The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 65: A decent funeral


James watched as several people rushed past his car and surrounded the vampire. Old Hank directed a few people to lay Zach down flat. He didn't use a real scalpel, just a carpenter's knife usually used for carving, and began to scratch the vampire's body.

Sizzling sounds continued to come out of the vampire's body, and old Hank picked out the silver shrapnel, screws, fragments, and nails.

There were red patches in Zach's eyes. As the foreign object embedded in his body was removed, Zach's eyes began to return to amber-like light green.

"Thank you, thank you." Zach tried to curl his mouth, but Old Hank held his face with his rough palm. The vampire could feel Old Hank's carpenter's knife scratching his neck, and something was taken out.

"No need to thank me!" Old Hank's voice was always loud and bored, "Thanks to that beautiful woman!"

Zach's eyes turned and found Louise squatting next to him. His face was pressed, but he couldn't say anything.

Louise held gauze in her hand, and Alice, the banshee, held a thin needle in her hand and used cotton thread to suture Zach's wound. The silverware will block the vampire's ability to recover, and if it can't stop the hole in the vampire's body that keeps bleeding, Zach can really rest in peace.

Louise's face is a little pale. Can't tell whether it's worry, fear, or anger? Under Alice's guidance, she used gauze to hold down the sutured wound. Alice, on the other hand, had a face full of worry, and the hand holding the needle was trembling. Fortunately, Zach is a quiet patient and does not blame Banshee for often sewing wrongly...

"Haha, haha..." Breathy laughter came from under the overturned old car. Rui Wenqi tried hard to move his body, trying to free his oppressed respiratory system, but he failed.

There is one thing you must know about old cars. Compared with today's popular cars, old-fashioned cars are more similar to today's Jeeps. The cars are usually not metal, but simple linen canopies. This is the only reason why Ravenchi is still alive.

"What the hell did I see?!" Rui Wenqi coughed, but his chest was completely suppressed, and only his neck and head were twitching on the ground, showing how uncomfortable he was at this time, "A group of people, Save a bloody vampire!"

Jin left Zach's side, and he couldn't help much in front of the wounds full of silverware. Jin tore off a piece of gauze, crumpled it into a ball, and stuffed it into Ravenqi's mouth.

"One is dead." Jin, who acted with James' appearance and voice, looked at the three people who were crushed under the car. "There is another one who fainted. This one." Jin pointed at Rui who was gagged. Wen Qi: "It's very noisy."

James pushed aside the scattered glass shards on his back and got out of his car with difficulty. Old Hank glanced at James with a fierce look and threw out three bullets. Among the shrapnel from the hunter's homemade grenade, these somewhat deformed conical bullets were obviously shot by James.

Zach breathed a sigh of relief. He was prepared for the hunter's attack and protected his chest and important blood vessels. But he was not prepared at all for James' shooting. The bullet was buried deep in his internal organs, blocking the blood flow. Once it was taken out, Zach suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Old Hank checked the wounds on Zach's body again, and after confirming that nothing was missing, he took back the knife, took out a metal square wine bottle from his waist, threw it to Zach, and snorted: "Madison, Alice , beautiful woman! Let’s go back!”

The vampire sat up and motioned to the heads with different expressions beside him. A moment later, the sound of a moving car was heard. Louise held Alice's trembling shoulders, got into Madison's car, and slowly turned around, leaving Jin behind.

James half-opened his mouth. Things happened so fast. If Jin, who looked exactly like him, wasn't still standing there, James would have wondered if all this was a dream!

This dream started when the hunter threw the grenade, and the hunter's impression in the detective's mind was closer to that of a criminal.

"Substitute, Jin." Zack drank the blood sent by Old Hank. His own had been penetrated by the explosion, and not a drop was left.

"What! What are you doing!" This is how James's other dream began. Kim pushed James on the hood of the car with an expressionless face and started to take off James' clothes!

James' right arm was twisted weirdly from shoulder to wrist, and he was unable to resist the shapechanger. After a moment, he lay on the ground in a panic, watching Jin change into his clothes!

"Don't look at me like that, Detective Lance." Zach looked calmly at James, who was staring at him.

Of course James glared at the vampire! Jin who took off his clothes just accepted this guy's order!

"I changed my mind." Zach picked up James and roughly pressed his dislocated shoulder. With a click and James' scream, his shoulder was pushed back to its original position, and then his hand Elbow, wrist, "I won't kill them, but I still have a promise to Mr. Herman." The vampire glanced at the hunter under the car, pulled James into Benjamin's truck, and said to Jin After a few brief explanations, he left and returned to the Grand House.

Do you know why the vampire's decision suddenly changed? The old Hank who made a vow because of the vampire, Alice who needs to be taken care of, the werewolf Benjamin who still retains a trace of reason even though he has turned into a wolf, and Louise who doesn't know if he is angry or worried. They all came for the vampires, and this was no longer Zach's alone.

Two hours later, Grand House, Zach's office.

Zach answered the phone and held the receiver sideways in the air so that James, whose arm was bandaged, could hear Mr. Herman's voice.

"They found the murderer." The voice on the other side of the receiver was not excited, but filled with sadness. A woman's cry could be heard in the receiver, which should be Mrs. Herman.

"When they find them, one will be dead and two will be injured." There was a hint of anger in Mr. Herman's voice: "You, you will let them die!"

Zach squinted his eyes slightly, with an unknown smile on his lips, looked at the pale James, and said into the microphone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Herman, the detective named James Lance is following too much." It's tight. What can I do, that's a responsible detective. Mr. Herman should be lucky that there is such a detective in Barton City."

James turned his head sideways and turned even paler.

"I don't care! I want them to pay with their blood!"

"Well, I think Mr. Herman has the ability to put them on the death rack. Maybe it's better this way. Isn't it?" Zach stopped stimulating James' heart and put the receiver back to his ear, calmly.

There was silence on the other side of the receiver, only the sound of suppressed breathing. After a moment, Herman's voice reappeared: "You are right! I will confirm this!" After a slight pause, "I will send your check."

"Wait a moment, Mr. Herman." Zach stopped Herman who was about to hang up: "Connor, you need a decent funeral, right?"

The oppressive, choked breathing silence, with the crying of a middle-aged woman as the background, is extremely heartbreaking.

"You're right, my Connor needs a proper funeral..."

Zach put down the phone and looked back at James, who deliberately turned his head away from himself: "After everything you have done, while you are recovering from your injuries, do you think it's okay to at least prepare a funeral for Connor?"

James' chin was trembling, and he didn't know what he was thinking between his frowning brows.

Zach lowered his eyes, stood up with his head, left the desk, and walked towards the side door.

"Wait a minute!" James turned sideways and stared at Zach, who had opened the side door to reveal Louise waiting outside. "Who is the real murderer! Connor's murderer! Before the Earthbinder!"

"Ryan." Zach turned his head and looked at James calmly: "His name is Ryan, you should call him by his name. If you want to know the complete story, you should ask him."

The football jacket gathered before James' eyes and Zach closed the door.