The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 6: early morning


The morning sun shines through the trees, dispelling the chill accumulated all night. It looks like it will be a sunny day. But our vampire is leaning against a tree, standing in a backlit place, with a coat, a hat, sunglasses, and gloves. There is a linen wrap around his feet, and the collar of his jacket is exposed at the top. Zach came to deliver clothes to Benjamin.

Benjamin is a guy with a split wolf personality, which means that underneath his strong, thick, and reliable appearance, his wolf body is extremely destructive. So no matter how secretly Benjamin hid his clothes before his transformation, his wolf body would always find them and tear them to pieces.

Once, I myself, an 'ordinary weak' human being, saw this guy roaring in front of the mirror the day before the full moon: "No matter what you did, I will come back!" Then he smashed it with human fists A mirror that reflected a dark brown, wolf-like creature.

It’s really hard to imagine how the vampire Zach and this werewolf became friends. Generally speaking, I prefer warm and fluffy things, but after realizing the destructive nature of Mr. Benjamin’s split personality, I reluctantly shifted my preference to cold and smooth things ( Wait, Zach has a head and eyebrows, but the rest is...) The living dead - Mr. Zach.

As it turns out, I made a good choice. Mr. Zach, as Sister Louise said, is a gentleman. In order for the werewolf Benjamin to complete the forced transformation once a month with a stable mood, he started a two-day diet plan once a month. For werewolves, the senses before transformation will be extremely sensitive, so the rotten smell on the vampire will become the psychological pressure of the werewolf - the pressure of not being able to resist taking a bite...

There were footsteps, and Zack was leaning against a tree trunk, smoking.

A voice in the distance came along with the footsteps: "I can smell your scent, you are in the 'Light'."

Zach turned his head and lifted the package at his feet, but did not step forward. He really didn't want to step out of the shadows, the sunlight would make him sleepy.

"I met an interesting woman last night." Zach explained that 'light' does not mean literally, but the werewolf is using a euphemism to tell his vampire friends that you smell bad!

Benjamin was getting closer and closer, pressing his nose with one hand. This sensitive sense of smell would last all morning, but even if he couldn't help but bite Zach now, Zach wouldn't die.

Let me explain. In the three days before the full moon, the werewolf's strength, speed, and senses will gradually increase. After passing through the vampire and turning into a wolf, the werewolf's claws and teeth are things that can make the vampire fatal. During this period, Benjamin, as the former alpha wolf of the wolf pack, could freely transform into a wolf body. As long as he wanted, he could appear completely as a wolf during these three days.

However, for the sake of everyone's safety, Benjamin suppressed his desire and dragged the transformation to the forced transformation on the full moon night. Of course, Zach's diet was also for the sake of his own life safety. He did not think that he was tempted by Benjamin's wolfish nature or that blood was tempting him. Just why the diet is only for two days, because after three days of dieting, Benjamin, who has completed the forced transformation, is not a threat, but hungry Zach will become a threat.

"This is just right, I need your blood." Benjamin's naked, hairy body was covered with mud and dead branches and leaves. It seemed that yesterday's rain had added to the burden of the werewolf's cleaning work later.

Well, the important thing was not on Benjamin's body, but on his shoulders. He was carrying a man, an unconscious man with tattered clothes.

Benjamin put the person down on his shoulders, took the towel Zach took out of the package, and began to wipe his body.

"Who is this?" Zach squatted down, took off his sunglasses, and stared at the man lying on the ground. His eyes were closed tightly. The clothes on his body were torn everywhere, and there were dark red lines on the exposed skin. scars. Zach lowered his head and approached the man, taking a deep breath: "He is dying."

The white coarse cloth towel was already covered with mud. Benjamin crumpled the towel into a ball and put it aside. He took out the shorts from the package and lifted one leg to put them on: "I know, so I need your blood."

Zach looked at the man in front of him. The blood he had just added was about to be given out. This was not in line with his style: "Who is this?" the vampire asked again, pushing aside the man's clothes with gloved fingers and looking at the torn pieces. At first he thought this was the work of a werewolf. There would be another werewolf in the Grande Funeral Home in the future. But now it seems that these wounds are not new, at least five or six days old.

Benjamin speeded up very quickly and was already tying his shoes. "I don't know. When I found him, he was lying next to me. I have vague memories. He had been spying on me last night, but my wolf body seemed to be interested in him." Not interested."

Zach's eyebrows were raised. Werewolves and vampires both had strict standards for selecting 'descendants'. If a man who wanted to die wanted to become a vampire, Zach would not care. The only reason Benjamin would bring him back was because the burly, furry man was overflowing with compassion.

Zach noticed something interesting. He opened the man's tattered coat. It was a formal suit. In the inner pocket, Zach saw a logo, which was the trademark 'Kozier'.

"Huh?" The vampire stood up, walked to the side of the man's head, turned his head away, and opened the collar of his formal shirt. There was still a 'Cozier' sign.

Benjamin had already finished changing his clothes. He wore thick brown leather boots, camouflage (or was it dirty?) trousers that were stuffed into the boots. He wore a linen long-sleeved jacket and a thick jacket that covered half of his face. There is still some dirt on it. He looks exactly like a tall, strong worker. He is honest and suits him well.

"What did you find?" Benjamin asked speechlessly when he saw Zach unbuttoning the man's pants.

Zach raised his head. He had already turned the man's body sideways and pointed at the logo on the man's underwear and clothes: "Did you see it? These are custom-made clothes by 'Kozier', the most famous designer in the western part of the Federation."

Benjamin looked at the man again. Although this guy was barefoot now, there was no need to think about it. If his shoes were still there, they would probably be custom-made by Cozier or something. The werewolf didn't know much about this, you could guess it just by looking at his costume.

Likewise, seeing that our vampire Zach is fully armed and dressed in formal clothes even when he comes to such a dirty forest, you can guess that vampires know this very well.

"Then here's the question." Zach said with a smile in his eyes: "How did such a man wearing more than 20,000 dollars end up in such an embarrassing end?"

"I guess we can just ask." Benjamin shrugged.

Zach no longer stingy with his blood, took off the glove on his left hand, opened the sleeve, and the two sharp teeth on his upper jaw pierced the skin on his wrist. Zach held up the man's head with his right hand, and the bloody wound on his left wrist was pressed against the man's lips.