The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 25: lie


When Benjamin left, Anthony had already opened his notebook and quickly wrote, 'Public funeral resources have been transformed into private entities, and the authority to obtain resources that originally belonged to the municipal government has been changed...'. Some of the problems created by the privatization of the funeral industry have been exposed, and as mayor, he needs to solve them.

James sees Anthony's notes and gains a new understanding of the mayor who is friends with vampires and werewolves. This understanding is good and reassuring. Anthony is on the side of Barton City, not the alien race.

Anthony made a heavy mark in his notebook and closed it, "Then what? The rumors have spread after all, and I can't let our citizens face these lower-level creatures that may appear! There are also Cologne and Coulson, they need to be protected !Zach, you have to protect them!"

"Even if you don't ask, I will go." Zach leaned back in his seat and put a hand on James' shoulder: "In order to win the trust of James Lance, it is necessary to protect his boss and partner. of."

"Humph." Anthony rolled his eyes: "You are right, the places I can see are too limited. I can only ensure that Barton's upper class society is not invaded, and you need someone to watch over the middle and lower classes for you. "

Anthony stood up, leaned forward, supported the desk with both hands, and leaned towards James. He said seriously, "I know you must have countless doubts about why I met and even became friends with vampires! But, I must , He is good for the city of Barton! I don’t ask you to believe him, or me, but for the sake of Barton, we must cooperate!”

Zach smiled: "Oh! Thanks to the mayor for speaking up for me. But Anthony, James is very similar to you, he doesn't trust me so easily. However, I am very confident in my charm, he will understand , just like you."

James frowned, why did Zach's words make him have the illusion that he was not here! If this vampire general wants to gain his trust, he will expose himself in front of him without any scruples. Does this 'noble' vampire really want to cooperate sincerely

Anthony's seriousness turned into helplessness, and he shook his head: "You know, Zach, this is your problem! You are always like this, giving people the impression of being erratic! Just because you suck blood and you have a long life does not mean that you are better than us. Be a step above! James is the son of General Lance. You and I are similar, except that we are both former soldiers, cautious and fearless! However, you must understand that his life background will not make him have the same experience as me. Go and learn your patience!”

James looked at Anthony, who was helpless and angry, and then at Zach, who was lost in thought, and began to think himself. Indeed, Anthony was right. Zach didn't have a good impression on him. Even though he was saved by Zach, it was difficult for him to feel grateful. It was more of aggrieved cooperation. The fearlessness of a soldier gave him the courage to complete this incident with a 'creature' that was completely beyond his understanding. However, after that, James was cautious and told him that he would never want to have anything to do with a vampire again!

"Okay." Zach replied from thinking, "Anthony, my friend, you are right." Zach turned to James, his usual smile no longer on his face: "James, I proposed to you Cooperate and protect the proposal of Patton City, but I have never come up with why. As Anthony said, I think that I am higher than you, and I have no need to explain to you. But now, with the reminder of my friend Anthony, I realize that my Wrong. Now, I can tell you." Zach said a little coldly: "I don't care about Barton City at all, no, I don't care about any human beings at all."

James' brows suddenly frowned. He thought he would hear some touching revelation of true feelings. As a result, he heard the exact opposite!

"Listen to him." Anthony sat back on his mixed-style Roman chair, leaned back, and turned his head toward James calmly.

"I only care about myself, Benjamin and Alice." Zach looked at James: "It's not my turn to tell their stories, but I can tell you my story. I am an exiled vampire, and I am surrounded by most of them. Expelled from all over the world, Barton is the only 'home' where I can settle down."

Anthony frowned slightly, disappointment flashed across his face, the vampire lied! But James was paying attention to Zach and did not see Anthony's expression. Military training allowed him to distinguish whether the person speaking was lying. However, looking at James' somewhat shocked look, it was obvious that his lie detection skills were not good enough. Discover Zach's lie!

"I don't care about other people, but I care about the land where Barton City is located. I can't lose this only place anymore, so I can't allow this land to be occupied by other alien races. Every piece of wilderness starts with a weed. , I will not allow any weeds to appear in Barton City!" Zach's expression has become serious and cold, and a trace of red appears in his light green eyes!

