The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 30: Sentimental


There is no conflict between the federal funeral traditions and the indigenous traditions. Mrs. Quinn's belief is that of a holy bishop like most people. Her enthusiasm for the original totems comes more from cultural inheritance. Therefore, when Zach was telling the detailed process, Mrs. Quinn proposed to use something called 'soul-inducing grass' to lay under the coffin. According to Mrs. Quinn's explanation, if the deceased wanted to return, they could Find your way back to this world.

Zach and Benjamin looked at each other. Although they wanted to laugh, they knew it was inappropriate, so they had to hold it back and listen to Mrs. Quinn.

The real purpose of this grass is to allow wizards to summon the dead. After centuries of changes, it was actually used as a filling for coffins. However, the 'soul-inducing grass' currently on the market is just dried local weed, so there is no need to worry about any adverse effects on the deceased.

Zach checked the guests and seats with Mrs. Quinn, and read the priest's speech again. After confirming that nothing was missing, it was time for the two of them to say goodbye.

"Madam." The female nurse opened the balcony door, "The Barton Police Department called and left a message asking for the two Mr. Grande."

Mrs. Quinn raised her eyebrows and looked at the two people who were packing up the information.

"Oh, madam." Zach smiled: "You may have heard that the Barton Police Department is conducting a cooperation bidding, and we at Grand House also hope to win the opportunity to cooperate with the city government again. Before coming, I will stay Here’s the contact information.”

Mrs. Quinn's head dropped, and her doubts subsided. It was quite normal for the owner to leave his residence for a long time and leave a message in advance to inform him of his whereabouts and contact information. Mrs. Queen waved her hand and stopped asking.

Zach and Benjamin exited the balcony and took the note handed over by the female caregiver. It was just an address, '7 First Street, Betsy, BoosBoospuB. JR'Zach was a little disappointed that the message was actually from James Lance.

"This is not a tender matter for the police station~" The female nurse looked at the two 'brothers' with a smile. Obviously she had discovered Zach's lie, but it seemed like it was just an honest mistake and there was no need to report it to Madam. Of course, the most important reason is that the female nurse has a good impression of the two 'brothers'. One is like a bay under the night, calm and gentle, and the other is like a field under the sun, unrestrained and wild...

This impression was only based on the brief meeting at the Grand House three days ago - Zach comforted the widowed Mrs. Quinn, and Benjamin drove away the annoying Porky. Don't ask me why I know so clearly. I can't get close to Mrs. Quinn, but I can still do it if I condom a female nurse. After knowing this, I was filled with despair for this world that only cares about appearance.

Zach smiled bitterly: "Yes, I found out too." Zach handed the note to Benjamin.

The female nurse led the two people out, "JR is the abbreviation of James Lance, right? Do you know General Lance's son?"

As expected, they were from the upper class and were well-informed about all kinds of information.

Zach pursed his lips and pointed at Benjamin.

Benjamin scratched his chin and smiled honestly: "We once served together."

"You two!" Porky fell down on the stairs in embarrassment. The Great Dane next to him sat calmly on Porky's lap, staring at the three people on the stairs. Pochi moved his body desperately, but the weight of an adult Great Dane was no lighter than that of an adult. He shouted: "Get this thing away!"

The female nurse's good mood seemed to be ruined. She frowned slightly and there was a trace of disgust in her eyes. But she still looked at the two of them. After all, this was Quinn's home, and Poch was still Quinn's young master. Being tortured by an outside dog was not something worth showing off.

"Haha." Zach explained with a smile: "The gold has been accepted by Mrs. Quinn as our gift to Mr. Pochi Quinn."

"Oh." The female nurse relaxed her brows, patted the expressionless Great Dane, walked around Bochi who was suppressed and could not turn over, and led the two of them out of the hall...

Pochi's curses were covered up by the sound of Benjamin tapping the radio. After a while, the truck left the manor and disappeared into the shadow of the trees.

After leaving Quinn's manor, Zach breathed a sigh of relief. Mrs. Quinn's additional commission was finally completed, and the next thing was up to Jin.

The truck left the West End and traveled along the Charles River again, only this time heading east. It was almost evening, and the setting sun cast a dark yellow layer on the Charles River. Some men and women in formal attire took out loose sweatshirts from the big bags behind them, put them on, and started running along the river bank as a way to relax after work.

"Ben." Zach turned his head and looked out the window, looking through the slender forest belt and looking at the figures running behind the shadows of the trees, "I have a strange feeling."

"Ben, Jay, Ming." Benjamin corrected Zach's name. Vampires like abbreviations, which doesn't mean werewolves also like them. Besides, 'Ben' is more like a nickname. Being called like this by a vampire, Benjamin couldn't adapt: "How does it feel?"

Zach withdrew his gaze, leaned back, raised his legs out of the car window, rested his head on his raised arms, looked relaxed, and curled his lips: "It's just, um, a strange feeling."

Benjamin tugged at his lips. He knew that the vampire was getting sentimental. And when a guy has lived for too long, once his thoughts are scattered, he will inevitably say some strange words, such as -

"Why don't we start our own family?" Zach asked as if he was talking to himself.

"You have a family, Grande." At this time, Benjamin's job was to bring the vampire whose thoughts were floating in the sky back to the ground.

"I know, you, Alice, maybe Louise, well, I have to think about it more." Zach continued: "But, I mean 'Toledo'."

Benjamin stopped answering. He knew that Zach would have such thoughts because of the recent events that brought Zach's 'Toledo' into contact with the modern aristocrat Quinn again, which reminded him of the vampire family in the past. good times. The social form of vampires is always similar to humans, with strict class divisions. Contact with Quinn gave Zach the idea of continuing his lineage in the upper class of human society.

However, Benjamin need not worry, this is just the product of vampire sentimentality, and it won't be long before he realizes the ridiculousness of this idea. for example-

"Forget it, pretend I'm not. It's too dangerous. I don't want to be discovered by other clans, put on trial, and reduced to ashes." Zach shook his head and once again cast his gaze behind the tree shadows outside the window, those running people.

Why do people run? For health, to live longer. Zach has the same purpose as these ordinary people. Well, even if he has lived for three or four centuries...

When the two arrived at the address left by James, the sky had darkened and the sign in front of the '** Bar' had already lit up with neon lights. There are red light bulbs under each 'o'. Such a symbolic signboard simply and clearly shows what kind of bar this is.

Zach raised an eyebrow, would the general's son like a place like this? It seems that this guy is more similar to Anthony than he thought.