The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 40: Signs and warning lights


Benjamin's departure made Laura a little disappointed. As noon approached, Alice, the most important person in the Grand House, also became busy. She had to prepare lunch. The Great Dane King, who had been running wild outside, also appeared in the kitchen on time. He would not miss the food Alice prepared for him.

"Is it gold?" Laura found gold while Alice was peeling potatoes. "I heard my grandmother mention it. What a poor guy."

Laura had heard the story about King. Porky Quinn, the guy everyone disliked, had forced the Grand House dog to be a pet, and poor King had been abused. After Porky ran away to the lunatic asylum for treatment, Mrs. Queen regretfully sent King back to the Grand House.

Alice watched Laura trying to get close to Jin and quickly tried to dissuade her: "It has a weird temper and doesn't like people coming near it. Don't touch it!"

"Oh." Laura looked at the Great Dane curled up in the corner with some pity, and gave up her plan to touch it, "I hope it can forget that unpleasant memory."

Laura obviously attributed Jin's weirdness to being abused by Pochi. Alice smiled awkwardly, poured a bowl of boiled broth and placed it in front of Jin.

"I can help." Laura suggested as she watched Alice walking around the kitchen like a rotating lantern.

Alice accepted Laura's kindness, but she didn't expect this girl who could only make sandwiches to help. "Well, you can help me open the eggs."

"Okay!" Laura put on the apron and picked up the egg beater.

After a while, Alice realized that Laura's movements were very slow. The egg beater was rotating slowly like a snail in the bowl of egg liquid, and the egg yolk and egg white in the center were still clearly separated. Alice looked at Laura's obviously distracted face and noticed the somewhat sad look on her new friend's face.

"Laura, what's wrong with you?" Alice took the bowl from her friend's hand and put it aside and asked softly. The food can wait. After all, there is only old Hank alone in the Grand House now, so Alice is not in a hurry. But it was this girl who rarely made the banshee feel friendly. Alice wanted to relieve her friend's worries.

"Yeah." Laura pursed her lips, shook her head, and her tone changed twice, "I'm a little worried about Kyle."

Kyle, before Laura formally introduced her brother yesterday, Alice had 'seen' Kyle during the death of 'Connor'. The banshee frowned. She could tell that in the scene she saw, it was just an accident caused by impulse.

The scene the Banshee saw started from the beginning of the death event, when Connor pushed against Kyle provocatively, and ended with the completion of death, when Kyle's shoulder wearing protective gear hit the most important part of Connor's body. Alice didn't know what happened before and after this. But the banshee who has become Laura's friend thinks that Kyle has done nothing wrong.

"What's wrong with your brother?" Alice took Laura's hand and asked tentatively.

Laura's eyes drifted to one side: "Have you ever heard about Pochi of the Quinn family? I heard that before he went crazy, he always saw dead people, and he would become suspicious and irritable." Laura's There was deep worry on his face: "Kyle has been depressed since he came home yesterday. He heard him saying to himself, 'He's not real'. When I asked him, he became very resistant. This is Isn’t this a sign that he’s going crazy too?”

Alice was a little relieved. The person Porchi saw was just Jin's skin. It was the people from the Grand House who were deliberately destroying Porchi's mind. The scenes he saw were actually illusions and fake. And Kyle saw that 'Connor' was real, at least in the judgment of vampires and werewolves, no different from ordinary people.

It won't take long for Kyle to accept the 'fact' that he didn't make a big mistake and that Connor is still alive and well.

"Maybe it's the pressure after the game." Alice comforted with a smile, "I remember you, he always wanted to perform well, get a scholarship, and then continue to be a football player. Maybe it was just playing in the right outfield, which put some pressure on him. Be big."

Laura sighed, picked up the big bowl of eggs again, and returned to the image of a gloating sister, "He can give up now." Laura leaned close to Alice's face: "During dinner last night, Dad knew that he But after playing right field, he was forced to apply for law school. Ha, I think he’s about to lose it!”

Alice had adapted to Laura's happy mood change and laughed twice.

I wonder if Laura will be so 'relaxed' when she faces the life arranged by her parents two years later.

Leave Grand House, go north along Route 7, and turn east at about the middle of Barton South District. On one of the intersecting dirt and gravel roads, you will find the mill that will become the Grand House branch. it's here.

