The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 161: Unintentionally


Zach didn't exaggerate about Amanda. On the contrary, he was shrinking. After all, the young female nurse was still with Mrs. Quinn. So in Zach's narration, when Porky opened his eyes wide and full of expectation, Zach would deliberately misinterpret Porky's true expression like this:

"Don't worry, it just looks serious, but it's all superficial injuries." Zach comforted the anxious Poch, "Amanda is fine now, and she doesn't even have a scar left! "

Porchi carefully prioritizes the emotions he actually experiences. The anger towards Zach can be one level higher, the pity that the old woman is okay can be one level down, and the disregard for Amanda is, well, ignoring.

Now that he was in the same room with Zach, Pochi made his own expression.

"Yes, yes." Zach smiled and waved his hand. "I am also very angry. Even the church to the west of our Grand House, you remember, the Church of the Holy Child." Of course Zach would not accept Poch. Angry, he continued to follow his own course, "Even the Church of the Holy Child had an accident."

Zach blinked and looked at Bochi, "Of course, you must not understand what I am doing, right? I'll explain it to you now." Looking at Bochi's body pulling the belt behind him, Zach Smile, "These are all accidents, none of them can compare to the collapse of Mary's Church."

The city of Barton was indeed 'wonderful' when Porky was imprisoned in the sanatorium. He missed the 'Barton City High School Football League', missed the city's re-planning of the cemetery, missed the loss of his son in Hermann, missed the demotion of the new generation in Barton, missed the rise and disappearance of the cult...

When Zack ignored Pochi's true emotional reaction and focused on his own story, Pochi began to be forced to accept such a result. Zach is not a TV, and Pochi does not have the ability to change channels. Passively receiving information is the only meaningful thing in his life now.

Pochi, who succumbed to this reality without his own will, finally calmed down completely in the second half of this precious moment and listened wholeheartedly to what Zach said about the incident. Of course, you can also think that this is the reason why when Zach expanded the topic to Barton, the topic was no longer 'Quinn', and Pochi could face it with a normal heart.

It would be good for vampires to get psychological counseling. After all, there is the Charming Eye, a killer weapon like this.

"You have to tell the truth. I don't like Mr. Quest." Zach pursed his lips. What he said was a bit dry. Unfortunately, there was no water here. Zach shook his head in disappointment.

Now it seemed that he was talking about a very recent incident, "I just saw him outside the door." Zach stood up and moved his body, pressing one hand on the soft wall, squinting his eyes with a 'malicious' inference Xiang Boqi smiled, "Maybe you are neighbors?"

Pochi had almost understood that his emotions could not affect the other party at all, so he just looked at Zach with a hard face, watching this guy ravage him wantonly.

Zack stretched his arms, no longer caring about the nonsense about 'don't get close to Pochi', and walked around in this small room. This was indeed a depressing space. The padded walls made Zach a little curious at first, but by the end of the hour, Zach just felt a little bored.

"What about you?" Zach smiled and looked seriously at Pochi, who was already at his mercy, "Has anything interesting happened here in the past two months?"

Pochi's chest rose and fell under the pressure of the crossed arms.

"Ah! What a pity." Zach glanced in the direction of the room door and looked back at Poch with a 'sincere' smile, whose arms were rising and falling on his chest. "The time has come, next time. If there is a next time .”

The door opened.

The two male nurses looked at Zach, who turned around with a smile, and said coldly, "It's time."

"Time flies!" Zach smiled and turned to the two of them, then turned back to Pochi and walked out of the room.

When the sound of struggling sounded again, Zach gave Pochi the last bit of dignity. He walked past the door without letting his figure appear in the room where he could be seen. Just like when putting the restraints on Pochi, the process of untying it by the two strong male nurses was not very comfortable.

Zach stood waiting by the door. Walking around at will was obviously not allowed in a place like this. While waiting for the nurse to place Pochi for a few minutes, Zach looked around boredly.

Although the main body of this layer is not underground, it is actually the -1 layer. There are no windows or anything like it on the surrounding walls. The light source relies entirely on artificial light. Coupled with the enclosed space, this is a place where time can easily be confused.

Then, a golden woman in formal wear (pants suit) walked through a wall and appeared in front of Zach. She seemed to be thinking about something and did not notice Zach who raised his eyebrows.

Zach stretched out his arm and snapped his fingers to attract Crowley's attention.

The golden head was suspended and floating in the air in an unmechanical manner, leaving a golden afterimage in the air behind the person who turned his head.

Crowley also raised an eyebrow, and the two of them met. No one was in a weak position because they had the weight, and both parties had a formal meeting with the purpose of trading, but they met accidentally!

The two male nurses exited the room and motioned to Zach. One stayed where he was and moved back to his chair to sit down. The other had already stepped forward to take Zach out.

Zach looked straight at her. When he passed Crowley, his light green eyes turned. The focus of his eyes was not on Crowley, but on the room behind her that had just passed through the wall.

It was such a coincidence that they were really neighbors. Hopefully, they will never know this day. Zach thought so.

Leaving this -1st floor space, going up the spiral staircase, the light suddenly dimmed and then gradually brightened. When looking from top to bottom, he didn't feel anything, but now, the vampire clearly felt that the gradually brightening light came from above, and it was sunlight penetrating from the sky.

Zach looked up and smiled helplessly. The funny guy was still on the stairs when he came. He leaned out most of his body and smiled stupidly at this side. Zach shrugged and waved to him. The other party smiled even more happily.

Before the male nurse in front of Zach picked up the whistle and blew it, the funny guy suddenly turned pale, yelled and backed away, pressed against the wall behind him, curled up and trembled while hugging his body.

The male nurse and Zach frowned at the same time. The nurse gave Zach a comforting look and quickened her pace. When he quickly opened the door and wanted Zach to leave the stairwell, Zach looked back at Crowley.

The floating woman tilted her head, looking at the trembling human curiously, then looked at the vampire suspiciously, and pointed at herself.

'because I? '