forward to the time when he can take control again.