The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 45: teenager


The rhythm of high school is like a well-organized swarm. The teenagers and girls who poured out of the classroom as the bell rang curiously looked at the three strangers, and then poured into another classroom before the bell rang.

"Lola, Benjamin and I are going to check out other places." We have already walked through more than half of Leipte High School, and Zach and Benjamin have used their senses to confirm that Kyle is not here, at least not indoors.

"Oh, okay." Laura looked at Benjamin with an expression of disappointment and relief, and pulled Alice away.

"Huh? This is surprisingly easy." Benjamin raised his eyebrows, thinking that it would take some effort to escape.

Zach squinted and watched the two people leaving. Laura whispered something in Alice's ear. The same doubts he and Benjamin had were solved - Laura was going to take Alice to the club where the cheerleading team was. Beautiful girls in short skirts and so on...

"Have you found them?" Zach smiled, putting the girl's thoughts behind him, and asked Benjamin. Smell is sometimes better than other senses, especially when it comes to finding people.

Benjamin touched his nose and said, "We found them. Kyle and Connor are both in the playground."

During the game at Fenway Park last weekend, Benjamin, who had begun to pay attention to the two men, deliberately remembered the scent of the two when entering the dugout. I thought that this matter would be over after I found the report from three years ago, but I didn't expect that it would still be used now.

Zach asked with some confusion, "Is Kyle still on the team?"

Benjamin smiled and walked directly towards the playground. He would see it in a moment.

After arriving at the playground, the two quickly saw 'Connor' training. Benjamin pointed to the corner covered by the guardrail in the stands outside the stadium. Zach squinted his eyes, the sunlight dulling the vampire's senses, but he still saw the big boy hiding in the corner.

The two exchanged glances and divided their duties. Benjamin walked towards the coach who was training the players on the side of the playground. He first got to know the teacher and then looked for an opportunity to get in touch with 'Connor'. Zach drank the last sip of coffee and walked towards where Kyle was.

"You know, if you want to keep an eye on him, staying on the football team is the best way." Zach stood behind the boy squatting in the corner.

Kyle, who was only paying attention to someone on the playground, trembled all over. When he turned around, he lost his balance and leaned on the guardrail in embarrassment, half-sitting and looking at the person who suddenly appeared.

"Are your legs numb?" Zach squatted down and watched Kyle struggle several times to stand up: "This is what happens when you stay in the same position for a while." Zach held Kyle down: "Don't get up in a hurry. Right here, I have some questions for you.”

"Who are you?!" Kyle looked at Zach, "I'm not spying on anyone! I'm just here... resting here!"

In a typical denial, Zach curled his lips, "Zachary Grande, you can call me Zach. Laura's friend's brother, we have met twice."

"Okay Zach! Nice to meet you!" Kel's arms, which were much stronger than those of his peers, supported the railing and stood up with difficulty: "If nothing happens, I'm going back to class!"

Zach didn't stop him, and it wouldn't hurt him to leave here. Avoiding the afternoon sun and entering indoors would make it easier for him to use his vampire abilities. Zach followed the lame Kyle out of the playground bleachers and walked into the building in the teaching area. The feeling of drowsiness finally subsided a little.

"Why are you following me!" Kyle noticed Zach following behind him and shouted impatiently. His voice echoed in the corridors of the teaching building. It's class time now and these two are the only people in the corridor.

"I just want to ask you some questions." Zach looked at the back of the young man who was pressing his still numb thigh with one hand and trying to walk faster, "Do you know what's more important? After all, I'm going to The problem is related to Connor, or to the original Connor."

Kyle's body froze, and he turned his head to stare at Zach with an incredulous look.

Zach nodded with satisfaction and asked with a smile: "Do you have a place?"

Kyle stared at Zach's gentle smiling face, frowning, and after a moment of silence, he lowered his voice and said harshly: "Stay away from me!"

