The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 54: Patton's shame


Over the weekend, vampire Zach closed the Grand House, postponed all appointments, deliberately left the next three days empty, and pushed all matters to three days later. Because the night of the full moon was approaching, the entire Grand House was shrouded in an anxious atmosphere.

This anxiety comes from Benjamin. One day ago, when he encountered a hunter's surprise attack, his wolfish nature came out because he thought Zach was dead, making him more sad than before in the past three days.

After eating this morning, Zach decided to advance his diet plan by half a day so as not to provoke Benjamin's wolf nature. In order to reduce the craving for food, our vampire lies in the basement 'sleeping' like a real dead person.

Benjamin's nose twitched as he sat on the round floor of the Grand House warehouse. He frowned and changed his position under the cover of the water tank. As the full moon night approached, the werewolf's senses were increasing sharply, and he discovered his first 'guest'.

Laura Barton's eyes were red, and she ignored the 'out of business' sign placed in front of the porch of the Grand House, and kept tapping the green and ink door.

"Closed today!" The door was opened a crack, Old Hank's voice was like a bell, and he stared at the startled girl with his wrinkled face, "Can't you see the sign?"

Laura turned her head blankly and saw the 'out of business' sign. Her red eyes were even more aggrieved: "I, I'm looking for Alice. Is Alice here?"

Old Hank snorted heavily and got out of the way. After Laura entered, he went out and placed the out-of-business sign in the middle of the front porch, and then closed the door again...

Alice looked more haggard and anxious than usual today, and the Great Dane followed her closely to the coffin display area of the Grand House. She was not too surprised by Laura's visit. Looking at Laura's red eyes, she probably guessed what happened.

"Laura, why are you here?" The banshee didn't need to act. She had just been attacked and at this moment when the full moon was approaching, her anxious expression was natural.

Laura hugged the banshee: "I ran away from home! Oh..."

Alice patted Laura on the back, not knowing how to comfort her, "What happened?"

Laura held the banshee for a while and ejaculated, now she was going to share the frustrations she had encountered in her own life? of course not!

"Is Benjamin here?" Laura asked through sobs.

Yes, the minds of girls are so magical. When they are wronged, they would rather have the person they like when they talk to them, so that they can arouse the other person's sympathy...

There was a trace of panic in Alice's eyes and she lied: "Benjamin is not here."

Laura was a little disappointed, but he quickly threw away the disappointment and took Alice's hands: "Can I stay with you for a while? I don't want to go home."

Alice forced a smile: "Well, let's go to Benjamin's warehouse."

Laura's tear-stained face showed a smile and nodded.

The two held hands and walked into the Grand House. Old Hank silently wiped his work (coffin), and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad in his old eyes.

After obtaining Laura's consent, Louise first called Barton Manor in Zach's office to at least let Laura's family know where Laura was who suddenly 'ran away', so that they could rest assured. .

In the circle of the warehouse, Benjamin leaned against the water tank with his back, and the werewolf's unusually thick hair floated in the spring breeze. Benjamin could even hear the sound of air swirling on his raised head, so now under the circle, he could clearly hear the conversation between the two girls.

"Kyle." Laura's mood seemed to be occupied by grievance again: "They want to send Kyle to St. John's Middle School!"

"St. John's High School?" Alice had not heard of this school, but she knew that 'John' was a figure in the Holy Bishop, the largest religious faith in the Federation. He was one of the disciples of the Holy Son and was famous for his 'redemption'.

"In the western part of the Federation! It's a religious boarding school! Kyle can only come back once a year!" Laura rubbed her hands on her eyes. No matter how good the makeup was, she couldn't resist such violent treatment.

Alice reluctantly took some wet cotton and wiped off Laura's eyeliner. Alice didn't know what a boarding school was, but from hearing this, she almost guessed that it was a place that deprived people of their freedom. This should be the result that Benjamin and Zach wanted. Alice thought about it and comforted: "Kyle is a senior, it only takes one year, don't worry."

"How can you not worry!" Laura was a little angry, sitting cross-legged on Benjamin's bed, waving her fists excitedly: "It's a completely closed school there, with ten thousand rules to abide by! You can't go out at will! Ten thousand What if Kyle becomes the kind of person who only says, 'May the Son of God bless you'!"

Alice relaxed slightly, her friend always seemed to have a strange perspective on things. Ordinary people would probably just think that this is a reform school that specializes in controlling bad boys.

"Don't worry, it's just right. Kyle can hide outside for a while. Maybe when he comes back, your father Mr. Barton won't force him to study law."

Laura took out the mirror from her bag, looked at the corners of her eyes that had been wiped clean, and became depressed again, "There's no need to worry anymore. Father won't let Kyle study law."

"Why?" This is really curious. After all, law is the most direct way to get into politics and inherit the surname "Barton".

Laura's eyes became a little confused, and it seemed that she didn't know why. "Yesterday." Laura looked at Alice and said, "Grandma and father were very angry with Kyle. It seems that they were in Kyle." A notebook found in my backpack."

Alice tried not to show that she knew.

"They were arguing until midnight, and I heard them arguing about, 'Did you do what's written on this?' and stuff like that. Kyle, he wished he did, and he would do it if he had the chance. It seemed like with Connor, in The construction of Becky Street was also related to seat belts." Laura shook her head. It seemed that she didn't overhear much. "Later, my grandmother burned the notes and my father grounded Kyle. I want to ask Kyle what happened. Something happened, but Kyle locked the door and ignored me."

The 'loopholes' deliberately left by vampires are strangely connected to real memories.

Kyle resisted Connor's provocation and did not accidentally kill Connor. However, his performance on the field made him lose the possibility of pursuing a career as a professional football player, and he could only succumb to the arrangement with his father.

Therefore, he had resentment towards Connor. Under the accumulation of unwillingness, he kept replaying Connor's provocation in his mind. His brain gave him a warning that if he had not resisted the provocation at that time, he would have killed Connor by mistake. Finally, a plan to escape completely! He wrote this plan in his notebook. After a week of observing Connor, Kyle decided to implement the plan that was originally carried out a week ago...

Did Zach's Charming Eyes really leave a loophole? No, this loophole is only for Mrs. Barton’s commission, Zach did not completely bury Kyle’s sin! The vampire disrupted the order of events, reconstructed falsehood and reality into new memories, and threw the 'sin' back to Kyle, letting the Barton family handle it on their own!

There was sadness on Laura's face: "I overheard the conversation between my grandmother and my father again. They would never allow Kyle to go into trouble with the law. 'Barton's shame', Grandma is like this."

Alice lowered her head and patted Laura on the shoulder.