The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 62: Purpose


Mr. Herman, who proposed the commission again, did not leave Zach outside casually, but returned to the warehouse area at the end of the comb on Becky Street. Zach got out of the car and stretched his somewhat numb back. Although Mr. Herman's limousine is very comfortable, not all the mirrors are the same as the painted Benjamin's van. Zach's sitting position and even movements must be very careful...

When we returned to Warehouse No. 1, the yellow and white police tape still blocked the scene, but most of the police had withdrawn. James and Detective Coulson were having a conversation outside the warehouse. No, they were arguing. No, it was Detective Coulson unilaterally 'teaching' James a lesson!

Zach was in a good mood, because it wouldn't be long before Raven's appearance would be determined, and James, who had a close relationship with the hunter, was already inseparable. It is better to take the initiative to clarify something than to be discovered passively.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Coulson waved his arms excitedly: "Do you know how dangerous this is! It's a murderer group! And you should have told me earlier! I am your partner!..."

Zach listened to Coulson's words from a distance and got into the truck. Zach could probably guess what excuse James used to get rid of his suspicion. At this point, Zach's goal has been achieved, forcing James to face his guilt, constantly moving closer to the values that vampires hope for, and letting the hunter bear the name of a sinner!

Zach drove Benjamin's truck toward Back Bay, where Fenway Park is located. The north of Back Bay is close to the Charles River that connects the North and West Sides of Barton. From the back bay, it goes south, away from the area where the middle class of Barton lives. There is a tributary of the Charles River extending from the city of Newton in the south direction. It is called the Passing River, which means the river of people passing by. It was named after the city of Barton was just established. It entered the city of Barton from the city of Newton at that time. One of the roads in the slightly more prosperous North District of the city.

Because the city of Barton was just a deserted land, no one stayed. There is such a passing name.

The Paisying District on both sides of the Paisying River is at the junction of the North District and the South District, with the west close to the boundary of Newton City. Such a location has made its development unsatisfactory. There are indeed a large number of low-income people living here. income household.

Hayate's home is here.

What Zach told Mr. Herman was not entirely true. At least hunters are not a group that will reveal their whereabouts at will. The vampire initially thought that it would take time to find Connor's body and that a salvage team would be needed. Unexpectedly, Connor was left in the warehouse like discarded waste.

Zach could only think that it was Connor's parents who took action. They were unwilling to let their son's body disappear into the world without a trace twice, and no one cared about it. They were the ones who allowed Connor to appear there. , let people show up. So now Zach decided to visit these two Indians.

The houses in Paisley are all single-family buildings, but they are obviously different from the residential areas in Back Bay (Sister Cologne) and Knoll Beach (David). There are neglected fences, broken and peeling paint, and random parking on the road. A truck with sides covered in dust…

Zach parked the van and walked along the road between the houses, the flickering streetlights making the vampire's shadow dance back and forth on the ground. Although most front porch mailboxes are covered in rust from the sun and rain, it's not easy to identify them. But it was not difficult to find Hayate's home. The vampire stretched out a finger, crossed the crooked front yard fence, and walked forward.


When the vampire's fingers crossed the fence in front of a house, they burned without warning. The gray ash peeled off from the vampire's fingers and dissipated into the air in the red firelight.

The vampire stopped in front of the house, withdrew his fingers and knocked on the doorbell on the fence. The burnt-blackened fingers returned to whiteness visibly to the naked eye. The vampire took out a square metal bottle from his coat pocket, unscrewed the lid, and took a sip.

Lights came on in the gray-white painted house, and footsteps crossed the porch and entered the vampire's ears. Zach put away his 'bottle' and waited quietly.

The door to the front porch was opened a crack, and a man in his fifties had a deeper profile than the average federal man, with gray streaks on his thick straight eyebrows. His eyelids were drooped, and there were deep blue circles under his eyes.

Across the three-meter-long front yard overgrown with weeds, the man's voice was low: "Who are you looking for?"

Zach was speechless, and his light green eyes instantly turned bright red and then faded away.

The man's eyelids were completely raised, but he didn't seem to be surprised at all, "I won't invite you in, what do you want."

"Cordenet Galloping Wind." (Coordinator Netator Galloping Wind) Zach looked at the man and took out a piece of oil paper from the inside of his coat: "For the person who saved Ryan, even the qualifications to be invited to enter There's none?"

Corden (for short) stared at the oil paper on the vampire's hand, and a woman's voice came from the room behind him: "Let him in."

The man sighed, turned his head, waved to the vampire, left the front door open and turned around to enter the house.

Zach pushed open the unlocked fence, stepped into the front yard, and closed the door after entering Hayate's home.

The house is much warmer than it looks from the outside, but there are various photos placed on the decorative fireplace, including photos of Ryan wearing a rugby jacket and his family. In front of the sofa covered with a woven blanket, the woman served steaming tea on the wooden coffee table.

"Don't worry, poisoning you won't do me any good." The woman who had an acquaintance with Laura in the Fenway Park players' lounge looked at the vampire staring at the tea with a cold expression.

Sibella Gale (spell caster spe11 Galloping Wind) pulled the shawl around her shoulders and sat opposite Zach with her husband.

"Has Ryan been found?" Sibella asked, staring at her fingers that were turning white from exertion.

"Found it." Zach was not going to touch the tea in front of him, "Besides, Ravenqi's identity will be revealed soon. I think you two know the reason why I am here."

"We don't know where he is." Corden's raised eyebrows squeezed four or five wrinkles on his forehead: "What do you want to do?"

Zach's lips curled up, "They attacked our Grand House. What do you want me to do?"

"You won't!" Corden stared at the vampire: "You won't touch my son!"

Zach looked at the man with some pity, and then at the family photo on the fireplace beside him: "Your son? I didn't see his photo. Is Ravenci a vampire like me?"

Zach's taunt made the man opposite him angry. He slapped the wooden coffee table with his generous palm. The light cyan tea swayed in the cup and splashed out of the cup. A faint white mist floated between the two of them.

"That's enough!" Sibella tightened her shawl: "We don't know where he is! This is a fact. Don't test us if you want to do anything. We are not going to show off in Barton like you!"

Zach's eyes fell back to the woman, he thought for a while, stood up, and bowed slightly to the two of them, "The Grand House will take good care of Ryan. Things have changed. You opened the door to me, and we will welcome you." You two can come visit Grande anytime.”

Did the vampire get the permission of the two of them to deal with Ravenqi according to his own ideas? No, he did not. But he got the other party's permission to ignore all this, and the vampire's goal was achieved again.