The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 46: the second time


"You don't need to be so resistant." Benjamin pushed 'Connor' into the lounge. Even though there were only two people here, the whole room still smelled of the guys' sweat. The werewolf wrinkled his nose, "I don't want to interfere with you. Things, I’m here for Kyle.”

'Connor' straightened the shoulder pads that were crooked by Benjamin and looked at the guy in front of him warily, "I didn't do anything to him!"

Benjamin shrugged: "Strictly speaking, it is true, Ryan Hayate." He walked towards the rows of iron lockers, observed, and walked towards one of the rows: "But you took advantage of what he did. .So, you owe him a favor, don’t you?”

'Connor' looked at Benjamin standing still, the frown between his brows getting deeper and deeper, because Benjamin stood at the place where Connor really died!

"Is this here?" Benjamin squatted down, touched the ground, and looked at 'Connor' with a smile on his lips: "The place where you possessed Connor."

"Yes! So what!" 'Connor', oh no, let me call him Ryan. Ryan clenched his fists: "What do you want from me! Connor is dead! I need a body! And that Kyle, he should thank me! I am the reason why he is not in jail yet! "

Benjamin raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't be too self-righteous. You saw everything that happened. It was just a negligence case. He has the surname of Barton, and he will not be thrown into prison."

"What do you know!" Ryan waved his fist and stared at Benjamin: "Who are you! The watchdog of the Barton family?!"


The tips of Benjamin's fingers and sharp toenails carved a mark on the ground!

"Alpha..." Ryan's face was covered with fear, he staggered back, his legs were blocked by the bench, and he fell down on the bench in fear.

Benjamin took off his Alpha fingers and glanced at Ryan calmly, "As I said before, I don't want to cause trouble. But you should realize who you are talking to."

"This is impossible!" Ryan's voice trembled: "There are no wolves living in Barton City! What is your name! How long have you lived in Barton?!"

"Benjamin Grand. At least ten years."

When the other party uses several keywords in a row, even if you only respond to one, you can continue the conversation. So a reminder to everyone, if you want to confirm something, be sure to focus on one keyword!

"Grand! I know you!" Ryan shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, we seem to be very popular recently." Benjamin raised his eyebrows, stood up and walked to the bench: "So will you read the newspaper and catch up on the changes in the world in three years? I'm starting to have a crush on you."

"What do you want?!" Ryan was a little excited, and a strong sense of frustration invaded his mind. As a person who fully inherits the spirit of the aboriginal Indians of the Federation, he and his family did not know that there was a group of Alpha wolves in the city where they lived (see, Ryan acquiesced to one of the previous conversations) Keywords), after ending his three-year 'life' as an earth-bound spirit, not even a week after his resurrection, his identity was grasped by this wolf!

"Relax." Benjamin smiled, looked at the young man and shook his head: "I have no interest in letting you become my wizard. I have passed, and I am here for Kyle."

Ryan relaxed slightly, but his body was still tense and he kept his distance from Benjamin sitting next to him: "I passed it too, I didn't do anything to him!"

"I know, but I might 'ask' you to do something for him." Benjamin thought for a while, "First, I need to know what happened. You need to understand in advance that his abnormal attention to you has caused His behavior is abnormal, and people around him have begun to notice this. I am just helping him return to normal, in other words." Benjamin looked at Ryan, who was still on guard, and tilted his body to show friendship: " I’m helping you too, so why don’t we help each other?”

After a long silence, Ryan nodded: "Okay, I accept! But I also have a request! Don't tell my family that I am here!" Ryan pointed to his body.

Benjamin made a matter-of-fact expression.

"First, that Kyle!" Ryan's eyes turned cold. "He is not a good guy. The first time, maybe he was unintentional! But, he tried to kill me! The second time!"

Benjamin raised his eyebrows, "Please be specific."

Zach waved his hand to disperse the dust in the air. It looked like an abandoned classroom, with dusty textbooks, broken seats, stained windows... Only a space in the corner of the classroom was clean, but it was... Ke had already seen wine bottles and cigarette butts stuffed into the debris. It was obvious that this was a secret base for some students.

Kyle turned around in shock. He didn't understand why he suddenly decided to come here with the people behind him. He wanted something and left here, but his vision was once again occupied by red eyes!

"Tell me everything, starting from when you killed Connor by mistake." Zach said this calmly. After finishing, the vampire closed his eyes, pressed his fingers on his temples, and when he opened his eyes again, he had recovered. Light green. The ground is illuminated by the sun, which is not an ideal time for vampires to be active.

