The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 23: Target


"Then the alien's behavior took a second turn." James crossed the hand pointing at the clue wall across a blank area and pointed to the side where the photo of 'David' was pinned.

Detective Coulson's wall of clues is divided into two blocks. The first block is what James analyzed just now. The victims are all prostitutes and women. The second block completely revolves around 'David'.

David's photo was surrounded by information, social relationships, job titles, and property statements... At the bottom was a photo of a mutilated corpse, with the two letters tattooed on his butt—'d, m' marked by Coulson. One line: 'The identity of the true David'.

The blank space between the two blocks means that Detective Coulson is also thinking about the connection between the two. At the bottom of the clue wall, Coulson wrote the following words: 'The methods of dealing with the victims are exactly the same. Is it imitation, or is it the same person who committed the crime? '

Below this line, there are traces of Coulson's messy alterations. It seems that Coulson has reached a dead end in the connection between these two things!

But what is admirable is that next to David's job authority information, Coulson made a deduction and linked the unstable phone line incident that lasted for more than a week to David. However, Coulson's conclusion was somewhat speechless: 'The suspect committed a series of murders, and his methods of committing crimes and body disposal methods have formed a clear personal style. His twisted mentality wanted to show such results, so he used communication methods to Spread this style icon... '

James looked at Coulson's conclusion. If he hadn't met Zach and Benjamin, he might have reached the same conclusion, but now it seems that Coulson was only partly right.

"After the aliens completed your 'test', they determined that there were no other alien forces in Barton City, so they selected a target and started spreading the news! It should have been a week ago." James looked at the clues. Qiang frowned, "It was when I first came to Barton City and was attacked. It was too fast, there was no time to connect!"

Zach was still looking at the previous section, "No. The operation that selected David as the target should have been during the days when Louise was hiding." Zach pointed to several corpses that were found, "Look, the ones that were discovered All the corpses are people who have disappeared in the past half month, which are collateral damage caused by the operation against Louise. His test was completed half a month ago."

Zach returned to the table where the messy information was piled, and rummaged through the police records. After a while, he seemed to understand. Zha smiled and asked Jin: "Jin, why did you and Coulson spy on Louise?"

"First, she is the only person who has clearly seen the alien but is still alive. Coulson hopes to find clues from her." Jin said flatly, "Second, I am doing a favor to my own people and helping him. Watch this woman."

"Did you hear that?" Zach returned to the clue wall. "The aliens became arrogant after completing the test and no longer concealed themselves. There was no news about the incident half a month ago. Half a month ago After that, his actions became obviously much rougher. God punishes arrogant people, so he met the cautious Louise. His weirdness was noticed by Louise. Louise's two escapes and subsequent avoidance made him Realizing his 'style' was exposed, he started looking for help. He took David's identity and started spreading rumors."

"And I was the first 'helper' to come." Jin seemed to have thought of something funny, and laughed twice, then returned to calmness again.

"With social disabilities, he has no friends or relatives, and he can control telecommunications and contact the outside world at work. David is the perfect target." Zach moved next to James, "Then, your transfer news was announced by him Obtain."

James said with a sullen face: "I have no relatives or friends in Barton City, and my social connections are clean. No one knows me! I am also a perfect target for identity replacement!"

"That's it." Zach patted Jin on the shoulder: "It is not easy to replace a person's identity. Maybe David continued to live as usual for a while after he was targeted. In the past few days, in Barton City, There are two Davids at the same time, and the alien needs to learn his habits." Zach looked at Fitz's photo, which was the only one marked with the two tags of 'colleagues and friends' among David's social relationships, and Coulson's character profile It also noted 'social impairment': "David was truly cleared when he was sure that his replacement would not arouse suspicion."

James' face became even more gloomy: "As for me, I don't need to get used to my life in Barton City at all." James looked at Jin: "One of the targets of the aliens is to move the population!"

Jin nodded expressionlessly: "I really like your identity. You are rich and no one knows you."

It seemed like a compliment, but James hated this feeling, "Then why didn't you kill me?"

