The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 4: Mirror


Zach pushed open the door of No. O, which was a very ordinary hotel room. Louise's coat hangs on the hanger next to the door. A half-person-high wooden locker separates the living room from the bedroom. A round table is placed against the wooden cabinet. There are several fruit bowls as big as the palm of your hand. Wrinkled fruit.

The vampire took off his hat, hung it on the hanger, opened his coat with one finger, and found that the inner pockets had signs of being turned over. She is indeed a smart woman. There is no security guarantee in the career of a 'single woman'. While ensuring that the other party has the ability to pay for the service, she must also make sure that the other party is not a dangerous person. Zack didn't need to continue checking to guess that the business card he kept in his coat pocket must be missing one.

Zach walked inside and turned around the wooden cabinet that was half a person's height. The cabinet near the bedroom had been opened, the bathrobes and towels were taken out, and a pair of men's bathrobes were placed on the medium-sized double bed. Zach smiled, this woman moves really fast.

Opposite the bed was a wall mirror. Zach frowned and looked at the empty room in the mirror. The world in the mirror is lifeless: faded wallpaper, old furniture, although the wooden floor creaks as Zach walks around, but the world in the mirror does not show any living things in this room.

A vampire's image cannot be captured by a mirror, magical right? I think so.

"I guess you are here." The bathroom door behind the bedroom was opened, Louise's smooth skin loomed in the water vapor, and the diffuse heat cast a layer of white mist on the mirror, separating the world in the mirror from the real world. separated.

The vampire unbuttoned his jacket and looked at Louise with a smile: "You ruined the surprise I gave you."

Her moist and smooth shoulders leaned forward slightly, and Louise's wet head hung down, covering nothing: "You have one more chance." Even after the makeup was washed off, this woman was still beautiful, and she looked at her from the corners of her curved eyes. Zach's hands were moving towards the belt. Although her fair skin was a bit abnormal, the clear outline of her upper body already made Louise think that this would be a good 'surprise'.

Louise left the bathroom door ajar and retreated to the bathroom. Her professionalism told her that the surprise was mutual and she needed time to prepare.

The vampire's smile disappeared and he walked barefoot to the bathroom. He twisted his head left and right, the bones of his neck made a soft clicking sound, and his arms stretched back and forth, making necessary extensions. His light green eyes gradually changed color, and red covered the entire irises. The corners of his mouth were raised, up and down. On both sides of the two rows of white teeth, four abrupt canines extend.

Zach stood in front of the bathroom door and let out a relaxed breath. The two days of dieting every month were over.

The vampire opened the bathroom door.

The old man at the reception desk on the first floor of the hotel looked at the Patton police badge in his hand with disgust. The knowledge of identifying the authenticity of documents is an essential skill for everyone, so after confirming that this thing was genuine, the old man impatiently stretched out his hand. Two fingers: "Twenty! No more, cash! At most, I will issue you a receipt to prove it!"

Coulson cursed and took back his police badge, took out more than twenty dollars and threw it to the old man, and finally got the key to room O.

He rushed up the stairs anxiously, worried about two things. The first thing is that if the woman is killed, he will feel guilty. The second thing is that if the woman just conducts an ordinary transaction and he does not hear the complete process, he will also regret it.

The upright Detective Coulson ran up to the second floor and opened the door to room O. He didn't even get around the half-person-high wooden cabinet with the same layout in the room. The middle-aged man anxiously stepped on the wooden stool, stepped onto the round table, jumped over the wooden cabinet, and landed on the soft bed! Coulson did not forget to take out his gun, turn on the safety, and then lay down on the wall shared with Room O like a gecko!

In a nervous and expectant mood, Coulson ignored the noise caused by his series of big movements. The noisy heartbeat prevented him from hearing any sound from the other side of the wall for a while.

'Haven't you started yet? Coulson's heartbeat gradually calmed down, which made him calm down and exit the gecko state. He got out of bed, turned on the light, looked around the environment, looked at the bathroom at the far end of the room, and shook his head.

'Can such a woman take a bath? Humph, without those low-quality cosmetics, her income would probably be reduced by half! ' Coulson thought this and gave up his plan to go to the bathroom. His eyes fell on the cup on the counter under the wall mirror directly opposite the bed.

Coulson took out a cup, held it against the wall, tilted his head, and put his ears against the cold bottom of the cup.

Finally, Coulson heard a voice. The balance between mission and welfare was out of balance at this time, and it fell to the side of welfare.

Go back to a minute ago.

The diffuse moisture enveloped the vampire's body, and the somewhat numb feeling in the cold environment was dissipated and returned to the vampire's body.

There was a warm and moist touch on his fingers. In the white mist, Zach couldn't see what was in front of him, and the same was true for Louise.

Zach felt himself being pulled deeper into the bathroom, and his knees felt the edge of the bathtub. Zach raised his legs without any anxiety and stepped into the warm water. Zach felt himself being pushed and turned around, pushing his chest back with both hands. Zach is waiting, waiting for the moment Louise sees his eyes. The charming eyes will make her lose all rational judgment!

In this world, countless predatory creatures have ways of paralyzing their prey so that they cannot escape. Spider's web, snake's venom, vampire's charming eyes.

While Zach was waiting patiently, Louise's movements stopped.

The moment Zach frowned, the sound of rushing water sounded, and in the white mist, a figure jumped out of the bathtub!

The bathroom door was knocked open, and the diffuse mist found the exit and rushed out together with the owner of the panicked body!

The vampire was still sitting in the bathtub. With his senses several times higher than those of humans, he heard the rapid footsteps in the hotel corridor. The key was inserted into the shrink hole and started to turn, making a clicking sound!

'It's the next room. Is the detective following?' This woman named Louise seems to be very alert, I am afraid she will scream next! '

A smart weakling will not scream at the moment of danger, that is a waste of time.

There was a slight sound of water, and the water in the bathtub stirred up. As the water vapor gradually dissipated, Zach was no longer in the bathtub.

Louise's body was only wrapped in a bath towel. She had already run to the wooden cabinet that was half a person's height, turned around, and was only two steps away from the door of the room.

A cold palm covered Louise's mouth, and the other hand tightly clasped her abdomen, and she was picked up from behind!

Struggling, suppressed voices, legs kicking wildly everywhere, Louise felt like the whole world was spinning crazily! When all this stopped, her face was leaning against the large wall mirror, and her body was held down by a body as hard as steel. She could feel a person's head pressing against her neck!

However, there was nothing in the mirror except her own deformed body that was held down!

No, there are two reds in the mirror.

"Tell me, beautiful and smart Sister Louise, why do you want to run away?"