"That was just an accident!" Kyle was twisted by the vampire and forced into a state of memory. His expression immediately became excited and nervous, and he was trying to explain: "I didn't want to... It was him who kept stimulating me, and it was not my fault!"

"Okay." Zach waved his hand impatiently, pulled up a chair and sat down, "What happened next."

Kyle's emotions were still intense, "Laura is here, she is urging me and Connor!" He covered his face: "I panic! I don't know what to do! Connor! Connor, he is gone I lost my breath! I didn’t mean it! I…”

The vampire massaged his eyes and did not stop. He decided to let this guy wallow in self-blame for a while. Just because it wasn't intentional, doesn't mean it wasn't wrong, and someone paid the price with their life for it.

Kyle's muttering continued for a while, and the incident finally continued to unfold.

"I wanted to run and act like it was nothing! And then I did! Wherever I left, I left Connor lying there! I drove to the field!"

Kyle's slightly relaxed spirit became tense again, "I tried to pretend that it didn't happen! But I couldn't... I knew I was wrong! My head felt like it was going to explode! I was driving, that road, I knew Police Barton The game is just ahead! I don’t know what to do! I’m scared..."

Zach put down the massage hand. If it weren't for Mrs. Barton's entrustment, Zach would not care about this guy who made a mistake. Every vampire knows that if you make a mistake, you will be punished. This is the ancestor of all vampires, and it is a lesson passed down. This is an iron rule in the world.

In Zach's heart, he is much more interested in 'Connor' than Kyle.

Zach was reluctant to help such a man. But now at least he knew that Kyle was blaming himself and even thinking about it, which gave the vampire a little peace of mind.

"Then I met you." Kyle's expression paused for a moment, and then he hurriedly moved in a strange direction, "You, the traffic accident will cost the Beavers a member."

Zach's brows furrowed, what did Kyle want to express

"So I went back to school..."

"Haha!" Zach suddenly realized and chuckled! He shook his head, so that's it!

Don't forget that Kyle was forced to study law. He knew that even if it was an 'accident', it would have completely different results!

The balance in the mind of the eighteen-year-old boy in front of him has tilted to the dirty side!

"I went back to school and I had a plan! I put Connor in my car and I knew I was taking a risk! But I had to do it! I couldn't ruin my future! I kept reminding myself to pay attention. A step of!… "

In the lounge on the side of the playground at Repert High School, Benjamin frowned and Ryan's fists were clenched.

"I've just been possessed, I still need time to adapt to this body! I can't move yet, but I can still hear the voice! His constant talking to himself! His plan! He has already moved towards a dark soul!"

Ryan's face was filled with anger: "I was moved into the car by him! I heard him saying to himself: 'Time! I need to hurry! Before the blood starts to clot! There is construction on Becky East Street! I can do it!' As long as I can control the distance!'… ”

In the corner of the abandoned classroom, Zach stared at the increasingly excited Kyle. On his exposed neck, the bulging blood vessels were licking the vampire!

"I know I can do it! Plus, turn right, hit... I'll hit the steering wheel! Maybe break a few ribs, but the seat belt will save my life! But he won't, he'll just smash the front window ! He will fly out! He will 'die' on the spot..."

Lounge, Ryan.

"He continued talking to himself, not knowing that I heard it clearly! 'We were arguing! All the team members can testify! This can explain why Connor was not wearing a seat belt, why he swerved, and why the tragedy happened! This is the most perfect testimony! I will get away with no responsibility!… 'I heard it all!'

Corner of the classroom, Kyle.

"Everything is perfect! My plan can succeed! I know it will succeed!" Kyle's expression was distorted, with a crazy smile. His hands raised in front of him were clasped in the air, white. There was a soft clicking sound from the joints: "Until! Until!..."

Lounge, Ryan.

"When I opened my eyes, Becky East Street was right in front of me!" Ryan punched the locker, and the soft clang echoed in the empty room.

Benjamin took a long breath, "At least you stopped him in time. You are still alive, you are lucky." Benjamin's eyes drifted away, and he murmured as if to himself: "The other guy may not be so lucky."

Classroom corner.

Zach raised his head and slowly opened his closed eyes, looking satisfied. His bright red tongue licked up the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth, "It doesn't taste too bad."

The fatigue of the vampire's actions during the day was finally dissipated with the addition of fresh food. Zach moved his hands comfortably, and the boy he lifted with one hand was pushed away casually. Kyle's eyes were blurry, and he gradually lost consciousness, until he fell limp on the not-so-clean ground.

Zach looked at Kyle, who was breathing weakly on the ground, and decided to discuss it with Benjamin.