The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 49: Hi


"Hi! You're back!" The girl in her twenties stood on tiptoes and stretched her arms, trying to reach the rolling door ring above her head. Seeing James walking by, he quickly turned his somewhat disheveled head behind his ears and straightened his tucked-up coat shyly.

"Hi." James nodded, noticed the girl's situation, stepped forward with a smile, and helped her pull down the rolling shutter door: "Are you off work?"

This is nonsense, but please understand that conversations between young men and women who like each other but are embarrassed to speak are all piled up with nonsense.

The two looked at each other awkwardly for a moment in front of the coffee shop that was about to close, and said goodbye to each other.

James tucked the information under his arm and walked toward the back of the coffee shop. There was a three-step staircase between two closed stores. James held on to the guardrail and waved to the girl who looked back. The girl shyly waved back and turned the corner.

With a smile on his face, James stepped onto the stairs and entered the aisle that was almost three people wide.

This is the backstreet of Liszt. Unlike Liszt Street, which is mainly about clothing and boutiques, there are many cafes like the one downstairs of James's house, which provide a temporary resting place for people who are tired from shopping. So when night falls and the stores on Lister Street close one by one, the stores on the back streets also end their business for the day.

If you don’t understand how wealthy James Lance is, perhaps his home in Barton City can give you an intuitive feeling.

James's home is a loft on the third floor. It is not a half-height isolation floor like in ordinary houses, but a duplex apartment with three and four floors connected. Such a 200-square-meter loft is located on Lister Street, the most expensive area in Barton City.

James walked to the innermost side of the aisle, opened the elevator fence that belonged only to him, and pressed the button to go up.

The sound of the chain pulling was heard. James took out the results of this afternoon, opened the lock on the folder, and looked at it seriously.

James shook a few times in the elevator with a clanging vibration. He closed the folder, pushed open the fence, and stood in front of a flashing iron door.

James frowned. His door lock had been picked open, and there was a suspiciously thin gap between the stretch iron door and the eaves.

James pulled out the gun with one hand, backed away from the iron door slightly and went back, using the light in the corridor to look into the small cracks.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement. James maintained a vigilant posture, with his right index finger on the trigger and a folder in his left hand. He avoided the light of the lift tunnel behind him and used the folder to poke into the crack of the door.


James' left hand trembled! The huge momentum coming from his wrist forced him to let go of the folder! He clearly saw a silver conical steel needle piercing his folder!

The sound of the machine spring twisting!

James didn't have time to think too much, he squatted down with his whole body and fell forward!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Continuous penetrating sounds came from above James' body! Several silver two-finger thick steel needles penetrated the iron door, shot out horizontally from the back of James's just lying down, penetrated the elevator tunnel, and stared at the wall on the other side!

James jumped forward and quickly turned his body to face up. His right hand still maintained the shooting posture. The fingers of his left hand hooked the lower eaves of the iron door and pulled the door open with force! With his back rubbing against the ground, he entered the room sideways and pulled the trigger!

Accompanied by the roar of gunshots, the lights of the elevator tunnel instantly occupied the room at the opening of the cave. The body of the Indian holding the broken crossbow rolled sideways, and the blood mist on his left shoulder made his movements a little sluggish. !

It's him? !

James' confusion caused him to lose the advantage he had gained in a thrilling manner!

The silver sword light pulled James out of his daze! Just as James was about to turn the gun, a brown leather boot kicked hard on his wrist! While he was in pain, his gun was kicked away and fell into the gap between the elevator and the floor! James, who was already lying on his back and unable to move, had no time to remedy the situation, and the silver dagger hit his throat directly!

James only had time to protect his neck, and held the opponent's pressing arm tightly with his arms in a cross shape! The blade of the dagger has already pierced James' chin!

The Indian, who was pressing the dagger down with the weight of his entire body, looked ferocious, and the wound on his shoulder was bleeding due to the force of his muscles!

The teeth on James' face were clenched tightly, and the veins on his forehead showed that James had used all his strength to resist the opponent's power! Anthony reminded him that he really wanted to tell the guy who saved his life last night that he was not a shapechanger! However, everything is a lie, and now he is speechless at all!

It’s not that I can’t, it’s that I don’t dare! When a dagger is trying to pierce your throat, no one dares to spare any effort to speak!


James was disappointed to find that this Indian was extremely strong! Even if the other party is injured, if he continues like this, he won't be able to survive when the other party loses too much blood!

James decided to give it a try! He glared hard at the iron door at his feet, and their bodies shifted in an instant! The Indian's body pressing on him was momentarily unbalanced! James' right hand hurriedly reached for the wound on the opponent's right shoulder!


The brief cry of pain and relaxation gave James the opportunity to turn his body sideways. The sharp dagger cut a bloody mark on James' chin that was turned sideways and embedded it deeply into the ground!

James didn't dare to relax any more. The four fingers of his right hand clasped the opponent's left shoulder tightly, and his thumb pressed firmly into the Indian's open wound! Lift your body to the side and exert force on your abdomen. Bend your right leg and hit the opponent's abdomen hard, then kick it away! Temporarily distanced the two of them!

"I'm not… "

James found an opportunity, but this sentence is not finished yet! James watched in surprise as the fingers of the Indian's right hand dug into the ring on the dagger's handle inserted into the ground. Under the dim light, the ring detached from the dagger's handle, and the steel wire glowing with fluorescent light was stuck to the opponent's right hand. The ring buckle was pulled out from the dagger handle held in his left hand!

Then the Indian just pulled the wire and pounced on him again!

James wanted to stand up, but the opponent didn't give him a chance at all. Like a wild beast, he crashed into James, who was still mastering his balance!

James, who was knocked down again, faced an even bigger crisis! The dagger in his left hand and the steel wire between his hands are both deadly weapons! James has been passive and unable to block it!

The wire was wrapped around James' neck! The only thing James could do was to raise his arms to block the rapidly shrinking wire!

James was already in a deadlock. If he blocked the dagger, he would be unable to break free from the shrinking wire. If he breaks away from the wire, he won't be able to protect himself from the dagger that will stab his throat at any time!

James could already feel the steel wire embedded in his skin, and his trachea was oppressed by the tight steel wire and his defensive arms, making him unable to breathe!


After the gunfire, the strong Indian manpower disappeared and his whole body fell towards James! After being relaxed, James coughed violently, pushed away the man pressing him, and looked forward.

Louise held a gun tremblingly and looked at James in horror.

"Hi, hi... you, are you okay, okay?"