Zach's smiling face froze, and Kyle continued to hold on to his legs and limped around the corner.

"Yeah." Zach put away his smile, touched his chin, and frowned. The vampire was now thinking, why would Kyle say no? He had made it clear that he knew something that could threaten Kyle, and he took the initiative to show goodwill and offered to communicate privately.

Understanding each other's key points and then showing goodwill is a sure-fire way to kick-start friendly cooperation. It was true with James, it was true with Mrs. Queen, it was true throughout the vampire's three or four hundred years of life. But Kyle refused? Why.

Zach looked sideways at the row of lockers on the side of the corridor, graffiti, stickers, self-declarations... Zach shook his head helplessly. He thought that this time, the other party was a teenager, impulsive, stubborn, and full of rule-breaking ideas. teenager. It's obvious that someone with the surname Barton wants to be a football player.

Zach sighed, not wanting to use violence.

The vampire's figure traced an afterimage in the corridor. Kyle, who was slowly going up the stairs, felt something being lifted behind him, and the things in his field of vision suddenly changed and flipped! When things became clear before his eyes again, he found that the world was upside down!

Something lifted his right foot up in the air. Before Kyle could struggle, a pair of red eyes attracted all his attention!

"Now, can you take me to a private place? The answer is yes."

Kyle's head was hung upside down, "Yes."

Outside the playground, a group of sweaty guys had long spotted the man smiling with their coach. Thanks to this hairy guy, they finally get a chance to be lazy for a while.

The day after tomorrow will be the Beavers' second game in the league. Although they can skip the afternoon class through training, the coach's tough love (tough1ove) makes these guys miserable.

"Hey! Connor!" The coach waved to one person: "Come here! You have won yourself a fan! Come here and meet this gentleman!"

The boys watched with envy as their captain broke away from the team and ran to the coach. On the field, the most attractive person is always the quarterback!

"Did you see that?" The middle-aged coach left the two of them behind and walked towards the players who had just relaxed a little. After the sharp whistle sounded, his thick arms pointed at Benjamin and Connor: "This is what you want You want it! To be remembered! To have your own supporters! To be admired!"

This is a perfect teaching opportunity!

"Look!" The coach pointed at Connor and the other guy who was still on the training field: "That's the one who is remembered! The quarterback! The star on the field! It's not you! Why not you?! Tell me? Why? Not you?"

No one said anything, just faces covered in sweat and chests rising and falling due to breathing.

"No one has anything to say?! Huh?! That's right! I'm here to tell you! Because you haven't worked hard enough!" The coach glared at these guys whose faces were rekindled with fighting spirit and waved his hands: "Run! Charge. ! Yes! That’s what you want! Look at him! Break through your limits!… "

Benjamin turned his gaze back from the teenagers in the training ground and smiled at Connor, who was still panting and looking at him in confusion: "I'm glad to see you. I want to talk to you about something. I can take a break." Going to the room?"

'Connor' looked at this tall and strong strange man. The temporary pass on his chest showed that he was not from Reiput High School. Is he a scout from some university? 'Connor' raised his head a little excitedly and gestured sideways: "This way."

Benjamin followed him and walked to the lounge on the side of the playground, "Let me clarify first, I am not a scout."

'Connor' turned his head in confusion, and the excitement he had just raised disappeared: "Uh, who are you, sir?"

"Werewolf." Benjamin blinked and held down the man who wanted to escape with both hands. "Keep moving forward, Connor. Maybe I should call you Ryan Gale." (Run, galloping wind, the name of the federal aborigines , refer to Indian name rules.)

"What do you want!" 'Connor' was held down by Benjamin and passively moved forward. Even without the use of 'Alpha's Skin', Benjamin's power is much greater than this eighteen-year-old boy!

"Don't be nervous." Benjamin continued to move forward, "I just want to confirm some things. I have lived in Barton City for many years. I didn't want to cause trouble before, and there is no need to start now."