Allen Funeral Home, which was originally located in this area, was very puzzled as to why the South Branch did not cooperate with them, but chose Grande, which was further away. Outside the mill, which is currently under construction, Anthony answered the question while being asked by reporters.

"Grand is now the only funeral industry in Barton that still has traditional funeral processes. Between tradition and emerging things, the citizens of Barton should have the ability to choose, and our city government of Barton must maintain the citizens' right to choose. So. We have decided to support the traditional funeral industry, and this cooperation is one of our measures."

Reporter: "Will such uniqueness cause problems such as Grand House's own superiority, price increase, customer selection, etc. We all know that Grand House just held Mr. Quinn's funeral recently, and ordinary citizens did not Don't have 'Quinn's' financial resources. What does the mayor want from this?"

Anthony frowned and looked at the reporter, this guy is here to cause trouble!

"For such a question, you should first consult the relevant legal terms before asking questions." Anthony waved his hand, and the people on the left and right dispersed the reporters. Before Anthony turned around, he did not forget to remind: "Don't take pictures."

This is not to cover up Zach, but because this is Grande property, and taking photos without the owner's permission will lead to lawsuits.

The reporters, who were never satisfied, retreated helplessly. They decided to go to the Allen Funeral Home to see if they could dig out any inside information.

Zach watched Anthony walk into the mill after retreating from his followers, and smiled: "Anthony, you didn't satisfy those guys. Tomorrow's newspaper will definitely not have anything good to say about you."

"Did you hear that?" Anthony said impatiently, "You should get rid of this bad habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations!"

"My friend, you always think of me as such a bad person." Zach said a little aggrieved: "I want to hear that it doesn't require any special skills." Zach looked at the people standing aside, "right, Madison.”

Anthony's brows furrowed, he turned towards the man standing aside, and pulled Zach towards a more private place.

"Who is that guy?!" Anthony came to a place that looked like an office and glared at Zach: "Don't think that, I don't know, Madison Cook is a suspicious person sorted out by James. Names on the list!”

Anthony's expression was not friendly: "And I have already checked this name! This identity is forged!"

"Relax, Anthony." Zach patted his friend and looked around at the interior, which was no different from an abandoned building. The blue-gray stone walls were covered with green moss. This was an interior.

"He is a human being." Zach gave up looking for a place to sit and explained: "It's just some special humans."

"What? A wizard? A hunter? A psychic? Or like Alice? What is he?" Anthony asked persistently: "I thought you were equally repulsive to these people, why should you accept him?"

"None of them." Zach waved his hand: "Don't worry, he is harmless. Moreover, he is good for us, you will want him to stay here."

"Why? You'd better explain." Anthony believed in Zach's judgment, but he was still a little angry, because he knew that once Zach opened his mouth to clear Madison's identity, he, the mayor, would need to do something contrary to the law. matter…

"Did you notice his head?" Zach asked with a smile.

"White, I've heard people do this. Having white hair when you were young is nothing noteworthy."

"No, no, when this place is built and he officially takes office, his head will turn back to ordinary black." Zach smiled mysteriously: "This is the strange thing about him. When the future of him and the things around him changes, When the time comes, his head will change."

Anthony stared, he didn't quite understand, "That's it? What's the point? Does he have the ability to see the future? Or can he change the future?"

"Here's the beauty." Zach lit a cigarette: "He can't see anything, and he can't make any changes to the future, just like ordinary people. But he can tell everyone around him what will affect the future. Something is happening."

White smoke slowly rose into the sky. Anthony thought for a while and sighed: "You have found yourself a warning light. In addition to Alice, you have found another layer of protection for yourself."

Zach smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Sounds like a very unreliable ability!" Anthony saw that Zach was so proud that he couldn't help but hit him, "You can do whatever you want! But what's the point of bringing him here? You know I want you to be able to Establish contact with the branch. Do you know how much trouble I spent trying to get that guy from Cologne to use you!"

Zach first expressed his gratitude to Anthony. He had naturally been aware of Anthony's help for a long time, but he didn't want law enforcement officers to come and go at will in the Grand House. With a new facility like this, he also didn't want Benjamin or Alice to leave the Grand House. Rand House, it is even more impossible for him to work here!

"Madison is a fun guy and we can trust him."