The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 53: Cheque


Benjamin's truck felt like it was going upstream. All the luxury cars coming out of Barton's West Side were traveling along the Charles River toward the North Side, but Benjamin was heading toward the West Side. This time, the two of them were not looking for Mrs. Quinn, but Barton.

"Are you dissatisfied with the result?" Benjamin held the steering wheel with one hand and put the other hand on the rolled-down window. The inflow of wind made his fatigue slightly relieved.

"Of course not." Zack shook his head, "In fact, I'm glad you let me do this."

The method of dealing with Kyle was the same as the method of dealing with Porky before, and it was Benjamin who came up with it. While they were acting as escorts to Laura, the two argued over whether to keep Kyle alive.

"Then why do you look so reluctant?" Benjamin tilted his head.

"I'm just a little regretful. Mrs. Barton is very generous. This result is not a happy one. We have lost a lot of Dole." Zach curled his lips and used relaxed teasing to resolve Benjamin's doubts.

There are some things that must be understood about our vampire Zach. If Louise hadn't shown extraordinary vigilance and aroused Zach's curiosity, she would have disappeared from this world; if Benjamin hadn't stopped Zach, James had already transformed in the woods on the border of Barton's South District. Became a mummy; if Benjamin hadn't subdued Zack and used King to disturb Pochi's mind, Pochi would no longer be in this world; if someone hadn't needed to protect Alice, Zach wouldn't have given Jin his blood; if it hadn't been for old Hank After stopping Zach, the hunter who used fire last night would have entered hell in the process of constant blood loss and healing; if Benjamin had not dispelled Zach's idea of replacing Kyle with gold, now 'Kyle' has become 'People' with bulimia…

It all started when Anthony said to the vampire, 'Try it, live like a human in Barton!' '

This kind of life refers to living comfortably in the South District of Grand House, receiving a salary from the city government, and living in isolation from the outside world. However, we all know that this kind of life is gone forever. Therefore, the vampire Zach is groping for a new way to survive. Thanks to the names that appear after 'if', Zach has not yet returned to the state of life before meeting Anthony. What state is that? Please delete the phrase after 'if'.

If you have any fantasies about vampires, please think carefully.

Barton's manor was more luxurious than Quinn's, and Zach and Benjamin were taken to the atrium parlor where Mrs. Barton was, or a pavilion would be more suitable. The complex and gorgeous Roman-style carvings are much more exquisite than the mixture in Anthony's office, but the transparent sky and abundant lighting make Zach very sleepy!

The thick pillars and patterned windows all represent that this is an indoor place. For etiquette, Zach must take off his coat and accessories (sunglasses, hat). The helpless vampire had to ask Mrs. Barton's maid to prepare strong coffee to stay awake. .

"When Kyle came back yesterday, his expression was very bad." Mrs. Barton looked at Zach's caffeine-addicted look and didn't care: "You guys acted quickly, have you solved it?"

It was still Zack who was having the conversation, and the vampire put down the cup with nostalgia, "I can barely do that."

Mrs. Barton stopped fidgeting with the tea cup and half-closed her eyelids. "Don't play word games with me. I'm not Quinn. I'm not interested in talking in riddles."

Zach frowned, glanced at Benjamin, and with an affirmative signal, stood up and straightened his clothes that were wrinkled after sitting down: "Mrs. Barton, we have solved the problem that troubled Kyle. But the problem Not in this matter, but in Kyle’s heart, if Mrs. Barton’s family doesn’t take some measures, something like this will happen again.”

Mrs. Barton's half-lidded eyelids were fully opened and she looked at Zach who was standing, "Are you giving birth again? What you mean by this solemnity is that if there is a second time, the Grand House will no longer accept my commission. ?"

"Yes." Zach bowed and saluted, "You can think so."

Mrs. Barton lowered her gaze and looked at the celadon tea cup in front of the table. There were a few more wrinkles on her already wrinkled forehead.

"Now, I have changed my mind, and I want to know the process. What did Kyle see?" Mrs. Barton's eyes returned to Zach's face again, and she paused, "Or, what did Kyle do."

Zach shook his head, "We have completed Mrs. Barton's commission, so Kyle did not see or do anything. If Mrs. Barton wants to know more, I suggest that Mrs. Barton can check Kyle's belongings. Find out what Kyle is thinking." Zach looked directly into Mrs. Barton's eyes: "This is a matter within Barton's family, and it is not something we Grande should touch."

A strange look flashed in Mrs. Barton's eyes. After a moment, she hummed softly and waved her hand to her side. The middle-aged man who looked like a butler handed over the checkbook. The sound of the metal pen tip rubbing against the paper was heard. Mrs. Barton tore off the check and the butler handed it to Zach, who was still standing.

Looking at the numbers on the check, Zach decided to take back what he had said to Benjamin before, 'They've lost a lot of money.'

"You are very good." Mrs. Barton stood up with the help of the nurse, "I accept your suggestion, you can go."

Zach and Benjamin, led by the maid, returned the same way. But this journey is not short, with marble reliefs, polished cobblestone corridors, potted plants carefully trimmed into various shapes, famous paintings from centuries ago...

This is the home of the founder of Barton, the old woman who casually handed out a check for half a million dollars. Zach was more careful about his words and actions than he had been with Mrs. Quinn, and now it seems that the best results were achieved.

Zach, who returned to the van, smiled and handed the check to Benjamin: "Thank you again."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows slightly, and he happily accepted the credit. But then, when he saw the amount on the check, he frowned and handed it back, "It's too much, we can't just exchange it casually."

Hey, what a realistic idea. A werewolf can think more like a human than a vampire can.

Zach was stunned, thinking while Benjamin was moving the truck, yes, there are too many, and so was Mrs. Quinn's two hundred thousand check that was placed in the drawer. How should such unexplained income be explained

"What if, if we succeed, Mrs. Barton reserves a high-standard cemetery? How about this?" Zach asked Benjamin, who had already started to change gears.

"That's all." Benjamin shrugged, and the truck drove away from Barton Manor.

At this time, in Barton South District, in the half-decorated 'mill', Madison looked in the mirror, frowning, and his head began to change color again! As always, this 'ordinary human being', well, it's me, has no idea whether the changed future is good or bad.