The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 157: Unexpected


"That's good." Benjamin showed a smile, "Matthew can rest assured."

Seeing Benjamin's mood brighten up, Zach's mood also improved. Thinking about it now, the interaction between the two people is usually not nutritious, but from the moment they meet on the battlefield, it seems that having such the same guy by their side is a comforting thing.

"Then, I met Father Constantine." Zach started the next thing, this incident that made him feel bad.

Benjamin frowned after listening, "What does the priest's change mean?"

"Everything." Zach said moodily. The contact with Constantine has only started to become frequent recently. The two parties have been neighbors for such a long time, and they rarely interact with each other. And at this moment when the Grand House was undergoing rapid changes, both in the open and in the shadows, the priest's words made the vampire have to think more.

Benjamin had noticed the strangeness of the vampire, and shook his head with a smile, "Didn't you answer that too? Your original intention remains the same. Do you want to change?"

Zach looked at Benjamin, who always hit the right center for his friend. Hesitation is one thing, just like the debate between heaven and hell. If the vampire doesn't want to continue living as a Grande in Barton, then what is he going to do? The Secret Alliance was kind enough not to hunt him down. Was he going to throw himself into the arms of the Sabbat Alliance and live out his life

Zach smiled and emptied the glass of liquid, "And then James came."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows, because the extra hair had disappeared, and the werewolf's expression always had an inexplicable sense of joy, "James is awakened?"

Now that James is out, the witcher can't be allowed to continue hunting demons. This means that the other party is no longer thinking about the problem from the perspective of an ordinary human being, but is thinking about the problem from the perspective of Barton's life. It is indeed enlightenment.

As for the witcher, although vampires seemed to be related to the witcher's business scope, Benjamin didn't really care. As long as he didn't mess with Grande, it didn't matter.

Zach looked at Benjamin's expression of indifference to the witcher, as if he had been confirmed. Yes, as long as he doesn't mess with Grande, this is still Crowley's business, no matter what he does! I am still guessing the identity of the other party, what a boring move.

"Then, it was purely unexpected." Zach smiled and took out a stack of business cards and handed them to Benjamin.

Benjamin held the beef cutting knife in one hand, and the hand holding the fork fiddled with the business card, looking at a name and address. Except for a few offices that stated it directly, others were vague and only had a phone number.

"What is this?" Benjamin asked doubtfully.

Zach began to talk about the party last night, the people in that circle and the projects they worked on, and mentioned the new developments in Quest.

Naturally, Benjamin was not interested in Quest, but he was curious about the people in that circle. "We should treat Hank better." Benjamin smiled teasingly.

"I can't be here anymore." Zach smiled. They never asked about this weird old man's past, and in exchange, Old Hank didn't ask them either. Just when the vampire used the Charming Eyes on the deceased old Grande, the strange old man waved his hands like this: "No need to waste your power on me, you just want Grande's name!" '

After the joke, Benjamin looked a little bad. Zach sighed. Just as he had his own hesitation about whether he should still live as 'Zachary Grande', Benjamin also had his own hesitation. The Grand House went on a path beyond Alpha's control, and as Alpha he was no longer alone, he still had his own wolf pack, although there was only one Matthew.

Benjamin didn't know if this would affect Matthew for better or worse.

"At least, we have entered another area covered by shadows." Zach looked at Benjamin as a comfort. After explaining everyone's business, Zach pointed to a few business cards, "We also have resources now, no Now that I'm alone again, things should be smoother in the future."

Benjamin Head, in fact, he made a decision after asking Matthew if he wanted to leave Barton. No matter how Grande develops, this is Matthew's home, and it is also the home that Benjamin built. How could he just let go and leave!

So now Benjamin is just smiling after a short period of depression, as if his future is bright.

the phone is ringing.

Benjamin waved his hand, "Don't disturb my meal."

After everything was said, Zach smiled and stopped harassing Benjamin, walked into the office and answered the phone.


"Mr. Grande." A strange voice came from the receiver, "This is the Fomingo Nursing Home."

Zach frowned. This is the only complete psychiatric treatment facility in Barton City, and it has nothing to do with the Grand House.

"Sir, we have a patient who wants to contact you, Pochi Quinn. I wonder if you would like to answer the call?" a strange female voice asked without any emotion. This is normal in a facility that, like prison, restricts most of a person's freedoms.

Zach frowned, "What's wrong with him?"

"Do you want to answer the call or not?" the other party asked, with a hint of impatience.

"Okay." Zach curled his lips.

"Five minutes." The other party said coldly, and the sound of the receiver being handed out and replaced came.

"Grand." The male voice was unusually calm and indifferent.

"Mr. Quinn?" Zach asked uncertainly. In fact, in his impression, Pochi's voice was much higher and more intense than it was at this moment.

"It's me, we need to talk."

"Five minutes." Zach repeated the staff member's words. He didn't know why Pochi would contact him. Even more strange is why Mrs. Quinn gave Porky permission to communicate with the outside world. For a guy like Pochi who has too many secrets buried in his heart, it is too risky for him to communicate with others.

"Come and see me, we have enough time." The voice in the receiver was still calm.

"Why?" Zach was really puzzled.

"The old immortal has given me the only chance to talk to anyone, and that's you." The other party's tone finally contained hatred and fierceness, "Don't think I want to!"

Zach pursed his lips helplessly. If he had known better, he would not have returned the diary to Mrs. Quinn! Forget it, it's all out of good intentions anyway, no need to worry.

Zach chuckled, "Let's wait until I have time."

Zach hung up the phone and couldn't help but share this more unexpected thing before Benjamin finished eating. Seeing Benjamin's same chuckle, Zach was very satisfied.

But of course it wouldn't be the end of it, Zach returned to the office and dialed the number at Quinn Manor. Although it is an inexplicable and bizarre development, it is still necessary to understand Mrs. Quinn's intentions.