The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 3: Honey


Under the dim light, a woman was sitting on the wet ground leaning against a lamppost. Her fluffy curls just exposed her white neck. Two black belts were connected to the top of the black stockings, which continued upward and disappeared under the leather skirt.

In a black car across the street, Detective Coulson, who already had two children, stared at the woman intently. Please don't get the wrong idea, Detective Coulson is on surveillance duty. As for the benefits that came with the mission, the middle-aged police detective accepted them without hesitation.

"Humph, it's just spring, and these women can't wait to show off their 'money trees'! Even if they don't get killed, they'll probably freeze to death here!" No matter how he enjoys the beautiful scenery in front of him, Coulson Still an upright person.

"I can't stand it again (someone is coming)!"

Detective Coulson frowned and glanced at his partner—James Lance. This guy who was transferred to the Barton Police Department a week ago has a good last name! In Coulson's eyes, this guy who skipped the police station and became a detective directly was a standard connection person!

Before James could swallow the food in his mouth, he eagerly opened a box of onion roll bread. The second generation of officials is a straw bag! Coulson grabbed the onion roll, opened the car window, and threw it away!

"James! I don't care if your father is a general!" Coulson lowered his voice and stared at his partner fiercely: "No one! No one can eat onion rolls in my car!"

"Oh." James blinked and nodded.

You can understand this as: a middle-aged man who has worked hard for half his life to be promoted to a police detective, and his malice towards a young man who has done nothing and became a police detective based on his father's words.

Coulson didn't dare to really accuse the general's son, so he could only use this 'thing' to vent his anger.

The two police detectives' eyes returned to the woman under the streetlight on the corner.

A man in a black coat and black round hat, holding a newspaper under his left arm, approached the woman.

Zach squatted down in front of the woman: "Sister? If you continue to stay here, you will catch a cold."

The vampire's eyes fell on the woman's exposed neck. The cold air of early spring made her fair skin glow pink. The vampire could already feel the blood rushing through her thin skin!

The woman raised her slightly hazy eyes and looked at Zach, raising the corners of her mouth slightly. The cold fingers stretched out, pulled Zach's arm, and put it on his body. A soft voice sounded: "I know a way to warm me up."

This is a professional woman, eh.

She seemed to feel that the man's hands in front of her were no warmer than her own body, and the woman's eyes became even more confused: "It will also warm you up~"

Want to warm up a vampire? This woman set a goal that she could not accomplish.

"Okay." Zach smiled, took his hand away, put down the newspaper he didn't want to buy, and stood up. The vampire unbuttoned his coat, took it off, and gently put it on the woman's body. He used his arms to help her up, "I'm just a passerby. Do you know a place with four walls and a house? We can go There."

The woman's eyes were a little confused, and she held the coat draped over her body with both hands. Although she couldn't feel any real body temperature, certain temperatures could only be felt inside the body.

"You are a gentleman, you know that?" The woman looked at Zach in front of her. Most people solve it in the bathroom of a bar or in a dark alley, but the person in front of me asked for a normal house. Perhaps confused by Zach's actions, the woman ignored that Zach did not mention one important thing - the bed.

"Oh? Thank you. I hope this impression can last until we part ways." Zach smiled. We all know what a vampire really wants!

"There's a hotel in the next block, we can go there," the woman suggested.

"Okay." Zack still smiled, raised his head, and stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

The woman tightened her coat tightly and walked in front, "Don't forget your newspaper."

"Thanks for the reminder." Zach picked up the newspaper and followed the woman.

This short distance was awkward for both of them. Zach thought of the reports he saw while spending time in the grocery store: "There seems to be a single woman missing around here. Aren't you scared?"

"Louise, my name is Louise." The woman turned her face and smiled at Zach. This man is really a gentleman. He used 'single woman' to replace this profession in a gray area. Only a true gentleman can take care of the details, "I'm not worried, just look at the back."

Louise's eyes drifted behind them. Zach didn't have to look back. On the other side of the street, the two police detectives were following him. As a vampire, he had already noticed it. But now, the middle-aged police detective had gotten out of the car pretending to be nonchalant and followed them like a casual passerby.

Zach somewhat admired this 'single woman' named Louise. The truly dangerous place is a place that is ignored, and because of the missing cases for a month, this neighborhood is being watched by the Barton Police Department, so it has become the safest place. The previous 'drunkness' was obviously just a bait she added for herself, she was a smart 'single woman'.

As for whether Detective Coulson is Louise's 'bodyguard' or just wants to get more 'benefits', we will not discuss it...

"Room No. O." The old man at the counter looked at Zach and Louise and pushed out a registration form, looking coldly.

Zach picked up the registration form and pen and looked at Louise with a smile: "Louis, you go up first and warm yourself up."

"Yes." Louise nodded, took the key from the old man, and glanced at Zach before going upstairs, "I will put the hot water on, dear."

The owner of the hotel, an old man who looked to be at least seventy years old, had a trace of disdain in his eyes. 'Honey'? If his 'darling' was dressed like this, he would definitely break the old woman's legs regardless of the pain in his back when it rained! Oh, there's no need to be so violent. If that old woman had such thoughts, she would laugh out her remaining big tooth first!

The old man stared at Zach who lowered his head and wrote 'Zach Grand' on the form. Don't think that the old man is so easy to deceive. This name is probably fake! The old man didn't bother to verify the other party's real ID. He collected the registration form and was about to ask for money, but his cloudy eyes met a pair of red eyes!

"I gave you more than two hundred dollars. One hundred is what you deserve and one hundred is your fee. You are very grateful for my generosity."

The old man's cold expression turned enthusiastic after he spoke: "Ah! Sir, you are such a generous person! I wish you a wonderful night!"

The red faded and turned back to light green, Zach's head was in a happy mood: "I also wish you a good night."

Zach's happiness comes from the fact that the other party is an old man who doesn't have much time left. A weak life means a weak willpower, which makes the use of Zach's Charming Eyes easier to succeed! Yes, if the previous grocery store owner hadn't been a guy in his prime, Zach could have saved another five bucks today!