"I thought you were going to die." Jin replied, "This was an oversight. Everyone makes oversights sometimes."

Therefore, James is alive now because of Jin's negligence. No, it's because of James' good luck.

An alien who didn't like the taste of humans attacked him when he first entered Barton City. Such a probability event allowed him to escape into the woods on the border of Barton with serious injuries. On the night of the full moon when Benjamin transformed, he was so weak that Benjamin in wolf form didn't even bother to attack. And after he was attacked and remained in the woods for a week, the 'Kozier' trademark that was still intact made the vampire who had just replenished his food become interested in him, and then saved him...

God is definitely favoring some people, and James should be proud of God's favor for him...

"Hmph." James snorted coldly, and his eyes fell on the marked information next to Fitz's photo. Coulson wrote down the entire process of Fitz's discovery of David's body, in the game 'Dungeons and Dragons'. The absence of night is the negligence of David the Alien!

Zach put all the moved things back into place and said relaxedly: "Now that we know the whole incident, all we need is to catch this guy. Benjamin, did you take note of his scent?"

After entering Coulson's studio, Benjamin found the evidence that Coulson collected from David's house and began to remember the smell of the alien David.

Benjamin Head: "I've written it down, you can go."

"Make sure you remember his original smell, not simply the smell of David." Jin reminded: "I can't guarantee that he will still act in the form of David."

Benjamin frowned, "What do you mean? Didn't you say that this case has not been made public? Did he realize that he was being investigated?"

Jin touched his face. All the movements and expressions of this skinchanger were very stiff, which made people wonder if he was not used to the human body structure: "I told him that his identity was exposed."

"You, what did you tell him?!" James was angry again!

Zach sighed, "When?"

"I called Coulson in the morning when he was surveying the scene at David's house. We met once around noon, and that's it." King replied: "This was before I knew you were in Barton City. When I still want to have a good relationship with him.”

Zack, as long as Jin's loyalty is with him now, the vampire doesn't care what happened before: "What did you tell him?"

"The first time I just told him that his identity might have been exposed and that we would conduct a secret investigation. The second time, I told him that his identity had been completely exposed and Fitz was with Coulson."

Benjamin thought for a while, "So the only people who know about this now are Detective Coulson and Fitz, us, and Cologne who ordered a non-public investigation." Benjamin scratched his beard, "Coulson and Cologne, his Who will be the next target?”

"Wait!" James stared at Benjamin in surprise: "The next target? Isn't it Fitz who discovered his identity? Why is it Coulson and Director Cologne?"

Zach shook his head in disappointment: "Detective Lance, the prisoner is an alien, not a human being. You need to think about the problem from his perspective!"

James stared, but his mind was thinking quickly. Yes, he realized that he had asked a stupid question. The offender was a shapechanger who could change his appearance! The investigation of the entire case was conducted secretly, which means that the simplest way to make all this disappear is to replace Detective Coulson who conducted the investigation, or replace Director Cologne who ordered the investigation!

As for that Fitz, no one cares!

Zach frowned, "I don't want Barton City to become a paradise for aliens. It seems that I need to talk to Anthony."

Of course, Zach hasn't forgotten the rumor. For the Barton Police Department, the missing and deceased cases of prostitutes and women have reached a dead end. David's identity can be abandoned by the aliens at any time, and Detective Coulson's investigation will also reach a dead end. The only two people who remain suspicious are Coulson and Cologne. Perhaps now, there are other aliens who have sneaked into Barton City, and under the arrangement of 'David', they have begun to observe their living habits!

Benjamin sighed, "Well, it is indeed needed. I also need more complete samples to identify the smell, and Anthony needs to give us access to these corpses."

"Can aliens have different smells?" James sadly found that the current problem was completely beyond his ability to handle.

"Yes." Benjamin nodded, "Do you think normal people can tolerate the kind of eating that Margin does? Aliens have two sets of digestive systems. One can constantly change and adapt to new bodies. The other is their original digestive system. organ, that is their only identity."

James shook his head wordlessly.