The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 48: flame


By the time we returned to Casa Grande, the sun was already setting in the west. Alice was a little excited and took a pile of handbags back to her room. This was a gift from Laura to her, clothes, cosmetics, accessories from Lister Street... Alice decided to test out these new things after dinner.

Yes, after leaving Reiput, Laura unsurprisingly skipped her cheerleading training and forcibly dragged the three of them to become her exclusive escorts.

Zach returned to his office first, got himself a glass of wine, sat on his desk in the dark, and pressed the answering machine with one finger.

After disappearing for an afternoon, he didn't expect Old Hank to help manage the business of Grand House.

"This is Stuart William, I'd like to book..."

It was just an ordinary appointment call. Zach took out a pen and paper and wrote down the other party's phone number.

"Zach! James wants to contact the hunter! He won't listen to me easily!" This is Anthony's voice, "I don't think he will listen to you either! But you still have to find a way to protect him! We don't Knowing what those hunters know, he may be in danger! Anyway, pay attention!"

Zach pursed the rim of his goblet and twitched the corners of his mouth, frowning.

After a brief beep, the message continued, and Zach wrote down a few more names and numbers.

A strange voice appeared.

"Grand Mortuary Home? No one answered. That's the sound on the answering machine. How about the police station?"

Another voice appeared, the volume was very loud, and it could be heard that it was not at the microphone, "He is not at the police station. He walked around and didn't show up. Is there anything here?"

"No, but that was the last number he dialed. It was Grande..."

The conversation got louder and louder, and finally the call was hung up.

Someone is really a rich second generation. When everyone is still using old-fashioned dial phones and pulse dialing, someone has already used an advanced dial phone!

Well, it wasn't because Zach looked at the time recorded on the answering machine. It was only an hour ago. He put down the wine glass and took off his coat. His eyes had turned red and his sharp teeth had poked out of his lips.

It had become abundantly clear that James had exposed the Grand House.

"Ah!!" Alice's scream came from outside the office and from the kitchen around the corner.

Zach disappeared into the office.

The sound of the window breaking sounded, and a dark and brown figure jumped out of the window! Alice was trembling and hugging her shoulders, huddled in the corner. The Great Dane beside her was pierced by a silver metal cone on the left shoulder of her neck and nailed to the floor!

Zach looked at the broken window with cold eyes, Benjamin had already gone after him. Zach looked around, picked up a rag and wrapped his palm, held the steel awl nailed to the Great Dane's right shoulder, and pulled it out.

The vampire bit his wrist and put it to the Great Dane's mouth, which was breathing weakly: "Quick!"

The heart-shaking sound of bones joining together sounded, and the wounds on the Great Dane disappeared in a moment. "Change the form and protect Alice."

Zach withdrew his wrist, and the Great Dane's body began to turn over, and the muscles and bones under the skin were weirdly twisted and restructured! The vampire's bleeding wrist healed quickly, leaving only two red afterimages in the air. Outside the window that was smashed by Benjamin, the sound of broken glass was heard fleetingly!

"Left! There's another one!" Benjamin, who was covered in brown and black fur, had several thorns inserted into his body! The bright red blood stained Alpha's fur! But the werewolf still relied on the power that ordinary people could not resist to hold down the man beneath him! The slightly protruding jaw opens and closes, and the buzzing sound of a beast quickly reminds the vampires passing by!

Zach's figure did not stop, wandering on the ground like a ghost in the night! A werewolf's nose is a more powerful means of scrying than a vampire's senses!

The cold silver light turned into streaks of fireflies under the moonlight! The vampire's movement was constantly forced to turn, and under the ripped shirt, there were wounds that seemed to be corroded!

This is nothing surprising! It is normal for professional hunters to use silverware as weapons!

The man in front abandoned the empty hand crossbow while running, turned around resolutely, and stopped running! Put your hands towards your waist! The distance between him and the vampire is shortening rapidly!

Zach's red pupils suddenly shrank, his upper body suddenly fell forward, and his sharp fingertips pierced into the ground! The entire rear body bent sharply under the inertia! The muscles in the vampire's abdomen and back contracted violently, forcing him to stop his forward momentum!

Just when the vampire finally stopped charging forward, pulled out his mud-covered hands from the ground, turned his whole body sharply 18o degrees, and retreated in the opposite direction, the fine powder sprayed from the silver can in the man's hand hit a silver lighter. Under the spurting sparks, it burst into flames!

In front of the man, in an area of nearly ten square meters, bright red flames swallowed Zach up like a rolling demon!

I think I mentioned that vampires, from heart to body, resist everything that 'cremation' represents!


A sharp howl burst out of the flames! It’s extremely harsh under this night sky!

"Huh huh huh..." The man's chest, whose limbs were firmly held down by Alpha, was twitching uncontrollably! He seemed to have seen something funny: "Werewolves are actually worried about vampires?! Hahaha!"

In the werewolf's dark brown eyes, the flames in the wilderness under the dark night occupied his irises, as if teasing his soul!

The muscles in Alpha's whole body are tensed, the strength of his limbs is increasing, and the bones in his body seem to be pulled by some force and are slowly reorganizing!

"What are you doing!" The man beneath him shouted in fear! "Stop! Stop!..."

Maybe you can ask a question, does anyone know what the final result is when treating split personality? That is to choose one of the two and give up one personality. For example, like Benjamin, he seems to be giving up his human personality.

"Fair!!" The man wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move except for his chest that was rising and falling more and more violently and his throat that was screaming more and more sharply!

"Here!! Save me!!"

The man's eyes were bleeding, and he desperately turned his gaze to where his partner was, hoping that the partner who had eliminated the vampire would come to the rescue!

He succeeded. No, no, I am not that his call for help was successful, I am, that he succeeded in seeing his partner. A flame without support will not last long. After losing the support of fuel, the explosive flame disappeared under the night sky.

In front of the black statue with arms spread wide and head raised as if to swallow the sky, his partner cautiously drew out the dagger from his waist.


Black carbon-like objects peeled off the 'statue' like broken eggshells. The vampire's arms were bent, his raised head turned on his neck, and his jaws were open and closed due to howling.

In the darkness, two reds slowly appeared.

Let us thank Kyle Barton, who used his twisted soul to whet the vampire's appetite in the afternoon. He's the reason Zach is alive now.

"You made me scream like a girl." The black substance peeled off as the lips opened and closed, revealing bright red lips and white teeth, "You will be punished."