James quickly lowered his head and did not look at Zach: "Don't try to control me!"

"I don't want to control you." Zach said coldly, "If I want to control you, you won't have the chance to resist. This is just how serious I am."

James breathed a sigh of relief, but what he heard was too strange. He was not ready to believe it: "You were expelled from the land. What does this mean?"

Anthony glanced at Zach and decided not to expose the vampire's lies: "The vampire's first weakness is that the vampire cannot enter areas he is not allowed to enter. He can be in Barton City because the city government recognizes him as Zachary. Legal status as a citizen of Grand Barton. If I deny him status, he will die here immediately." (Note at the end.)

Zach shifted his gaze and looked at Anthony. On the side of his face that James couldn't see, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved. The vampire is thanking his friends for their support!

Anthony ignored Zach's thanks. When there were only two of them, he would ask carefully why Zach lied! But now, as a friend and mayor, Anthony needs the assistance of Zach and James, so Anthony has no choice but to help the vampire, creating a person who has nowhere to go and is in a desperate state. The only thing he can rely on is Barton, and is killed by Barton. The image of the vampire firmly under the mayor's control'!

James looked at Anthony. Anthony's seriousness allowed him to confirm that the mayor was not lying! To be honest, this is excellent news for James! The powerful vampire is actually checked and balanced by Mayor Barton, and the strength of the two partners changes instantly.

James nodded and looked at Zach: "I can accept your method. We can cooperate to eliminate the aliens that have come or are about to come to Barton City, but I still won't trust you!"

Zach tilted his head, "That's all I need."

"Okay, the trust between you two can be slowly built up in the future!" Anthony waved his hand: "In addition to protecting Coulson and Cologne, I think I can also retrieve Barton's entry list for this week. Zach, James, you need to find those aliens who have mixed into Barton."

"That's why we came to you." Zach returned to his usual appearance, with a faint smile on his face, "One more thing, I need an identity, 'Kim Grande', Grande There is one more person in the house.”

Anthony glared at Zach, his voice suddenly increased, which showed that the mayor was very angry! "Does he have to be a person? Isn't he a shapechanger? Can't he transform into something else?!"

Anthony's anger is understandable. Will exposing these illegal things in front of James have any benefit to the future cooperation between the two

"Oh!" Zach raised his eyebrows: "Why didn't I think of this! Thanks for reminding me!"

When the three reached a consensus, Benjamin's truck also arrived under the Patton Telecommunications Building.

Benjamin parked the car, bought several burritos for Kim from a roadside stand, and then entered the Patton Telecommunications Building. In the hall, Benjamin recalled the floor where David worked on Coulson's clue wall. Following the signs on the wall, he found the stairwell, hummed a song, and ran briskly to the fourth floor...

At this time, a man wearing an old coat and carrying a handbag walked out of the train station in Barton City. He muttered: "Baker Street, the public phone box on the corner of Eastern Street."

Well, he is me.

I looked at the pedestrians in confusion, found the street sign, and breathed a sigh of relief. Baker Street was just ahead. I ran two steps quickly, found the phone booth, picked up the receiver, dialed a number, and got through.

I was very happy: "I'm here! Thank you for your message! I don't know how to thank you..."

"Shut up! Now listen to me, you go find a man named Fury Colon and replace him!"

"Who? Replace him? How to replace him?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, "Who are you? You are not an alien."

"Uh, no, I'm not a shapeshifter."

Kara, the phone is hung up. Leave me messy in the wind.


I once asked Zach what the so-called 'vampires cannot enter without permission' mean. At least I have seen vampires enter other people's homes without the owner's permission countless times, which is what James said. 'Trespass'.

Zach smiled at me: "You know, five hundred years ago, the current Federation was just a colonial area of the former Ingrid Empire."

My head.

Zach continued: "So, in the federation at that time, there were two different laws imposed on the colonists and aborigines with different bloodlines. This weakness was that the aborigines targeted the colonists and did not allow them to invade their legal land And appeared.”

I half-understood: "Oh, that's right. So even if Anthony really denies your legal identity, you won't die suddenly?"

"It's a pity." Zach shook his head: "I will turn into ashes. Because Anthony is one-quarter Aboriginal."

I silently added this after 'How to Kill a Vampire'.